Biomedical Science Research Papers/Topics

Assessment Of Patient’s Safety

Abstract Patient safety has become an international priority with major research programs being carried out. The aim of this research is to assess the concept of patient safety. Two artificial neural network systems were designed by using questionnaire for the classification of an idle and non-idle hospital. After training and testing the systems results were obtained for classification of data. The Two type of neural networks (Feed Forward Back propagation and Competitive neural network arc...

Implementation Of Hadamard Encoding And Reconstruction Of MEGA-Edited Spectroscopy (HERMES) For Quantification Of Ɣ-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) And Glutathione (GSH

Abstract The present study aimed to accelerate and improve accuracy of ɣ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutathione (GSH) quantification. These metabolites, present at low concentrations in the brain, are challenging to detect using MR spectroscopy due to the fact that their resonance frequencies overlap with those of other more abundant metabolites. The advanced spectral editing techniques involving J-difference editing that are required to resolve the overlapping signals of these low concen...

3D Approximation Of Scapula Bone Shape From 2D X-Ray Images Using Landmark-Constrained Statistical Shape Model Fitting.

ABSTRACT Two-dimensional X-ray imaging is the dominant imaging modality in low-resource countries despite the existence of three-dimensional (3D) imaging modalities. This is because fewer hospitals in low-resource countries can afford the 3D imaging systems as their acquisition and operation costs are higher. However, 3D images are desirable in a range of clinical applications, for example surgical planning. The aim of this research was to develop a tool for 3D approximation of scapula bone f...

A 12 week pre-season fitness training programme for senior male high school rugby players: The effect of supervision on anthropometric, physiological and physical performance variables.

Abstract The study comprises of two sections; i) a survey to determine the attitude towards fitness training for rugby and the current fitness training habits of elite high school rugby players in their penultimate year at school, ii) a training study on a sample of the same population group, to measure the effect of a 12 week fitness training programme, based on scientific principles, on anthropometric, physiological and performance variables. The training study also measured the efficacy o...

Transcription analysis of virulent strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Abstract Background: Despite the development of new drugs and success of social programs, tuberculosis remains a leading cause of mortality. This burden falls disproportionately on developing countries where the high burden of HIV has a potentiating e↵ect, but may soon return to areas where it was previously brought under control as resistant strains continue to emerge. In the Western Cape, two closely related strains of the Beijing family have been isolated that provide an opportunity to s...

Paleolimnological Records Of Environmental Change In Lake Baringo: Changes In Lake Level And Trophic State During The 19th And 21st Centuries

ABSTRACT Paleolimnology is the reconstruction of historical conditions of lakes using information contained in the sediment proxies. Previous studies have provided evidence for climate variability in the East African region over the last 200 years. However, the response of Lake Baringo to shifts in climate over the years remains unknown. As a consequence this thesis presents a sediment based semi-quantitative reconstruction of water level fluctuations and trophic state variations for Lake Bar...

Medical Image Compression Using Huffman And Arithmetic Code Alogarithms For Telemedicine

Medical image play important role in medical investigation. Medical image use in telemedicine field too. When transferring or archiving was demanded, image needs to be compressed so as to reduce its size. Whereas reduction of image size contributes on reduce the bandwidth which is needed to transmit image and minimize the space of storage in archiving case. There are many standards used to deal with medical image like (PACS), (DICOM). In this research two algorithms were created to compr...

Detection of Breast Cancer in Mammogram Images Using Texture Analysis Methods

The early detection of breast cancer is of the outmost importance in order to increase survival rates. Mammography is considered as an effective tool to detect breast cancer, but due to the complexity of breast tissue texture and the observer variability effect, misdiagnosis of breast cancer frequently occurs. This research develops a simple Computer-aided detection (CAD) system in order to improve the accuracy and efficiency of mammogram interpretation. The first step of the proposed al...

Modeling and Simulation of AuNPs based Drug Delivery System

Drug delivery system is the method or process of introducing therapeutic substances into a body and improves efficiency and safety by controlling the rate, time and place of release of drugs in the body. In the past, the delivery of the drug faced many problems such as failure to reach the appropriate amount of specific cells. The drug delivery system using nanotechnology has limited or reduced these problems; despite some of the side effect problems of using this technology, such as th...

Validation Of Gene Xpert And Lam Using Urine From Hiv Patients With Clinical Signs For Diagnosis Of Tuberculosis Attending The Moi Teaching And Referral Hospital Eldoret Kenyan

Abstract Tuberculosis (TB) and HIV co-infections have a global prevalence with high morbidity and mortality and Africa is the worst hit. The HIV and AIDS has profound impact on the TB epidemic in Kenya, where up to 60% of TB patients are likely to be HIV co-infected and the mortality rate attributed to TB. Lack of diagnostic capacity has been a major barrier preventing an effective management of HIV-associated and drug resistant tuberculosis (TB). Microscopy is the gold standard for TB diagno...

Interaction Between Shigella Flexneri And Intestinal Epithelial Cells Co-Infected With Selected Enteric Bacteria

ABSTRACT Bacteria, intestinal epithelium, and host innate immune responses are among the most critical interacting factors that determine the fate of bacterial infections and disease outcomes. Recent studies have described multiple infections with evidence of more severe diarrhoea and molecular detection methods, suggesting the association of certain pathogens and commensal bacteria with more aggressive Shigella infection. However, the interaction between Shigella flexneri and human intestina...

Serum Electrolyte Changes Associated With Kidney And Liver Function Markers In Hiv-Infected Individuals Attending Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching And Referral Hospital, Kisumu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Serum electrolytes disorders in HIV patients in addition to resulting from disease induced fluids losses or accumulation could be attributed to a wide range of structural defects of cellular apparatus, tissue or organs of regulation. Most routine clinical investigation of impaired serum electrolytes in HIV infection limit attribution to body fluids charges and to primary organs of regulations. Such investigations do not address the likelihood of existence of multiple regulatory organ...

An Evaluation Of Bacteriological Quality Of Water From Ready-To-Eat Food Outlets In Maseno Township, Western Kenya

ABSTRACT Water is a commodity which is essential for life as it has long been singled out globally as the most important factor in sustaining human health. Among other factors linked to human health; water has been implicated in the transmission of waterborne infectious diseases such as typhoid, bacillary dysentery and cholera in Kenya. Potable water scarcity in Maseno Township is common; moreover ready-to-eat food outlet operators rely on water vendors whose water sources are hardly known by...

Multiple Cytokine Responses To Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Antigens In Bacille Calmette Guerrin Vaccinated Children At Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching And Referral Hospital In Kisumu County, W

ABSTRACT The diagnosis and control of tuberculosis (TB) has taken various dimensions with interferon Gamma (IFN-γ) Release Assays (IGRA) currently employed for diagnosis of latent TB infection while the conventional method of vaccination is Bacille Calmette Guerrin (BCG). The variable efficacy and safety of BCG has led to a need of new vaccine candidates joining the development pipeline. However, the cellular mechanism of protection of BCG and the new anti-TB vaccines is not exhaustively und...

Of transfusion transmissible infections among voluntary blood donors in Homabay, Kisumu and Siaya counties in western Kenya

Abstract Objective: Since the implementation of a series of blood donation safety improvements in Kenya, information about seroprevalence and determinants of transfusion transmissible infections among voluntary blood donors especially in high HIV burden regions of Homabay, Kisumu and Siaya counties remain scanty. A cross-sectional study examining HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C virus sero-markers and associated determinants was conducted among voluntary blood donors. Their demographic charac...

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