Biomedical Science Research Papers/Topics

The Diagnostic Accuracy, Sensitivity And Specificity Of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology In Evaluating Thyroid Masses At Moi Teaching And Referral Hospital

ABSTRACT Thyroid masses are common surgical presentations with a worldwide prevalence of 4–7% in the general adult population. Africa, specifically Kenya is not excluded from these surgical conditions. The vast majority of adult thyroid nodules are benign neoplasm’s, however, less than 10% are malignant, which makes it important to screen the nodules in order to offer appropriate surgery and avoid unnecessary surgery for benign nodules. It is preferred to operate only on those patients wi...

Effect Of Maternal Plasmodium Falciparum Malaria Infection During Pregnancy On Trans-Placental Transfer Of Epstein Barr Virus-Specific Igg Antibodies, Fetal Lymphocyte Homeostasis And Cytokin

ABSTRACT Co-infection with malaria and Epstein Barr virus (EBV) have been implicated in the etiology of endemic Burkitt’s lymphoma (eBL) but the precise mechanism by which these two agents lead to the pathogenesis of eBL has been partially elucidated. In addition, living in a malaria holoendemic area is a risk factor to earlier primary EBV infection that results in higher viral loads and poor control of the virus, a risk factor in the etiology of eBL. Children from Chulaimbo, a malaria holo...

Phenotypic Characterization Of Virulence, Evolutionary Relationship And Global Expansion In Trypanosoma Evansi Isolates From Surra Endemic Regions

ABSTRACT Trypanosoma evansi parasite is the causative agent of trypanosomiasis (surra) in camels and other livestock with devastating economic consequences in many parts of the world, including Kenya, Vietnam, Brazil, China, Indonesia and the Philippines. The trypanosome is mechanically transmitted by tabanids and Stomoxys biting flies. Two strains of the parasite (A and B) have been documented to date where Type A strains is established across all T. evansi areas whereas Type B has been repo...

Clinical Equivalence Of Heparinized Arterial Plasma To Venous Serum For Magnesium And Phosphate Measurement Among Patients Admitted At The Intensive Care Unit Of Moi Teaching And Referral Hos

ABSTRACT Electrolytes routinely measured in patients in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) are sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium and phosphate. Of these; sodium, potassium, chloride and calcium are measured as part of tests done during blood gas analysis (BGA) using arterial blood. However, magnesium and phosphate are measured from a venous serum sample since they cannot be measured during BGA. Both arterial and venous puncture are traumatizing to the patient and trauma increases when bo...

Antimicrobial Activities Of Secondary Metabolites From Vernonia Adoensis And Ocimum Kilimandscharicum Medicinal Plants And Associated Endophytes From Kakamega Forest In Kenya

ABSTRACT Medicinal plants have been used for the treatment of different ailments in human and animal health systems for many years. Approximately over 80% of rural and urban African populations use plant-based synthetic products for primary healthcare. However, the widespread and indiscriminate use of antibiotics has led to clinical resistance of previously sensitive microorganisms. Despite plants and associated endophytes being rich sources of secondary metabolites with antimicrobial potenti...

A Comparative Study Of Microwave Assisted And Conventional Tissue Processing For Preparing Rat (Rattus Norvegicus) Tissues For Microscopy

ABSTRACT The discovery of microwaves is believed to have brought a revolutionary improvement in many scientific fields with microscopy and histopathology being among them. Microwave assisted tissue processing of pathologic material is becoming increasingly desirable to fulfil the needs of clinicians treating acutely ill animals and patients. This technique shortens the time for tissue processing from days to hours and execute the needs of the patients and animals in need of diagnosis as well...

Effect of Seed Size of Berchemia Discolor (klotcsch) hemsl. On Germination And Seedling Growth.

ABSTRACT  Berchemia discolour is a semi-deciduous tree of Africa that is a valuable for producing timber. A study was conducted to evaluate the influence of seed size on seed germination and seedling quality of Berchemia discolor mature seeds of B. discolor numbering 100 were collected from healthy trees in Buhera, Zimbabwe and the seeds were grouped into three groups in regard to their length, small (2.5 cm). The average width and thickness of the B. discolor seeds was calculated as 0.31 g ...

In Vitro Antimicrobial, Cytotoxicity, And Anti-Proliferative Properties Of Selected Medicinal Plant Extracts Used In Management Of Aids-Related Opportunistic Infections In The Lake Victoria B

ABSTRACT The current management of HIV and its related opportunistic infections involves use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), however this regimen is characterized by challenges such as toxicity, emergence of drug resistance, mutations, and cost implications because the supply of HAART is donor driven. The quest for alternative medicine has been in progress and crude extracts made from plants obtained from different ecological zones have been explored for their antimicrobial a...


ABSTRACT Schistosoma mansoni (S. mansoni), soil-transmitted helminths (STH) and protozoa affect approximately 2 billion people world-wide. Most of these infections occur in developing countries and children below 14 years of age are the most affected. Mbita in western Kenya is one of the regions in which these infections are widely spread. Kato-Katz and formalin-ether concentration (FEC) techniques are widely used for the diagnosis of S. mansoni, STH, and intestinal protozoa infections respec...

Impact Of A Rainfall Gradient On Carbon Storage In The Dry Woodland Ecosystem Of Kavango And Zambezi Regions Of Namibia

Abstract Namibia is currently a signatory on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as a non-Annex I party. As a non-Annex I party, Namibia is required to ‘provide information on greenhouse gas inventories’, but they currently lack sufficient baseline data. The study aims to answer whether increased rainfall increases the amount of carbon stored above and below ground for two important timber species (Burkea africana and Pterocarpus angolensis) found along the ...

Natural Radioactivity In Soils Of The Walvis Bay – Henties Bay Coastal Area, Namibia

ABSTRACT Naturally occurring radionuclides such as 238U, 232Th and 40K are present in the soil where they disintegrate spontaneously releasing ionizing radiation which could pose health hazards to the inhabitants of a given location especially when the concentrations of the radionuclides are high. In Namibia, the Walvis Bay – Henties Bay coastal area is known to have many mineral resources including uranium and therefore the concentrations of the radionuclides in the soils and the associate...

Biochemical Characteristics Of Marama Bean (Tylosema Esculentum): Quality Evaluation And Health Potentials In Functional Cell Models

ABSTRACT Marama bean (Tylosema esculentum) is a drought-tolerant legume native to Southern Africa. The potential of its seeds have been compared to soybeans. The studies of the potential of this plant are limited and at the moment there are various ongoing researches on the marama bean plant. The main objectives of this study were to evaluate the quality of the marama bean and determine its health potential. The following studies were carried out: roasting optimization, sensory analysis, text...

Schistosoma mansoni Infections, Undernutrition and Anaemia among Primary Schoolchildren in Two Onshore Villages in Rorya District, North-Western Tanzania

Abstract Background Undernutrition and anaemia remains to be a major public health problem in many developing countries, where they mostly affect children. Intestinal parasitic infections are known to affect both growth and haemoglobin levels. Much has been reported on the impact of geohelminths on anaemia and undernutrition, leaving that of Schistosoma mansoni not well studied. Therefore this study intended to determine the association between S.mansoni infections, anaemia and undernutrition...

In-Vivo Antidiabetic Activity and Safety Profile of Fruits Extract and Fraction of Solanum Terminale Forsk (Solanaceae)

Abstract: Background: Majority of people opt the use of traditional means of treatment especially medicinal plants on the notion of being safe since they are naturally derived. Objective: The study aimed at evaluation of the antidiabetic efficacy of extract and fraction and safety profile of Solanum terminale fruits extract in mice. Methods: Mice were induced diabetes by intraperitoneal injection of freshly prepared alloxan monohydrate 170 mg/kg BW.The diabetic mice were treated once daily wi...

Investigation Into The Risk Factors For Malaria Transmission In The Omusati Region

ABSTRACT Namibia has achieved great success in the reduction of malaria case numbers from over 500 per 1000 population in 2000 to between 1 -2 per 1000 population in 2013 (MoHSS-NVDCP, 2009). The gains in the reduction of malaria case numbers have seen the country transitioning from the control phase of malaria epidemiology to the pre-elimination phase, and has subsequently adopted the goal of malaria elimination by 2020 (MoHSS-NVDCP, 2010; Pindolia et al., 2012). Since the year 2008, there ...

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