Industrial and Production Engineering Research Papers/Topics

Evaluation and assessment of relocation from a city to the outskirts: Case study DHL Gävle Sweden

Abstract The ‘City Logistics’ activities are contributing to traffic congestion and accumulating to environmental challenges, such situation has prompted the creation of urban consolidation centre (UCC), as a multimodal logistics park facility in the outskirts. The relocation of business from city to the outskirts requires the evaluation and assessment of the key factors in order to make the better decisions. However, no relocation decisions evaluation model has been found, neither its ap...

The role of informal Sector in employment generation in Ilorin, kwara state Nigeria

                       Abstract This research work examined the role of informal Sector in employment generation in  Ilorin, kwara state Nigeria. The study made use of primary data obtained from 100  respondents from Ilorin West Local Government in kwara state through the copies of  questionnaire administered. The data collected was analysed using descriptive statistics  and statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). The outcome of the empirical  investigations showed th...


                         TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE PAGEi DEDICATIONii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTiii TABLE OF CONTENTiv                     CHAPTER    ONE 1.1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION1 1.2 CONSEQUENCES OF SLOPE FAILURES1                      CHAPTER   TWO 2. 0 DETERMINATION OF POTENTIAL FAILURE GEOMETRY4 2.1.1 Plane Failure4 2.1.2 Wedge failure4 2.1.3 Step path failure4 2.1.4. Raveling failure5 2.1.5 Toppling failure5 2.2 RECOGNIZING HAZARDS6 2.2.1 Tension crack6 2.2.2 Scar...

Critical Analysis of the Recent Poor Performance of Engineering Students in Engineering Mathematics: A Case of Nnamdi Azikiwe University,

Abstract The ever-increasing rate of failure of engineering students in engineering mathematics is one which the school management and entire stakeholders need not wink at any longer. Engineering mathematics is a prerequisite for all engineering discipline. It equips the student with problem solving skills and cognitive ability needed for higher thinking. The research was conducted to investigate and critically analyze the causes of the recent poor performance of engineering students in ...

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