Art Education Research Papers/Topics

Social Networks and Survival of Campus Students in Makindye Division

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGMENTDEFINITIONS OF TERMSABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Background of the study1.2 Statement of the problem1.3 Purpose of the study 21.4 Specific objectives 21 .5 Research questions 21.6 Significance of the study 31.7 Scope of the study 3CHAPTERTWO 4LITERATURE REVIEW 42.1 Introduction 42.2 Formation of social networks 42.3 Social networks and campus survival sCHAPTER THREE 7RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 73.1 Introduction ...

The Effects of Drug Abuse on the Academic Performance of Students In Secondary Schools Within Mt.Elgon District, Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .................................................................................................... iiAPPROVAL ......................................................................................................... iiiDEDICATION ....................................................................................................... ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................ vTABLE OF CONTENTS .........

Risky Behaviors Among Learners and Educational Attainments in Selected Secondary Schools of Kitagata Sub-County Sheema District

This study examined risky behavior adopted by the young people in selected secondary schools, and how this has affected their academic progress in Kitagata sub-county Sheema district. The researcher adopted the following objectives for the study; to investigate the common types of risky behavior adopted by youth, to find out why the youth have adopted such risky behavior and to assess the negative outcomes of the youth risky behavior. Using a convenient sampling technique, a total of twenty f...

The Impact of Leadership Styles On the Performance of Workers: Case Study - Kakira Sugar Works (1985) Ltd, Kakira

The topic of the study will be to determine the impact of leadership styles on performance of workers of kakira sugar works (1985) ltd. The subjects to be involved in this study will be the employees and management. The researcher will involve two middle managers and two senior managers as well as ten employees. The researcher will carry out this study in kakira sugar works (1985) ltd because the company has good information that will be vital to the researcher. The objectives of the study wi...

Challenges Facing Regular Teachers' Teaching Learners with Physical Handicap in Regular Schools in Kamukun Division, Nairobi Kenya

The study is based on the challenges that the regular teachers face while teaching learners with physical handicaps. Physical handicap is a condition which makes it difficult for a person to move or manipulate the physical environments. These conditions covers a wide range from the mild degree of clumsiness to severe degree where a person is in a wheel chair and needs a lot of help. The researcher used the quantitative approach whereby the standardized tools and numerical data were used to ex...

The Impact of Free Primary Education On Performance of Kenya Schools: Case Study of Primary Schools in Owimbi Zone, Madiany Division, Raried District-Kenya

The major purpose of the study was to determine the impact of Free Primary Education on Early childhood Education in Owimbi Zone, Madiany Division, Rarieda District, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to; investigate the impact of free primary education on the 1rollment of early childhood, to determine the impact of free primary education on the quality r teachers of early childhood education, and to assess the Impact of free primary education on ~source allocation to early chil...

Factors Influencing Academic Performance of Pupils in Upper Primary, A Case Study of Mukongoro Sub-County, Kumi District, Uganda

The issue of pupils' performance at schools has been of concern ever since modern education was introduced. Many countries have come to realize that pupils are the heart of educational process and that without good performance; all innovations in education are doomed to failure. There is a wide dissatisfaction with the current situation of schooling in many countries and parents come in for the share of the blame. This is because majority of parents involve their children in garden and other ...

Factors Associated with Child Drop Out in Government Primary Schools in Rukungiri District

The objective of the study was to establish the factors associated with child drop out in government aided primary schools in Rukungiri District. The study focused on both males and females between the ages of 6 and 12 years during the UNHS survey year (2012/1 3). The Analysis was done using frequency distribution and cross tabulation. In the results, Out of the 63 total children aged between 6 and 12 in Rukungiri District that were found in the survey, a total of 9 children were reported to ...

Causes of Poor Perfomance in Mathematics Amongst Pupils (A Case Study of Nyacaba Primary School, Thika District-Kenya)

This project analyses the various factors that cause poor performance in mathematics amongst pupils -a case study of Nyacaba Primary School in Thika district Kenya. CHAPTER ONE The objectives of the study were - To investigate the influence of traditional belies on mathematics to determine the contribution of learning resources in mathematics performance to investigate the colleration between teacher’s experience and pupil’s performance in mathematics to investigate both the teachers and ...

An Assessment On the Challenges Facing Girl- Child Education Among the Namads in Kenya A Case Study of Bute Division Wajir District.

 Migrants, and particularly nomads, are among the most marginalized social groups, and are widely excluded from educational provision, despite pledges of education for all. The phenomenon of movement itself presents many challenges for both providers, and would- be users, of educational services. Around the world, the provision of education for nomads has reflected and been instrumental to particular stances on pastoral development. The links between education and development are explore...

Factors Affecting Academic Performance in Mathematics in Selected Secondary Day Schools of Embu District Kenya

The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the academic performance of students in mathematics in the selected schools of Embu District in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate some factors responsible for the students' academic performance in Mathematics. The methods used for data collection were questionnaires and interview guides to gather information on the academic performance in mathematics. The findings revealed that discipline, Quality...

The Effects of Gender Issues On the Academic Performance of Learners in Primary Schools Mulala Zone, Mulala Division Nzaui District-Kenya

The essence of this study was to determine the impact of the gender issues on the academic performance of learners in selected schools of Mulala primary school division, Mulala district, Kenya. Specific objectives of the study were to: examine the impact of gender on academic performance of learners in Nzaui district and to examine strategies used by schools to improve on the academic performance of the girls and boys in Mulala division. The methods used for data collection were face to face ...

Socio-Economic Variables and Students Educational Attainments in Selected Secondary Schools in Bungokho Sub-County Mbale District

The overall objective of this report is to study the predicaments of social and economic nature that schools located in Bungokho Mbale. This study was premised on objectives that included; Examination of the hindrances to excellent performance of learners. To investigate the likely causes of the perennial problems in Bungokho Mbale schools. To assess the effectiveness of the remedies so far put in place by relevant education organs to mitigate the problem using a sample of 70 randomly selecte...

Socio-Economic Factors That Influence Teaching and Learning Achievements in Secondary Schools in Eastern Region of Uganda A Case Study of Kaliro District

Abstract This study investigated the socio-economic factors that influence teaching and learning achievements in secondary schools in Eastern Uganda, Kaliro district focusing on senior Iwo students. The objectives of the study were; to find out how students’ home and family background determine their learning achievements, to investigate the effect of students’ characteristics on learning, to study the effect of teacher characteristics on students’ learning achievement anti to examine t...

Factors Influencing Low Academic Performance of Students in Rural Secondary Schools in Uganda (A Case Study of Nyero Subcounty-Kumi District)

Abstract The general objective was to establish the factors influencing low academic performance of students in rural secondary schools, The objectives were; To find out the factors that determine the academic performance of students in rural secondary schools and to discover how the above identified factors affect performance This study involved the use of an exploratory research design to explore the causes of low academic performance of students in rural secondary schools. One-hundred (100...

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