Health Administration and Management Research Papers/Topics

An Assessment of Psychosocial Challenges of the Elderly in Ibagwa-Aka Community, Igbo-Eze South Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT. A descriptive survey design was used to assess the Psychosocial Challengesin Ibagwa-aka Community, Igbo-Eze South Local Government Area of Enugu State, South East Nigeria. The specific objectives of the were to: identify the mental challenges of the elderly in Ibagwa-aka community; identify the emotional challenges of the elderly in the community studied and determined the social challenges of the elderly in the area of studied.Validated questionnaire was used to administer the inst...


The impacts of crises are never gender-neutral, and COVID-19 is no exception. For the single mother in Nigeria, COVID-19 lockdown measures have paused her small business that brings food to the table. For the domestic workers in Nigeria, the pandemic has meant no job and no unemployment benefits or other protection (Unwomen, 2020).  According to Forbes (2021), the pandemic has disproportionately affected women. But we may not have realized the scope of the hit. It’s extraordinarily signifi...

Quality Of Hiv And Aids Data Reported In Community Based Health Information System In Homa-Bay County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Kenya national AIDS strategic plan end term review on data quality reported from community level by the Community-Based Organizations and Faith-Based Organizations revealed data to be inadequately accurate which hampers achievement of the goal of zero infections rates. However, there is limited evidence on factors contributing to the poor quality of data reported and solutions to address these problems. To address this gap, this study purposed to assess quality of HIV/IDS data report...

Quality Of Hiv And Aids Data Reported In Community Based Health Information System In Homa-Bay County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya national AIDS strategic plan end term review on data quality reported from community level by the Community-Based Organizations and Faith-Based Organizations revealed data to be inadequately accurate which hampers achievement of the goal of zero infections rates. However, there is limited evidence on factors contributing to the poor quality of data reported and solutions to address these problems. To address this gap, this study purposed to assess quality of HIV/IDS data report...

Information Seeking Behaviour Among Health Professionals In Public Health Facilities In Garissa County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Information is inevitable in the health profession. The need to become informed and knowledgeable which leads to “information seeking behaviour processes” is important among qualified health professionals who have vital roles in achieving health goals of a given country. However, in Kenya, little effort have been made in understanding the information seeking behaviour of health professionals compared to effort made towards developing new information technologies. Therefore, the g...

Geospatial Analysis On Access To Maternal Health Care In Jasikan District

ABSTRACT Provision of maternal health care to pregnant women is to ensure the safety and good health of the mother and baby, but one of the challenges impeding maternal health care is accessible to the service. Access to Maternal health care is affected by where health professionals are located (supply) and where the target population resides (demand). Distance remains one of the key determinants in accessing maternal health care in rural areas due to the sparse location of settlement communi...

Prevalence Of Anti Bodies To Human LYMPHOTROPIC Virus ; TYPE I Among Blood Donors At The 37th Military Hospital, Accra, Ghana

Several infectious diseases have been found to be associated with transfusion o f whole blood or blood components. Reports from studies conducted in many African countries indicate a high incidence of blood-borne pathogens such as human T-lymphotropic virus type-I (HTLV-I) among healthy blood donors. Experimental data indicate that a r. ajor route for transmission o f the HTLV-I is through blood transfusion. The prevalence o f HTLV-I antibodies among blood donors in Ghana is not well document...


ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to explore the management and coping strategies of hypertensive patients seeking treatment at Brong Ahafo Regional Hospital, and to examine participants’ experiences of living with the condition. A mixed method design was used and all 508 consenting patients were selected for the quantitative aspect, and 16 were conveniently sampled for the qualitative one. Instruments (questionnaire and in-depth interview guide) derived from five pre-existing ones wer...


ABSTRACT Due to the high rate of unemployment situation in Ghana some organizations have taken for granted the health and safety issues of their employees. Much research has been conducted in the area of health and safety in the mining and the construction sectors as well as the wood processing industry in Kumasi but it seems much attention has not been paid to research into health and safety of employees in the agro processing industry especially the fruit processing sector which is an ...