African Studies Research Papers/Topics

An Analysis of Vote Selling And its Impact on Voting Behavior in The Ashaiman Constituency

ABSTRACT The thrust of this study was to analyze vote selling and its impact on voting behaviour in the Ashaiman constituency. Specifically, it sought to examine the reasons why voters sell their votes, explore how vote selling transactions are conducted and analyze the implications of vote selling for Ghana’s democracy. The study adopted the qualitative approach within which the case study design was used. The population comprised all voters in the Ashaiman constituency. The targeted popu...

Images and Representations of Women in Ghanaian Paintings

Abstract  This thesis is a visual analysis of the representations of women in the works of Adjo Kisser and Serge Attukwey Clottey both contemporary Ghanaian artists. Drawing primarily on Edmund Feldman‘s (1971) models for art criticism, the study investigates Kisser‘s drawings within the context of feminist humour with attention to the agency of creativity, play, and notions of artistic license. Clottey‘s charcoal drawings demonstrate some unique approaches to and perspectives on techn...

From the Point of Sales: Purchase-Related Barriers to Condom Use

Abstract Consistent condom use is one of the best ways of stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) throughout Ghana. Unfortunately, barriers exist that keep people from using condoms during sex. These barriers range from cultural and religious barriers to barriers resulting from the undesired or lack of sensation condoms provide. This study looks at perceived barriers to condom use in general, but then takes a closer look at those barriers related to cond...

Does Accra Have A Rape Culture?- Rape, A Gendered Society And Social media

ABSTRACT This paper is a study of the possible impact of gender in the societal attitudes towards rape, rape victims and perpetrators. Under the subject of Gender and Sexualities, this paper seeks to find new ways to eradicate the problem of rape by studying the impact of societal attitudes through gender and gender role stereotyping, and their influence on sex and sexuality. A study of a possible rape culture is also an examination of the deeply embedded power structures that create inequal...

Dynamics And Continuities of Childcare Practices And Behaviors Among Parents in Accra, Ghana.

ABSTRACT Traditionally, complementary childcare arrangements and practices in Sub Saharan Africa and specifically Ghana depend on the reliance on networks of support from the extended family. This kind of informal arrangement provided the needed support for the growth and social development of young children. The communality of childcare provision as expressed in sayings such as “it takes a whole village to raise a child” further emphasised the belief that apart from kin, other members o...

Natural Hair And The Ghanaian Woman

ABSTRACT Evidence abounds to show that natural hair is an evolving phenomenon among Ghanaian women. This study investigates the diverse types of hairstyles categorised as natural hair and examines the increasing preference for natural hair over chemically altered or adulterated hairstyles in Ghana. It also explores the variables that enforce and redefine the wearing of natural hair as a form of cultural heritage in the country. The study employed a qualitative study design. It used ethnograph...

Stories As A Mode Of Instruction: A Module For Teaching Natural Science In Basic 3

ABSTRACT From 1951 when Dr Kwame Nkrumah embarked on expansion of the education system in the then Gold Coast to the present, there have been several initiatives aimed at developing the education system. The most prominent are; the Accelerated Development Plans for Education (1951 and 1961), the New Structure and Content of Education Plan (1974), the New Educational Reform Programme (NERP) (1987), and the Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education (1996). These initiatives show that education ...

A Socio-Stylistic Analysis Of Orin Agbe_ A Multimodal Genre Of Yoruba Oral Poetry- A Multimodal Genre Of Yoruba Oral Poetry

ABSTRACT This study attempts a detailed description and analysis of Yoruba agbe art-a verbal poetic song and art form that belongs to the Yoruba Oral literary genre.

Farmer-Herder Conflicts: A Case Study Of Fulani Herdsmen And Farmers In The Agogo Traditional Area Of The Ashanti Region

ABSTRACT This thesis examines conflicts over natural resources between pastoralists and indigenous farming communities in Agogo, in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. In recent years, Agogo has gained much coverage in the media over these conflicts.  This study attempts to unravel the underlying causes of these conflicts.  It argues that the conflicts are shaped by three different interests: farmers, herders and chiefs. The chiefs are interested in gaining revenues from land and natural resource...

Popes’ Complicities In The ‘Negro’ Slave Trade, 15th Century To 19th Century.

ABSTRACT Catholic Church historians and the Papacy had claimed to have vehemently condemned slave trade at every instance. Catholic historians and scholars like Luigi Conti and Panzer have done their best to grant an intellectual absolution to the seat of the Pope by carefully whitewashing the ugly part of their history and eulogizing the Catholic Church for being at the forefront of the abolitionist movement. I contend that a thorough analysis of Papal bull, treaties and the classic works o...

‘Alternative’ Female Genital Cutting Discourses? A Study of the Maasai of Kajiado, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study examines knowledge construction on female genital cutting (FGC) and notions of womanhood and the resultant discourses by the Maasai community in Kajiado, Kenya. There has been a global upsurge in anti-FGC interventions by the international community, feminist movements, national governments, and NGOs in the last three decades which have described FGC as a barbaric practice that violates the health and human rights of docile and helpless women and girls. Kajiado has been...

Youth And Conflict In The Volta Region: A Case Of Peki And Awudome Relations, 1990-2013

ABSTRACT Inter and intra ethnic conflicts over land are many and could be found in almost every region in Ghana. These pose serious threat to peace, stability and development that the country seems to be enjoying, if not well managed. The study focused on the intra-ethnic conflict of Peki and Awudome in the Volta region of Ghana. The study, specifically, looked at the causes, sequence and effects of the conflict on the development of the youth in the areas of agriculture, education, health,...

Silencing The Spirits Of The Shrines: The Impact Of Tin Mining On Berom Religion And Ecology

ABSTRACT The Jos Plateau environment in general and Beromland in particular has witnessed severe decimation and change due to a number of agents of change. These agents of change have created a great ecological imbalance on the land, even as tin mining activities have left behind human-made ponds, dumps, bare vegetation, and have precipitated an avalanche of gully erosion and other activities of denudation that are now a common phenomenon on the Jos Plateau landscape. Many researchers ha...

The Role Of Religious Institutions In Governance In Africa: The Case Of The Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference

ABSTRACT The focus of the study is to examine the role of religious institutions in governance in Africa using as a case study the Ghana Catholic Bishops‘ Conference and its interventions on governance issues in Ghana since the inauguration of the Fourth Republic. In all 35 documents were carefully examined. The documents include Communiqués, Pastoral letters, Joint statements and other special messages found in the archives of the GCBC at the National Catholic Secretariat in Accra. Each d...


ABSTRACT This thesis attempts to situate Kwame Nkrumah‘s intellectual works, in the development of Ghanaian national consciousness and to examine his contribution on African cultural traditions to the evolution of Ghanaian national consciousness in 1944 to 1966. This is done on two main strands. First, it determines Nkrumah‘s earliest writings including ‗Primitive Mind and Thought,‘ ‗Primitive Education in West Africa‘, ‗Education and Nationalism in Africa‘, ‗Educational tre...

106 - 120 Of 157 Results