African Studies Research Papers/Topics

Usawiri Wa Ufungwa Katika Riwaya Za Kiswahili: Mifano Kutoka Katika Riwaya Za Umleavyo Na Haini

SHUKURANI Shukurani zangu ninawapa wafuatao nikiwataja kwa makundi: Kwanza, Mwenyezi Mungu Mtukufu, kwa kunijaalia afya njema, maarifa, busara na hekima ambavyo nilivitumia kama nyenzo kubwa tangu kuanza hadi kumalizika kwa utafiti huu. Pili, kwa mama na baba yangu, kwa malezi yao bora waliyonipatia. Pia mume wangu, Bw. Salum Mohamed Gumukah, na watoto wetu kwa ushirikiano mkubwa waliouonesha katika kuhakikisha kazi hii inafanikiwa. Salum, uwe mume wangu milele! Tatu, ninatoa shukurani zangu...

Usemezano Katika Riwaya Ya Kiswahili

SHUKRANI Shukrani jazila nazitakadamisha kwa Mwenyezi Mungu Raufu, imetimia tasnifu! Yeye ndiye wa kushukuriwa zaidi, amenipitisha salama katika tesi za ulimwengu katika kipindi chote cha masomo ya darasani na wakati wa uandishi wa tasnifu hii. Ama kwa hakika kidole kimoja hakivunji chawa, wala figa moja haliinjiki chungu, na mkono mmoja hauchinji ng‟ombe, walipata kusema wahenga. Kamwe siwezi kujidai kuwa yote nilofanya ili kazi hii itimie nimeyafanya kwa urazini ama ujanja wangu tu, ila ...

Huzuni Katika Nyimbo Za Taarab Za Waimbaji Bi Fatma Issa Na Shakila Said

SHUKURANI Kwanza kabisa, napenda kumshukuru Mwenyezi Mungu mwingi wa rehema kwa kunijaalia uzima na afya njema katika kipindi chote cha kukamilisha utafiti huu. Pili, ninamshukuru msimamizi wa utafiti huu, Dkt Muhammed Seif Khatib ambaye alikuwa mwongozaji wa kazi hii na alifanya juhudi kubwa kuhakikisha kuwa utafiti huu unamalizika katika hali ya ubora zaidi. Mwenyezi Mungu amlipe ujira mwema, Amina. Aidha, nawashukuru walimu wangu wote walionifundisha kozi za Fasihi ya Kiswahili ambao kwa ...

Mdhihiriko Wa Mwendo Katika Ushairi Wa Kiswahili: Mifano Kutoka Katika Diwani Za Wasakatonge Na Kimbunga

SHUKURANI  Kwanza ninamshukuru Mwenyezi Mungu kwa kunijaalia uzima wa afya katika kipindi chote cha masomo yangu hadi kuikamilisha tasinifu hii katika muda uliopangwa. Pia ninawashukuru wale wote walioshirikiana na mimi mwanzo hadi mwisho wa tasinifu hii. Kwa uchache ninapenda kuwapa shukurani zangu za dhati kwa kuwataja hawa wafuatao; Kwanza, ninapenda kumshukuru msimamizi wangu, Dkt. Zuhura A. Badru, ambaye alijikubalisha kuniongoza licha ya majukumu mengi ya kiofisi na kifamilia yaliyomka...

Falsafa Ya Kiafrika Katika Vitabu Teulevyafasihi Ya Kiswahili: Dunia Uwanja Wa Fujo Na Ngoma Ya Ng’wanamalundi

SHUKURANI  Kwanza, namshukuru sana Mungu kwa ajili ya ukuu na uweza wake ambao nimeuona katika kipindi chote cha maisha yangu; hususani katika kipindi cha kuandika tasnifu hii, ambapo nimekutana na changamoto nyingi, lakini kwa upendo wa Mungu niliweza kusonga mbele. Pili, kwa namna ya pekee namshukuru sana msimamizi wangu, Prof. J.S. Madumulla. Ameniongoza vizuri na kuniimarisha sana katika uandishi wa tasnifu. Ustahimilivu, mwongozo na upendo aliouonyesha kwangu ni mkubwa. Namwomba Mungu a...

Ethical Oversight of Multinational Collaborative Research: Lessons from Africa for Building Capacity And for Policy

ABSTRACT Researchers and others involved in the research enterprise from 12 African countries met with those working in ethics and oversight in the United States as part of an effort to develop research ethics capacity. Drawing on a wealth of experience among participants, discussions at the meeting revealed five categories of issues that, warrant careful attention by those engaged in similar efforts as well as international policy makers and those charged with oversight of research.(1) Princ...

Matumizi Ya Tasfida Za Kujamiiana Na Usawiri Wa Jinsia Katika Kipindi Cha Connect Cha Runinga Ya K24, Kenya

Sexuality in the African society is a serious and an embarrassing issue and it is not supposed to be discussed in the open. It is a taboo to utter taboed words or the act of sex. Euphemisms play a great role in the way people view issues and the way they construct reality in their mind. They help to reduce the impact of the taboed words that we use. Euphemisms are mostly used and are of different types. Connect is a program that uses different types of euphemisms, but we do not know the ...

Diagnosis And Treatment Of Àmódi In Ifá Divination Among The Yoruba Of South Western Nigeria

ABSTRACT Diagnosis in Ifá therapeutic practice makes a distinction between àìsàn ara(physical disease) - conditions that are diagnosable and treatable, and àmódi (somatoform disorders) - conditions that are not diagnosable and treatable using Western medicine. Studies in Ifá therapeutic practice have placed emphasis on àìsàn ara, while the diagnosis and treatment of àmódi have not been adequately addressed. This study, therefore, examines how àmódi is diagnosed and treated in Y...

Africa and the Literature of Unfreedom

INTRODUCTION When I grow up I’d like to be a dog... (A little girl in a Warsaw Ghetto) The muse as endangered specie In their book, Extreme Situations. ■.. David Craig and Michael Egan write, detailing the behavior of literature in the interwar years: “In the ghetto in Warsaw in 1914, Ludwik Hirszfeld asked a little girl, ‘What would you like to be.’ She answered, ‘A dog, because the sentries like dogs’.” Literature continues to recount and transform experiences, such as has...

Traditional House Painting, Architecture, Decorative Motifs and their Cosmological Underpinnings: The case of ward 17 Matobo District.

ABSTRACT The study focuses on the shapes of buildings, decorative motifs and their cosmological underpinnings. The symbols are so engrained into a people‟s culture that when people see these symbols they do not get the messages infused on the symbols. The thrust of this study is to unpack the cosmogonies, worldview and philosophy of life embedded on the designs and decorative motifs executed on houses in Matobo district. The study is qualitative and relied on interviews, observations and pi...

Prospects And Challenges Of Cross Cultural Counseling In Tertiary Institutions. The Case Of The Midlands State University Student Affairs Division

Abstract This study is in the field of culture and counseling studies. The main focus of the study is on the prospects and challenges of cross cultural counseling at tertiary learning institutions. The research was informed by the culture relativism theory. The research was given impetus by the cultural diversity at the Midlands State University and how it causes challenges to counseling. The researcher discovered that there are challenges that are associated with cross cultural counseling in...

The Challenges and Possibilities in the Formulation and Implementation of a National Culture Policy for Zimbabwe: A Review of the 2007 Culture Policy Document.

Abstract The study is given impetus by the idea that there are conflicting statements surrounding the formulation and implementation of the 2007 National Culture Policy of Zimbabwe. The study reviews the 2007 National Culture Policy of Zimbabwe document, inorder to expose the challenges in the formulation and implementation of the policy so as to map the way forward. The study is guided by the by Neo Marxist Critique theory of hegemony and ideology. The theories are important in this study b...

‘What A Peaceful Campaign!’ The Peace Discourse As Zanu-Pf’s Legitimacy Seeking Tool In The July 2013 Election

ABSTRACT State-sponsored electoral violence targeting opposition political party supporters prior to and in the aftermath of elections remains a recurring phenomenon in post-independence Zimbabwe. Significant literature shows that the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) party are the main engineers and beneficiaries of this culture of electoral violence. Much scholarly work has focused on the violent side of Zimbabwe’s electoral contests. This paper, however, f...

Shangwe Chieftainship: Succession Disputes In The Nemangwe Chiefdom And The Quest For Legitimacy Cc 19th – 21st.

ABSTRACT The Shangwe under Chireya were not the first to settle on the Mufungabutsi plateau. The original Shangwe on the Mapfungabutsi plateau were the Karanga under Nyamusasa, Mubvuma,Mufunga, Mupare and Manyowi. According to oral traditions Nyamusasa was the paramount ruler while Mubvuma, Mufunga, Mupare and Manyowi were his sub rulers. These were the first to adopt the term Shangwe. Chireya and his people established themselves on the Mapfungabusi Plateau after conquering the local inhabit...

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