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Education Research Papers/Topics

The Policy Of Free Primary Education And Pupils' Educational Attainment In Selected Primary Schools Of Diani Division, Msambweni District, Kenya

Recent research statistics has shown that the free primary education introduced in the year 2003 had lead to a large influx of pupils into primary schools. Kenyans cannot afford to complacent about it, thus their arise an immediate need to conduct an investigation on the issue of academic performance on the influx of pupils. The study adopted a Descriptive research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the impact of free primary education on academic perform...

The Assessment Of Hearing Aid To Learners With Hearing Impairment In Mao Primary School Kisumu East District Kenya.

The study aims at assessing the hearing aid to learners with hearing impairment in Nairobi Kenya. The researcher applied survey method that involved qualitative and quantitative approaches of collecting raw data. Thirty questionnaires were sent to thirty respondents who completed and returned all of them to the researcher. The respondents were randomly sampled. Frequency tables, bar graph and pie chart were used to assemble and analyze the raw data in percentages. The data analysis explains h...

Impact Of Poverty On Academic Performance In Kakamega School For The Deaf, Kenya

Poverty has been the hardest challenge facing human life from time immemorial. It has contributed to !ow social-economic states in society and has brought absent difficult circumstance that face learners today. It has negatively affected all people regardless of age, culture, race, religion and other factors. On overview of some facts about poverty in the world of South Africa the black Americans suffered untold miseries ranging from diseases, poverty, denial of education, forced labour and d...

Learning Difficulties And Poor Performance In Mathematics In Ongata Rongai Zone, Ngong Division, Kajiado District Kenya

The study was to examme the learning difficulties and poor performance in mathematics in Ngong Division. The study was to find out why learners have poor attitude towards mathematics teachers and whether the teachers use the possible materials when teaching mathematics. The study also was to examine the best ways of attending the individual learners' difficulties in mathematics. The data was collected using structured questionnaires, interviews and observation subsequently simple statistical ...

Drug Abuse And Academic Performance Of Students In Secondary Schools Within Gucha District, Kenya

This study was set forward to determine the effect of drug abuse on the academic performance of students in Gucha district. The general objective or purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of drug abuse on the academic performance of students in Gucha district While reviewing related information on the topic of study, the researcher sought for ideas of prior scholars whose suppositions and contentions were similar the problem under study. The study employed a descriptive design as ...

Savings And Credit Schemes On Financial Accessibility In Rwanda; Acase Study Of Sacco Wisigara Rangiro In Nyamasheke District

The study focused on savings, credit schemes and financial accessibility in Rwanda and it considered primary data. It was guided by the following research objectives; the importance of small savings and credit schemes to the people of Nyamasheke district, accessibility of financial services from savings and credit schemes in Nyamasheke district as well as the relationship between credit schemes and financial accessibility in Nyamasheke district. The research under took descriptive correlation...

Performance-Based Rewards And The Performance Of Teachers En Private Secondary Schools In Kampala District

This study was about performance-based rewards and their effects on the performance of teachers in private secondary schools in Kampala district. The theoretical underpinnings of this study was premised on Adam Stacy’s Equity theory of motivation which states that employees expect fairness when being rewarded and Victor Vroom’s theory. which states that individuals make choices based on their perceived expectancy that certain rewards will follow. The main objective of this study was to as...

Learning Resources And Academic Performance In Chemistry In Mugoiri Location, Murang’a District, Kenya

The study looked at the relationship between learning resources and academic performance of chemistry students in Mugoiri location, Muranga district. In an attempt to achieve the above, two objectives were developed. This chapter presents the summary, conclusion and recommendations. The first objective sought to identify the relationship between level of resource availability and academic performance. The study focused on availability of text books, classrooms, practical materials, & laborato...

Poverty And Academic Performance Of Primary School Pupils In Gar Sen Zone, Gars En Division, Tana Delta District, Coast Province, Kenya

The purpose of this study was to establish the effects of poverty on pupil's academic performance of the selected primary schools in Garsen Central Zone, Tana Delta District Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship between the effects mentioned and academic performance in Garsen Central Zone, and to investigate the role of the community in alleviating poverty and improving education in Garsen Central Zone. The study employed a descriptive research desig...

The Impact Of Human Immunal Virus On Academic Performance In Mparo Mixed School In Rukiga County Kabale District

HIV 1 AIDS is the abbreviation for "Human immunal virus for "HIV" " a minute organism that can not be seen with our naked eyes but only with the help of microscopic instruments. It attacks and enters a disease free human body which is immune and defended the white blood cells (body defense mechanism). The virus after entering the human body flights these cells and eventually defeats them with time. The virus starts to multiply within the blood stream where it moves until it totally weakness t...

The Causes Of Girls Drop Out In Selected Villages Of Bbawda Parish Primary Schools, Wakiso District

The study investigated the causes of girls drop out in selected villages of Bbanda parish Primary School, Wakiso District. To achieve the above objective, a qualitative research design was adopted. Questionnaires and personal interviews were some of the research tools used. A total of 150 respondents were used in the search for information o the research problem. It was found out that a combination of factors were responsible for the increased drop out rather than a single factor. How ever th...

Behavior Problems On Learning Of The Mentally Ijandicaped Children In Rehabilitation School; A Survey Of Kakamega District, Kenya

The research topic is on behaviour problem on learning ofthe mentally handicapped children in habilitation school. The objectives of carrying out the study was to establish the techniques used by the teachers when handling mentally handicapped children with behaviour problems. To establish the curriculum followed when teaching these children and also to establish the attitude ofparents towards their children. In methodology, the researcher has chosen on survey as an appropriate method when ca...

Motivation And Academic Perfomance Of Students In Chwele Division, Bungo Ma West District,KenyA

Motivation is a force that serves three functions; it energizes or causes people to act, it directs behavior towards attainment of specific goal and it sustains the efforts expected in reaching the goals - i.e. the force that energizes, directs and sustains behavior (Riggio Ronald) E 1996 - Introduction to Industrial Organizational Psychology). Motivation as a personal trait is a desire to achieve or succeed. To be successful, you must want to be successful (Glady Kimberel, Bens S Vineyard Fi...

Effects Of A Ban On Holiday Teaching On Academic Performance In Secondary Schools In Tororo Municipility

The study sought to establish the effects of ban on holiday teaching on academic performance in secondary schools in Soroti Municipality. This study aimed to establish the effect of abolishing holiday teaching on academic performance in secondary schools, students’ perception of the ban on holiday teaching practice and identify strategies schools have adopted to offer remedial classes in secondary schools in Soroti Municipality. The research method adopted was descriptive cross sectional re...

Attitude Of Teachers And Inclusion Of Intellectually Challenged Learners In Kisumu West District Regular Primary Schools Kenya

Through observation and conservations the researcher established that the intellectually challenged learners were not accorded their due human respect and rights by the teachers. Teachers regarded them as abnormal, violent and slow in learning and therefore unworthy to be accommodated in their midst. This prompted the researcher to conduct a study to fmd out why it was happening. He prepared questionnaires for both teachers and pupils. The respondents were able to answer the questions and ret...

2701 - 2715 Of 8017 Results