Epidemic & Community Health Research Papers/Topics

Assessing Consumer Awareness And Usage Of Nutrition Labels On Pre-Packaged Foods In Sagnarigu Municipality

ABSTRACT Together with the excessive consumption of pre-packaged foods, insufficient awareness and use of nutrition labels have been linked to the rising epidemic of diet related chronic diseases. In Ghana, people are increasingly consuming pre-packaged foods, which are generally associated with high salt, sugar and fat contents, and other elements that can be harmful to health. This makes the use of the nutrition label very important. Therefore, this study sought to assess consumer level of ...

The Provision And Management Of Public Toilets In Wa Township

ABSTRACT Public Toilets (PTs) are used all over the world by transient populations and are usually located in public places. However in Ghana most households also depend on PTs for defecation. Due to the pressure and lack of maintenance of these PTs, it has often resulted in most of them being dirty, smelly, unhygienic etc. This research assesses the provision and management of PTs in the Wa Township of the Upper West Region. All the 44 PTs in Wa Township were selected for the study. A hand-...

Common Hepatic Complications of HIV Infection Among HIV Infected Adults in UNTH Enugu a Four Year Review

Abstract : Background: About 33 million people are infected with HIV globally with records of the greater burden of the disease in low and middle-income countries. In the face of increasing survival of HIV infected individuals some HIV patients develop certain complications arising due to the direct effect of the virus, drug-related side effects, abnormal serum liver enzymes levels, viral hepatitis, liver Common hepatic complications among HIV-infected adults in UNTH Enugu a four-year review ...

Prevalence Of Cardiovascular Risks Factors Among School Teachers In The Tamale Metropolis Of The Northern Region Of Ghana.

ABSTRACT Introduction: There is a growing awareness that premature deaths from cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and other non-communicable diseases reduce productivity, curtails economic growth, and pose a significant social challenge in most countries. The impact of cardiovascular risk factors is very enormous especially on the budget of the health sector since there is an epidemiological change from pathogenic diseases to lifestyle diseases. Objectives: The main aim of the study is to invest...

Assessing Iodized Salt Use in Rural Northern Ghana: A Mixed Method Approach

Abstract   Iodine deficiency disorders are a major public health concern affecting an estimated 2 billion people worldwide. As part of efforts to achieve the Universal Salt Iodization goal, the Government of Ghana launched the Universal Salt Iodization program backed by an act of parliament to oversee the attainment of this goal. Notwithstanding these efforts, iodine consumption amongst households and individuals is generally low in the Northern region especially in the Gushegu district. We...

Assessing The Effects Of Socio-Cultural Factors On Maternal Health Care Delivery In The East Mamprusi District Of Northern Ghana

ABSTRACT  Socio-economic inequalities in basic maternal health interventions exist in Ghana, yet little is known about health-seeking of poor households. Further understanding of issues surrounding availability, affordability and quality of maternal health services among the poor is crucial to eliminating inequalities in maternal health coverage in Ghana especially in rural communities. The study was carried out to assess the effects of socio-cultural factors on maternal health care delivery...

Sustaining The Use Of The Insecticide Treated Bed Nets In The Upper East Region Of Ghana: Factors Militating Against Continuous Usage.

ABSTRACT The control of the spread of endemic malaria is incumbent on the prevention of many mortalities and morbidities that are associated with the disease in the Upper East Region of Ghana. The insecticide treated bed nets are the most reliable and cost effective tools to use in the prevention of malaria. This study explored the usage patterns and decision making processes, level of knowledge on the risk of the non-use of the Insecticide Treated Net (ITN), barriers to sustained usage and ...

Evaluating The Trend Of Caesarean Section From (2011 - 2016) In The Kasena Nankana Municipality, Ghana

ABSTRACT The trend of caesarean section (CS) rate continues to increase worldwide. This trend of increasing CS has raised a lot of concerns among health professionals and countries world over. The World Health Organisation in 2007 reached a consensus around the world with the recommendation of an acceptable Caesarean Section rate of 10---15% among countries. This study evaluated the trend of Caesarean Section in the KassenaNankana Municipal of the Upper East Region, Ghana. The study evaluated...

The Community-Based Management Of Acute Malnutrition (Cmam) Programme: Implementation Realities In The Savelugu Nanton Municipality Of Northern Ghana.

ABSTRACT Child survival remains one of the most important public health challenges in Ghana. The implementation of Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) is one of the key strategies to improve child survival. The aim of this study was to assess the implementation realities of Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition programme on child survival in Savelugu/Nanton Municipal of the Northern Region of Ghana. The specific objectives are: 1. Assessing the CMAM service pr...

Assessing Infant And Young Child Feeding Practices On Nutritional Status Of Children (0-23 Months) In The Kumbungu District Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Infant and young child feeding practices have been identified as one of the major determinants of children's nutritional status and account to a large extent for the high rates of malnutrition among children in Ghana. This study is aimed at determining infant and young feeding practices in relation to nutritional status of children under two years in the Kumbungu District of Ghana. This was a cross-sectional study conducted on 274 pairs of children and their mothers who were randoml...

Relationship Between Prenatal Care And Newborn Care Practices In The East Gonja District Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Prenatal care provides the opportunity for early detection of pregnancy related problems for treatment to improve pregnancy outcomes. However, our knowledge is incomplete about the degree to which the content and delivery of prenatal care are associated with postpartum care practices such as infant feeding behaviors and newborn care. This study aimed at assessing the relationship between prenatal care and the adoption of newborn care practices including child feeding practices among...

Assessing Family Planning Decision Making Among Muslims In The Tamale Metropolis

ABSTRACT Generally, Muslims religious leaders are often viewed as potential obstacles towards family planning practices owing to their incessant condemnation of family planning. In Northern Region family planning practices is very low, especially among Muslim couples. In view of this, the study sought to examine how Muslim women and men in the Tamale Metropolis take decisions regarding family planning. The social survey was adopted as research strategy due to the larger nature of the study p...

Assessing The Effects Of Soil Fertility And Conservation Technologies Of Farm Lands In Yendi Municipality, Ghana

ABSTRACT Soil and water degradation is a source of problem confronting sub-Saharan Africa with regard to improving agricultural productivity, reducing poverty and securing food insecurity. Unfortunately, many Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) programmes design to address soil and water degradation in the traditional agricultural sector have fallen far short of expectation. This study therefore assessed the effects of soil fertility and conservation technologies on farmlands in Yendi Municipa...

Alcohol Consumption And Knowledge Of Its Effects On Mother And Child Among Women Of Childbearing Age In The Nandom District

ABSTRACT Alcohol consumption is prevalent among young women in Ghana. Many of these women are becoming heavy drinkers. Alcohol has negative effects on pregnancy and health. It is on this backdrop that the researcher carried out this survey to determine the prevalence, and the factors that affect the consumption of alcohol among women of childbearing age in Nandom district of the Upper West region of Ghana. The study, a descriptive cross-sectional, was conducted in seven health facilities pro...

Infections Prevention And Control Practices Among Healthcare Providers At The Surgical Department Of Tamale Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT Background: Efficient infection prevention and control (IPC) practices are basic requirements for all health facilities to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with microbial agents and hence excellent patient outcome. Adherence to IPC is important to reduce the transmission of nosocomial infections. 

46 - 60 Of 79 Results