Epidemic & Community Health Research Papers/Topics

Factors Affecting Household Solid Waste Management in Ishaka Division, Bushenyi Ishaka Municipality

Table of ContentsDECLARATION ........................................................................................................................................... iSUPERVISORS‟ APPROVAL..................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION............................................................................................................................................. iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................


TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION....................................................................................................................... iAPPROVAL............................................................................................................................. iiLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................. iiiABSTRACT....................................................................................


TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .................................................................................................................................... iiAPPROVAL .......................................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGMENT ........................................................................................................................ ivDEDICATION.....................................


Table of ContentsDECLARATION: ..................................................................................................................iAPPROVAL: ........................................................................................................................iiACKNOWLEDGMENT: .....................................................................................................iiiDEDICATION:............................................................................................

Prevalence of Malaria and Associated Control Methods Among Pregnant Mothers Attending Focused Antenatal Care at Iganga Main Hospital, Iganga District, Eastern Uganda

Table of ContentsDECLARATION................................................................................................................iAPPROVAL......................................................................................................................iiACKNOWLEGDEMENTS..............................................................................................iiiDEDICATION ...........................................................................................................

The Important At The Family Planning and Women of Child Beaming Age (15-49) In Moba Local Government Area, Otun Ekiti, Ekiti State.

ABSTRACT          The research was carried out the important of family planning among of women of the child bearing age (13- 49) years age at the Moba local government, Otun Ekiti state.          Structured questionnaires were distributed by convenience method to 120 respondents, out of which 100 questionnaires were collected. 50 questionnaire each in Health Facilities of Moba Local Government in Otun Elate State and Immanuel Genul Hospital Otun Ekiti were collated and analy...

Determinants of Acute Malnutrition Among Under-Five Years Children in Illela Local Government Sokoto State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Malnutrition is one of the major causes of mortality and morbidity among under-five children in Sub Saharan Africa. To understand the determinants of malnutrition among under –five children, a study was conducted in Araba and  kalmalo  districts of Illela l/g  to Understand the determinants in these districts Majority of the children were aged 37-59 months 54(51.9%) and followed by those aged 13-36 months 44 (42.3%) respectively the average age of the children in months is 37 w...

Knowledge and Causes of Urinary Tract Infection as Perceived by Health Workers in Kaura Local Government Area, Kaduna State

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page                                                                                                     i Certification                                                                                                ii Dedication                         ...

Nutritional Knowledge, Attitudes And Practices Of Primary Caregivers Of Home Grown School Feeding Programme Pupils At Sauri Millennium Village, Siaya- Kenya

School feeding programmes exist worldwide and provide only two thirds of undernourished children with a basic meal (WFP, 2009). Parents/ guardians are important to the long-term adoption of various health practices as they play a major role as primary caregivers.  Primary caregivers need to understand the benefits of and reasons for various healthy eating practices, as well as the reasons for designing and implementing a School Feeding Programme in certain ways. The objectives of this study ...

Factors Associated With Uptake Of Hiv And Aids Combination Prevention Strategies Among Female Sex Workers In Nakuru County, Kenya

The fight against HIV and AIDS in Kenya has been intensified to reduce the prevalence of HIV and AIDS across all populations. The National adult HIV prevalence rate in Kenya is 4.4%, with prevalence higher among women (5.7%) compared to that of men (3.1%). The prevalence among female sex workers (FSWs) is highest at 29.3% compared to all other populations, This implies that there is low uptake of HIV combination prevention strategies (HACPS) which are  the recommended prevention intervention...

Utilization Of Long-Term And Permanent Family Planning Methods Among Family Planning Clients At Westlands Health Facilities, Nairobi County,Kenya

ABSTRACT Access to family planning services and contraception is critical with the world‟s population currently at seven billion inhabitants. Unfortunately close to 250 million people do not have the means to control their fertility. According to KDHS of 2014, Kenya has a total fertility rate of 3.9%, the Contraceptive prevalence rate of 58 % and unmet need for family planning of 18 %. A discrepancy exists between the proportion of women who know about long-term and permanent family planni...

Assessment Of The Healthcare Providers Knowledge And Capacity To Detect Rift Valley Fever Infections In Maragua Sub-County Of Murang’a County Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Rift valley fever (RVF) is a zoonotic mosquito-borne viral disease found in Africa and other continents and is documented in Kenya since 1910. Mosquito and other insect bites, contact with body fluids during slaughter, milking, treatment and examination and consumption of under-cooked contaminated animal products transmit the disease. In epizootic areas, RVF causes abortion in majority of pregnant ewes and cows while high mortality occurs among newborn lambs making diagnosis easy. I...

Assessment Of Factors Influencing Adherence To Antiretroviral Therapy At Nyeri Provincial Hospital In Central Kenya

ABSTRACT  The Nyeri Provincial General Hospital (PGH) was one of the five pilot sites at which the Government of Kenya started providing antiretroviral therapy (ART) to HIV-infected patients in 2003. At this hospital, as in the other pilot sites, there was an increasing number of patients requiring a switch from first line to second line ART drug regimens due to treatment failure. There was little information available on levels of adherence to ART as well as the factors that influence adher...

Strategies For Addressing Barriers To Effective Participation Of Faith-Based Organisations In The Control Of Hiv-Aids In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is not only a major public health challenge, but also a huge threat to global security, stability, and economic growth. One in five organizations currently engaged in HIV and AIDS programming is faith-based. Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs) have a wide reach and capacity to mobilize communities to respond to the HIV and AIDS crisis. The current study sought to establish the barriers which directly affec...

Identification Of Plants Used For Treatment Of Malaria And Factors Influencing Their Use In Boro Division Siaya County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Malaria is a public health problem in more than 90 countries inhabited by over 2.4 billion people. Currently the cheapest drugs for treatment of malaria are becoming ineffective as malarial parasites develop resistance. Historically, local communities have used local flora for prophylaxis and treatment of malaria for centuries. The objective of the study was to determine the plant sources of anti malarial herbs and factors influencing their use in Boro Division, Siaya County. The spe...

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