Epidemic & Community Health Research Papers/Topics

Assessing The Trend, Causes And Characteristics Of Facility Level Maternal Mortality In The Upper West Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Maternal mortality remains a major public health challenge despite numerous strategies devised by the international community to curb it. Globally, maternal mortality is the leading cause of death among females within the reproductive age. The Upper West region being one of poorest regions contribute significantly to the high prevalence rate of maternal death at the national level. However, little attention is paid to the factors that lead to these deaths in the Region. The objectiv...

Routine Infant Immunization; Factors Influencing Noncompliance With The Schedule In The Tamale Metropolis

ABSTRACT A significant number of children do not comply with the Routine Immunization even after the health extension program was launched. This study was conducted to assess the determinants of noncompliance with the routine infant immunization schedule among residents of the Tamale Metropolis. A cross sectional survey involving 406 caregiver/child pair and also selected officials of the health services in Tamale was conducted. The rates for each scheduled date were 15.5% for Polio Zero, 41...

Assessing The Acceptability Of Ecological Sanitation Latrine Among Adults In The Tamale Metropolis

ABSTRACT There is a high global burden of diseases that are related to poor sanitation. Developing countries including Africa are more affected and Ghana is not left out. Ecological sanitation (EcoSan) is a strategic comprehensive sanitation approach which integrates all aspects of sanitation and links sanitation with agriculture and food production. Faeces and urine serve as vehicles for transmitting many communicable diseases to man. This study was therefore to assess the acceptability of ...

Application Of Information Communication Technology In The Awareness And Usage Of Contraceptive Information Among Teenagers In The Sunyani East Municipality

ABSTRACT Unplanned teenage pregnancy constitutes an important health problem whilst contraceptive services are less costly in Ghana and abortion services are increasing in most health facilities. The main objective of the study was to examine the application of information communication technology in the awareness and usage of contraceptive information among teenagers in the Sunyani East Municipality. Five specific objectives were formulated to set as a guide for the study. Descriptive cross...

Determinants Of Skilled Birth Attendance In The Mamprugu Moagduri District, Northern Region

ABSTRACT The fifth Millennium Development Goal calls for a reduction of maternal mortality ratio by 75% between 1990 and 2015. A key indicator to measure this goal is the proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel. The maternal mortality ratio of Ghana in the year 2013 was 154 deaths per 100,000 live births. High skilled birth attendance is correlated with lower maternal mortality rates globally. However, the proportion of births with a skilled attendant was only 54.7% in Ghan...

Awareness And Use Of Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) By Health Professionals In A Developing Country

Abstract: Introduction The degree of disability in children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) can be evaluated with the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS), a valid tool which was designed for such purposes. However, there appears to be paucity of data on the awareness and use of the GMFCS particularly in the Sub-Saharan continent where the condition is still prevalent. Thus, this study aims to describe awareness, use, merits and demerits of the GMFCS system as perceived by health pro...

Case Management Of Childhood Fever By Traditional Healers In Southwest Nigeria: Identification Of Training And Collaborative Needs

ABSTRACT Traditiona healers play an important role in the provision of healthcare in many communities in Africa. This study aimed to improve home management of malaria in children by assessing the healer's knowledge and practice. A serni-struc.urcd questionnaire interview of 127 traditional healers selected by proportionate sampling technique from two rural and two urban local government areas (LGAs) of southwestern Nigeria wprogram. Malaria ranked first (87%) among the illnesses managed by t...


ABSTRACT Introduction: Severe malaria is a medical emergency that requires appropriate management to prevent death. Effective case management of severe malaria is expensive and requires appropriate clinical assessment, laboratory proof of the disease prior to treatment with an effective antimalarial. Despite Ghana’s adoption of treatment with Artemisinin based Combination Therapy (ACT), the mortality of children due to severe malaria still remains unacceptably high especially in the Norther...


ABSTRACT  Background   Surgery is vital, resolving much of the global burden of disease. In spite of improvements in surgical care there are still risks of harm to patients due to non- adherence to surgical safety standards. In Ghana, data on surgery related adverse events are scanty.  Few studies done in Ghana estimates surgery related adverse events at 19% and prevalence of surgical site infections (SSIs) ranges from 9.6% to 40%. Successive peer review assessments in the Western reg...

Health Communication and Behavioural Practice towards Ending Hepatitis B Virus in Southwest Nigeria

Responding to the international call for strategic information to understand viral hepatitis, this study investigated the health communication practice on hepatitis B virus in Southwest Nigeria. Existing studies on HBV in Nigeria have primarily concentrated on health practitioners and their patients while neglecting detailed empirical data on semiurban and urban demographic information. %is study examines health communication channels as predictors of knowledge, attitude, and behavioural pr...

Awareness and Knowledge of Type2 Diabetes Patients on Dietary Management in Sobi Specialist Hospital, Alagbado, Ilorin, Kwara State

ABSTRACT This research project was assessing the Awareness and Knowledge of type2 Diabetic patients on Dietary management: A case study of Sobi specialist Hospital. The research’s general objective  was research design used in this study was descriptive research design. The sample size used in this study was 79  respondents  out of 100 patients attending the study area, derived using Cochrane formula (Singh & Masuku 2014). The was used in selecting sample size.  The in...

Anatomical perspective to diabetes mellitus

CHAPTER ONE1.0 IntroductionDiabetes occurs in situations where there’s too many excretions of urine and can be causedby a lack of hormone called antidiuretic hormone or ADH that limits the amount of urinemade as in Diabetes Insipidus or it can also result from a higher blood sugar level as inDiabetes Mellitus (IDF, 2006).  Diabetes is a condition that impairs the body’s ability toprocess blood glucose, otherwise known as blood sugar. Diabetes mellitus, often referred tosimply as diabetes...

Prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis

CHAPTER ONE1.0 INTRODUCTIONTuberculosis is a disease caused by Bacteria called mycobacteriumtuberculosis, the bacteria usually attacked the lung, but Tuberculosis bacteriacan attack any part of body such as kidney, spine, and brain. If not treatedproperly, tuberculosis can be fatal, tuberculosis was once leading cause of deathin the united state, and TB is spread through air from one person to another, thebacteria are put into air when a person with tuberculosis disease of lungs orthroat cou...

Knowledge and attitude of hypertension and its risk factors among adults in maiduguri metropolitan Council

Abstract  This research was carried out to assess the knowledge of hypertension and its risk factors in Maiduguri Metropolitan council, Northern eastern Nigeria. A descriptive survey study was used to evaluate hypertension knowledge and attitude in a mixed population of hypertensive and non-hypertensive victims. Participants were selected through a random sampling method. Demographic data including age, gender, marital status, highest educational qualification and occupation were recorded. I...

The Incidence of Anaemia in Pregnancy in Rumueme Community of Obio-Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State

ABSTRACT  This study is designed to identify the incidence of anemia in pregnancy in  ________________________________________________. A historical and statistical survey approach was adopted; antenatal records dating from 2014-2016 were reviewed and analysed to produce data on incidence and some 20 respondents from the study area (10 from each) were surveyed to provide subjective information on other facts and figures concerning anemia in pregnancy. Findings identified incidence of 20.4%...

61 - 75 Of 79 Results