Education Management Research Papers/Topics

Challenges Of Educational Services Provision For Mentally Retarded Children In Mulanda Sub-county In Tororo District

This study was set out to find out whether there is need for provision of educational services for the mentally retarded children in Mulanda Subcounty, west - Budama in Tororo District. The hypothesis formulated for the study were that:- 1. Most parents in Mulanda Sub- County are not aware of the need for education of children mental retardation. 2. Some parents who are aware of the value of education do not see the point of catering for children with mental retardation. 3. Teachers of th...

Causes Of Poor Performance Of.Pupils In English Language In Kenyan Primary Schools: A Case Study Of Mitubiri Zone, Kakuzi Division -thika District Kenya

The poor performance in English - one of the core subjects especially in the primary school cUJTiculum has largely contributed to the overall poor performance in the other subjects and subsequently. In the Kenyan system of education there is great emphasis on the teaching of English language. This has been necessitated by the fact that globally, English is also one of the widely spoken international languages. Martha L. King (1984) argues that just as success in learning is linked to skill or...

Impact Of Gender Issues On The Academic Performance Of Learners. A Case Study: Yeembondo Primary School Ma Vindini Zone Katiionzweni District

The essence of this study was to determine the impact of the gender issues on the academic perfonnance oflearners in selected schools ofMavindini zone Kathonzweni district, Kenya. Specific objectives of the study were to: examine the impact of gender on academic performance oflearners in Kathonzweni district and to examine strategies used by schools to improve on the academic performance of the girls and boys ofMavindini zone Kathonzweni district. The methods used for data collection were fac...

The Effects Of Teaching Methods On The Academic Performance Of Commerce In Selected Secondary Schools In Kobujoi Division, Nandi South District

The study was carried out to establish the effects of teaching methods on academic performance in commerce among selected secondary schools in Kobujoi division. The main aim of the researcher was to find whether teaching methods affect the academic performance of commerce among those secondary schools. The study was guided by the following objectives: 1. To establish the teaching methods used in the teaching of commerce in the selected secondary schools, 2. Assess how teaching methods affe...

The Impact Of Environment On Performance In Schools: A Case Study Of Mateete Sub-county, Sembabule District

This research is about the impact of environment on academic performance in selected secondary schools in Mateete Sub-County, Sembabule district. It was guided by three objectives; To identify ways in which environment can be improved to suit academic school performance. To identify the effects of environment on school performance. To identify roles of schools in keeping environment. Purposive and stratified sampling was used to select a population of 60 respondents to represent a population ...

Upe And Academic Performance Of The Pupils At Some Schools In Kirinyaga County Kenya From May To August 2013

This paper examines the contribution of Universal Primary Education in academic performance of pupils from a sample selected schools in Kirinyaga County. Using the information obtained from the field study of sample selected schools from the county, the study tries to uncover the reasons as to why the performance of pupils in Kirinyaga County is wanting. The study unveils that though there have been plans by the government to ensure that the performance of the children from the public schools...

The Effect Of Learning Materials On Performance Of Children In School: A Case Study Of Bamunanika Kalagala, Luv\Iero District

The study investigated the effects of learning materials on performance in schools. The study was guided by specific objectives that included; to determine different kinds of learning materials, to identify the effects of learning materials on performance and to assess the relationship between learning materials and performance in schools. The research consists of five chapters. Chapter one with introduction, chapter two consists of the related literature, chapter three consists of the m...

A Case Study In Four Primary Schools

The study on the investigation of the causes of pupils’ indiscipline was carried out in thu rout uIii inc primary schools in Kängai sub—county, Dolcolo District. Ike respondents purposively chosen in the study were from four schools. These consisted of ciaht parents, twenty teachers and fourty pupils to make a total of sixty eight respondents. In the process oF collecting data, the researcher used designed questionnaire for teachers and interview guide lhr both pupils and parents. Th...

The Imp Act Of Environment On Performance In Schools: A Case Study Of Igembe Central Division Igembe South District

The study investigated the impact of environment on performance of schools in Igembe Central division of Igembe South district. The study was guided by specific objectives that included; Determining ways in which environment can be improved to be in line with school performance, Effect of environment on school performance and Roles of the school in our daily environment. The research consists of five chapters. Chapter one with introduction, chapter two consists of the related literature,...

Learning Resources And Students' Performance In Mathematics In Secondary Schools In Kapseret Zone,W Areng District, Kenya

There has been a deteriorating academic performance in Mathematics in the region. When children join class one from pre-school they usually have some basics about numbers. It is from this stage where teachers in Secondary one start introducing new concepts to the learners as well as introducing new symbols used in mathematics at that level. Children in lower Secondary are in concrete operational stage, where child canreason logically about concrete events and classify objects into differe...

An Assessment Of Intellectual Challanges Facing Learners In Secondary Education; A Case Study Of Reomego Mixed Secondary School, Nyamira North District Kenya

Since 1940s when the main course of education was started in Kenya with the rehabilitation of victims of the Second World War, there have been a lot of changes in education policies. The initial concern was to provide health and social rehabilitation for those with physical disabilities. These facilities later changed their concern and became custodial care centers following models seen in Europe at that time. Programmes were also started for those with sensory and intellectual challeng...

Socio-economic Factors And School Drop Outs: A Case Study Of Mukothima Zone Mukothima Division- Tharaka District Eastern Province

The study of this report is about the socio-economic and school drop out in Mukothima zone Tharaka district. It is directed by three objectives and these include: To assess the causes of school drop out in mukothima, to find out how socio-economic factors have affected child's academic performance and to assess the effects of school drop outs among the children in Mukothima The study was descriptive where stratified sampling was used to select population. It employed a total sample of 50...

Determinants Of Academic Performance In English Language Within The Selected Secondary Schools Of Kikuyu Division, Kiambu District, Kenya

The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the academic performance of the English language in the selected schools of Kikuyu Division Kiambu District. The specific objectives of the study were to determine if discipline affects the students' academic performance of the English language in the selected schools of Kikuyu Division, to determine if teacher qualities affect the students' academic performance of the English language in the selected schools of Kikuyu Div...

Causes And Effects Of Children's Right Violation In Masinga Zone, Masinga Division, Taita District- Kenya

This study on the "Causes and Effects of Children Rights Violation' was carried out in Yatta district to; determine the causes of children's rights violation, and their effects, find out the roles played by NGOs and the need for government intervention in respect to child rights in Masinga zone. To comprehend the problem of the study, literature on specific objectives was reviewed. A descriptive exploratory design in which both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to solicit da...

The Impact Of Poverty On Parents Participations In The Management Of Sne Programmes In Gatanga Division, Kenya

The findings of the study will be of great importance to parents, government and education planners in the following ways; Creating awareness among the parents on the importance of their participation in the management of ECDE programmes and proper management of the pre-schools. Creating awareness to the government on the importance of funding more than the current 0.7% towards ECDE programmes. Enlighten the community on the engaging in more generating projects rather than subsistence a...

181 - 195 Of 270 Results