Medicine and Surgery Research Papers/Topics

Prevalence Of Hiv Among Patients With Mental Illness Admitted At Kiu-th Psychiatry Department

ABSTRACT Background: Mental illness accounts for 12.5% of the global burden of disease, this is expected to rise to 15% by 2020 by which depression will disable more people with HIV/ AIDS. Thus, this study was intended to determine the prevalence of HIV among patients with mental illness admitted at KIU-TH psychiatry department. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study design was employed. Data was collected using a pretested questionnaire and reviewed clinical files of Patients admitted ...

Utilization Of Contraceptives Among Students Of Tertiary Institutions. A Case Study Of Kampala International University-western Campus Ishaka, Busenyi District, Uganda

ABSTRACT Background: Over 100 million acts of sexual intercourse take place each day in the world, resulting in around 3 million conceptions of which 50% are unplanned and 25% definitely unwanted. The proportion of young women reporting unintended pregnancy and unmet need for contraception remains high in developing countries. Unintended pregnancies are associated with increased risk of unsafe abortions, maternal morbidity and mortality. Objectives: The objectives of this study was to determi...

Prevalence And Contributing Factors Of High Risk Pregnancies Among Women Attending Antenatal Clinic At Mubende Regional Referral Hospital Mubende District, Uganda

ABSTRACT Background In 2013, complications of pregnancy resulted globally in 293,000 deaths, down from 377,000 deaths in 1990. The most common causes of maternal mortality are maternal bleeding, maternal sepsis and other infections, hypertensive diseases of pregnancy, obstructed labor, and pregnancy with abortive outcome, which includes miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, and elective abortion (GBD 2013) Methods Across sectional study design was used to determine the prevalence of high risk pregn...

Knowledge And Attitudes Concerning Hepatitis B Infection And Prevention Among Residents Of Kaliro Town Council.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Hepatitis B infection is a serious blood-borne disease caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) which attacks the liver, and is the leading cause of liver cancer and cirrhosis of the liver. HBV can be transmitted through exposure to infected blood and human secretions through needle stick / sharps injuries and splashes. The aim of the study: To investigate the knowledge and attitudes towards hepatitis B virus test and vaccination among the peoples of Kaliro. Methods: A cro...

Knowledge And Attitudes Concerning Hepatitis B Infection And Prevention Among Residents Of Kaliro Town Council

ABSTRACT Introduction: Hepatitis B infection is a serious blood-borne disease caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) which attacks the liver, and is the leading cause of liver cancer and cirrhosis of the liver. HBV can be transmitted through exposure to infected blood and human secretions through needle stick / sharps injuries and splashes. The aim of the study: To investigate the knowledge and attitudes towards hepatitis B virus test and vaccination among the peoples of Kaliro. Methods: A cro...

The Prevalence Of And Factors Associated With Teenage Pregnancies Among Mothers Attending Hoima Regional Referral Hospital

ABSTRACT Introduction: Worldwide, approximately 16 million mothers aged 15-19 years give birth annually; 95% of these births occur in low and middle income countries (WHO, 2016). In Uganda, a slight increase in the number of teenage mothers from 24% in 2011 to 25% in 2016 was observed (UBOS, 2016).Bunyoro region has a high level of teenage pregnancy of 29% (Uganda Population Secretariat, 2013).The prevalence and possible factors associated with teenage pregnancies have not been systematically...

Advertising On The Sales Volume In Multinational Companies Case Study: Coca-cola Company In Uganda.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study seeks to examine the relationship between advertising and the volume of sales in Coca Cola Company. The study was guided by research objectives of establishing the effects of advertising on the volume of sales, finding the best way of advertising to be used and finding out other factors affecting sales volume. This was accomplished using primary and secondary data sought sources such as Journals, reports, publications from the company, periodicals, newspapers...

Factors Affecting The Use Of Family Planning Among Hiv Positive Women Attending Fortportal Regional Referral Hospital Kabarole District

ABSTRACT Introduction: use of contraceptives among HIV positive women is a matter of reproductive health importance both for the woman, the sexual partner and the unborn child in the eventuality of a pregnancy. Other than protecting the discordant sexual partner from contracting the disease, transmission of the disease to the child, contraceptives also prevent against unwanted pregnancies thus saving the family from the burdens that come with it. The study was about assessing the knowledge an...

Assessment Of Drug & Substance Abuse Among Hiv Patients Attending The Aids Support Organisation (Taso) Mbarara-uganda

Table of Contents DECLARATION ..................................................................................... iv CERTIFICATION ................................................................................ v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT........................................................................ vi DEDICATION.......................................................................................... vii LISTOF ABBREVIATIONS...............................................................

Influence Of Parental Knowledge And Attitude On Childhood Immunization In A Selected House Holdsof Bushenyi District

ABSTRACT Background: Vaccine preventable diseases are considered one of the main causes of sicknesses and deaths among children all over the world. Parents’ knowledge and attitudes towards immunization are likely influencing vaccination uptake. Vaccination is one of the most cost effective public health tools to prevent infectious diseases. Objective: This study aimed to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices of parents towards immunization in Bushenyi District. That is to determine the ...

Assessment Of Factors Hindering Family Planning Service Utilisation Among Women Of Reproductive Age In Mubende Town Council

ABSTRACT In Uganda about 755,000 women get unintended pregnancies each year, many of which end up in abortion and about 6,000 women die as a result of pregnancy related complications. A significant proportion of these deaths occur because women are not able to have healthy planned pregnancies and according to the Uganda Demographic and Health Survey, 41% of married women wish to space their pregnancies or want to stop child bearing altogether but are not using family planning methods because ...

Prevalence And Factors Associated With Dental Caries/Decay Among Patients Who Attend Dental Clinic At Lira Regional Referal Hospital

ABSTRACT This was a descriptive cross sectional quantitative study, carried out at LRRH in Lira municipality, northern Uganda. A total of 100 respondents were sampled and interviewed. The study aimed at assessing the prevalence and factors associated with dental caries/decay among patients attending dental clinic at LRRH. Results: From the study 100% of the respondents agreed to brushing their teeth, out of which 41% brushed their teeth once a day, 21% after every meal, 34% twice daily and 4%...

The Prevalence Of Malaria Among Children Attending Nkoaranga Lutheran Hospital Between June 2016- June 2017

ABSTRACTIntroduction - The purpose of the study was to investigate the PREVALENCE OF MALARIA IN CHILDREN AT NKOARANGA HOSPITAL. Malaria is a parasitic disease which kills many people each year, 75% of these are children. Our aim is to study malaria in children admitted at Nkoaranga Lutheran Hospital, which is remotely situated in the Meru district in northern Tanzania.Method - The study involved interviews. Respondents were selected through purposive sampling techniqu...

Knowledge And Practices On Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Women Of Reproductive Age (18-45 Years Old) Attending Kampala International University Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) still stand as one of the commonest health problems affecting women of reproductive age. The knowledge and practices on STIs among susceptible populations such as women of reproductive age attending or visiting Kampala International University Teaching Hospital need to be established. OBJECTIVE:The objective of this study was to determinethe knowledge and practices related to sexual transmitted infections among women of reproductive a...

The Prevalence and Outcomes of Urinary Tract Infections Among Pregnant Mothers Attending Antenatal Clinic in Mityana General Hospital

ABSTRACT Background Urinary tract infection is one of the most frequently seen medical complications in pregnancy. UTI in pregnancy is an important concern, as it possesses risk of complications such as acute and chronic pyelonephritis, toxemia, anemia, hypertension, intrauterine growth retardation and increased perinatal mortality. The detection of urinary tract infections allows an approach to be made for the prevention of chronic urinary disease in the community and to avoid complications ...

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