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Education Research Papers/Topics

The Challenges Of Stress Management In Education Centers-Case Study Of Five Ecde Centers In Tigoni Zone, Limuru Division, Klambu West District-Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ......................................................................................................... i APPROVAL .............................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION .......................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ......................................................................................... iv TAB...

Factors That Affect The Education Of The Mentally Challenged Learners In Primary Schools In Municipality Division In Kakamega Central District Of Kakamega County In kenya

ABSTRACT The study was carried out in Municipality division to find out the factors that affect education of the mentally challenged learners. People with disability all over the world have for a long time been considered socially and physically less capable, the purpose of this study was to investigate on factors that affect education of the mentally challenged learners in Primary schools in Municipality Division in Kakamega Central District. The study adopted the survey style since it is ...

The Influence Of Mother Tongue On Learner’s Performance In Written Kiswahili At Primary Level: A Case Study Of Migori County, Migori District

ABSTRACT This project is about the influence of mother tongue on learners’ performance in written Kiswahili at primary level in Migori County, Migori district. Questionnaires were designed and used to get primary data; where by respondents were required to answer the questions, the researcher conducted face to face interviews with pupils and teachers on issues pertaining to the influence of mother tongue on learners’ performance in written Kiswahili at primary level. During the study th...

Factors Influencing Indiscipline Of Students In Selected Secondary Schools Pallisa District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study on the factors influencing indiscipline of students in selected secondary schools in Pallisa district was carried out with the main objective of examining the factors influencing indiscipline of students. The specific objectives of the study were to establish whether the family background is a factor that influences indiscipline in selected secondary schools, to assess the laxity of administration influences indiscipline among students in selected secondary schools, to dete...

Teacher's Attitudes Towards Mentally Retarded Learners In Selected Inclusive Educational Settings Of Emulole Base, Emasatsi Division Khwisero District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Due to the free primary education that was implemented in 2002 in Kenya, Most pupils with mentally retardation were admitted to the regular schools this prompted the researcher to investigate teacher's attitudes towards mentally retarded learners. The study was carried in Emulole Base Emasatsi Division, Khwisero District, Kenya for eight months of December to July 2010. The study obtained information from teachers both male and female in the five sampled schools the sampling was done...

Difficulties Of Learning Mathematics: A Case Study Of Wara Secondary School, Hara Division, Ijara District Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION: ........................................................................................................... ii APPROVAL .................................................................................................................. iii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................... iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................

Difficulties Of Learning Mathematics: A Case Study Of Wara Secondary School, Hara Division, Ijara District Kenya

ABSTRACT Considering the contributions of'mathemuties, science, and technology to today's ·world, one would have expected mounting interest in these disciplines, but the reverse seems to be the case. Indeed, there is declining interest in mathematics among the youth, and poor peiformance in exa:ninations . . It is ironical that in our pro-science and technologically oriented ·world, the youth who would take charge o.lglobal affairs in thefi1ture - the running o.f industries and the mea...

Impact Of Special Needs Education On Mentally Handicapped Learners In Five Special Units Ny Andarua North District Kenya.

ABSTRACT Special Needs Education has been an important instrument of addressing special difficulties found in learners with special needs. Mentally handicapped learners in particular have benefited a lot with this educational programme. This research has been initiated to investigate the impact special needs education has made in this area of disability. The researcher used survey method and employed questionnaire as a technique to ask relevant questions. The answers provided were in quantit...

The Role Of Motivation On Teachers’ Performance In Secondary Schools: A Case Study Of Mandera West District-North-Eastern Province

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in three schools, that is; Takaba Boys S.S. Takaba Girls S.S and Wayam S.S in Mandera west district-north-eastern province and examined the role of motivation teachers’ performance in secondary schools since 2002-2005. This book is made up of five chapters. Chapter one deals with introductory part of the research. It gives the general background of the research i.e. background of study, the theory, hypothesis, objectives and significance of the study. Chapt...

Challenges Faced By Visually Impaired Learners In An Inclusive Setting In Mao Division, Narok-North District,Kenya

ABSTRACT The impact of free primary education has been manifold and complex. The quality and magnitude of the programme has affected not only the nonnal physically fit pupil, but also the physically challenged learners in inclusive schools as well as the wider community and society. The study adopted a quantitative research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the problems and impact of free primary education on the quality of special education for the vis...

The Impact Of Universal Secondary Education On Girl Cihld A Case Study Op Bukwo District

ABSTRACT The research was carried out on the contributions of UPE of Girl child. It was carried out in Bukwo Distric. It was intended to find o•t how UPE impact has contributing to development of communities, the challenges faced by a girl child and what can be done to improve on the performance of UPE in Bukwo District. The study used a descriptive research design and targeted local people, education administrators and the school going children. Data was collected using questionnaires ...

Factors Affecting The Academic Performance Of Learners With Visual Impairment In Butagaya Sub-County - Jinja District.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the factors that affect the academic progress of learners with visual impairment in Butagaya Sub-county, Jinja District. The specific objectives of the study were to; find out the causes of visual impairments, identify challenges facing the academic progress of children with visual impairment and suggest alternative ways of helping learners with visual impairment. The methods used for data collection were questionnaires for head teachers...

Effects Of Poverty On The Academic Performance Of Learners In The Selected Primary Schools Of Lwebitakuli Division Sembabule District Of Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the effects of poverty on learners' academic pe,formance of the selected schools in Lwebitakuli Division, Sembabule District Uganda. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship between the effects mentioned and academic pe,formance in Lwebitakuli Division, and to investigate the role of the community in alleviating poverty and improving educatio11 in Lwebitakuli Division. The methods used for data collecti...

Attitudes Of Biology Teachers Tow Ards The Teaching Learning Process In The Secondary Schools Of Emining Division, Koibatek District Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the attitudes of biology teachers towards the teaching- learning process in selected Secondary schools of Emining Division, Koibatek District Kenya. The objectives of the study were; to determine the role of teachers' attitudes on the teaching learning process, to whether teaching attitudes affecting negatively the teaching- learning process, and to investigate whether the teaching competencies affect the teaching- learning process. Th...

Motivation And Teachers’ Performance In Wakiso Municipality Secondary Schools

ABSTRACT The study investigated the factors affecting motivation and teachers’ performance in Wakiso Municipality Secondary Schools. The objectives of the study included to examine ways of motivating teachers in secondary schools in Wakiso Municipality, to identifr the challenges faced by teachers in Wakiso Municipality and to find out the possible measures to reduce on the challenges faced by teachers in Wakiso Municipality. The research methodology included a cross sectional design ...

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