Medicine and Surgery Research Papers/Topics

Assessment Of Factors Contributing To Puerperal Sepsis Among Mothers Attending The Obstetrics And Gynaecology Clinical Services At Fortportal Regional Referral Hospital.

ABSTRACT Topic: Assessment of factors contributing to the prevalence of puerperal sepsis among mothers attending the obstetrics Ward at FortPortal regional referral hospital, western Uganda. Background: Puerperal sepsis is one of the leading causes of preventable maternal morbidity and mortality. It is still ranked as 3rd major cause of maternal death in our country. Aim: The objective of this study was to assess the factors that predispose a mother to the development of puerperal sepsis, to ...

Prevalence Of Complications And Risk Factors Among Diabetic Patients In Medical Ward Of Ishaka Adventist Hospital-bushenyi

ABSTRACT Diabetes Mellitus affects more than 30 million people worldwide. It is said to be the fourth or fifth leading cause of death in most developed countries, newly industrialized nations and is epidemic in many developing countries. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence risk factors and complication among patients with diabetes mellitus seen in medical ward department at Ishaka Adventist Hospital A cross sectional study descriptive in nature was employed. A cluster s...

Factors Affecting the Use of Contraceptive Methods Among Childbearing Women Attending Obstetric and Gynecology Clinics in Kiryandongo District Hospital, Kiryandongo, Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION......................................................................................................................................... II APPROVAL ............................................................................................................................................... III DEDICATION............................................................................................................................................ IV ACKNOWLEDGENT .....

Factors Affecting Partograph Utilization In Kiryandongo District: A Case Study Of Midwives In Lower Health Units

ABSTRACT Background: Uganda is still one of the developing countries with high maternal mortality ratio, currently estimated at 336/100,000 live birth. World health organization (WHO) recommends using the partograph to monitor labor and delivery, with the objective to improve health care and reduce maternal and fetal morbidity and death. The present study therefore, examined the extent of utilization of partogram among midwives in Kiryandongo lower health units. Methods: A descriptive quanti...

A Review Of Morbidity Pattern Of Post Natal Clinic In Kitagata Hospital-uganda.

ABSTRACT A retrospective study was carried out. Carried out in Kitagata hospital in Bushenyi district October 2013. The study’s main objective as assessment of morbidity pattern of post natal clinic in Kitagata hospital. A total of 100 respondents reports/records were randomly chosen from already existing records, analyzed manually in excel and calculators and presented in tables and figures. The researcher concluded that despite most mothers attend post natal clinic but they still have pos...

A Study of Infection Prevention in Accident and Emergency Department of Kampala International University Teaching Hospital in Ishaka Municipality Bushenyi District, Western Uganda.

   Abstract   A study was conducted in Kampala International University- Teaching Hospital accident and emergency department between July 2013 to October 2013 to assess  the awareness and practises of infection prevention amongst health care workers at their work place. The  specific objectives of this study were to assess the practices of the staff in emergency rooms on the standard protocols observed in infections prevention, to identify the roles played by the admi...

The Prevalence and Associated Factors of Surgical Site Infections Among Patients in Surgical Ward of Jinja Regional Referral Hospital

ABSTRACT Background: World over, surgical site infections (SSIs) are one of the most commonly encountered complications after surgery. No study had been done in Jinja regional referral hospital (JRRH) regarding SSIs. Therefore, this study was intended to determine the prevalence and risk factors associated with surgical site infections among patients in surgical ward at JRRH. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional was done. A pretested checklist was used to collect data from 120 files of pa...

Factors Contributing to the Prevalence of Typhoid Fever Among Patients Attending to Kiryandongo General Hospital in Kiryandongo District

ABSTRACT Introduction Typhoid fever (TF) continues to be a major public health problem in many developing countries. In Uganda, an outbreak of typhoid fever in Kasese District sickened 8092 persons from 27 December 2007 to 30 July 2009, resulting in at least 249 intestinal perforations and 47 deaths. Objectives The study was aimed at assessing risk factors contributing to the prevalence of typhoid fever among patients attending to Kiryandongo General Hospital in Kiryandongo district. Specifi...

Factors Influencing Availability, Accessibility and Utilization of Post Exposure Prophylaxis of Hiv by Health Care Workers in Ainabkoi North Division, Eldoret East District

Abstract  HIV/ AIDs is a global problem with estimated 33 million persons infected worldwide in 2007 and with 2.7 million new infections (UNAIDS/Global AIDs epidemic report 2008). 60% of this lives in Sub Saharan Africa. Exposure occur through needle sticks or cuts from other sharp instruments contaminated with an infected patient’s blood or through contact of the eye, nose, mouth, or skin with a patient’s blood. PEP of HIV if initiated within 72 hours of exposure have been shown to ...


Table of ContentsDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ iiAPPROVAL ..................................................................................................................................iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................................................................. ivOPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS....................................................

Factors Hindering the Male Partners’ Involvement in Antenatal and Perinatal Care

CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction Antenatal care is one of the priority interventions in reproductive health in Uganda, which significantly contribute to the reduction of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality. Antenatal care is a planned programmed management of pregnant women directed towards making pregnancy and labour a safe and satisfying experience, resulting into delivery of mature normal baby (MOH report 2004). Perinatal care is the care of a pregnant mother during labour and after de...

Factors Influencing Utilization of Long Acting Contraceptive Methods Among Women Attending Mch Clinic at Jinja Regional Referral Hospital

Table of ContentsDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. iAPPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... iiACKNOWLEDGEMENT.............................................................................................................iiiDEDICATION................................................................

Knowledge and Attitudes of Autologous Blood Transfusion Among Health Workers in Fort portal Regional Referral Hospital

Table of ContentsDECLARATION .......................................................................................................................................iAPPROVAL..............................................................................................................................................iiDEDICATION.........................................................................................................................................iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................

Assessment of Practices and Factors Affecting Hiv Voluntary Counselling and Testing for Couples Among Married People in Bushenyi-Ishaka Municipality

Table of Contents DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ ii SUPERVISOR’S APPROVAL ..................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................. iv DEDICATION ........................................................................

Assessment Of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Contraception Usage Among Post Abortal Women in Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................................................................ i APPROVAL ..................................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................................................................. i...

46 - 60 Of 392 Results