Pathology Research Papers/Topics

Evaluation of health surveillance system attributes: the case of neglected tropical diseases in Kenya

Abstract: Background Control of preventive chemotherapy-targeted neglected tropical diseases (PC-NTDs) relies on strengthened health systems. Efficient health information systems provide an impetus to achieving the sustainable development goal aimed at ending PC-NTD epidemics. However, there is limited assessment of surveillance system functions linked to PC-NTDs and hinged on optimum performance of surveillance system attributes. The study aimed to evaluate surveillance system attributes ba...

Feasibility of implementing recommendations to improve neglected tropical diseases surveillance and response in Kenya: a modified Delphi study

Abstract: Background Effective health information systems (HIS) are critical towards achieving timely response to preventive chemotherapy neglected tropical diseases (PC-NTDs) and their eventual elimination. Strengthened HIS enable prompt case detection and effective response to halt disease transmission and prevent probable outbreaks. This study aimed to assess the importance and feasibility of implementing recommendations for improving surveillance core functions, support functions and sur...

One stone for two birds: Endophytic fungi promote maize seedlings growth and negatively impact the life history parameters of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda

Abstract: The fall armyworm (FAW) Spodoptera frugiperda, is a voracious pest of cereals native to the Americas and which invaded Africa in 2016. Chemical control is the main management option, which however remains ineffective and unsustainable. Fungal endophytes are increasingly used as alternative for the management of insect pests of economic importance. This study assessed the potential of eight endophytic fungal isolates to colonize maize plant and their ability to promote seedlings gro...

Ticks and Tick-Borne Pathogens Associated with Dromedary Camels (Camelus dromedarius) in Northern Kenya

Abstract: Ticks and tick-borne pathogens (TBPs) are major constraints to camel health and production, yet epidemiological data on their diversity and impact on dromedary camels remain limited. We surveyed the diversity of ticks and TBPs associated with camels and co-grazing sheep at 12 sites in Marsabit County, northern Kenya. We screened blood and ticks (858 pools) from 296 camels and 77 sheep for bacterial and protozoan TBPs by high-resolution melting analysis and sequencing of PCR product...

Occurrence of plant-parasitic nematodes on enset (Ensete ventricosum) in Ethiopia with focus on Pratylenchus goodeyi as a key species of the crop

Abstract: Enset (Ensete ventricosum) is an important starch staple crop, cultivated primarily in south and southwestern Ethiopia. Enset is the main crop of a sustainable indigenous African system that ensures food security in a country that is food deficient. Related to the banana family, enset is similarly affected by plant-parasitic nematodes. Plant-parasitic nematodes impose a huge constraint on agriculture. The distribution, population density and incidence of plant-parasitic nematodes o...

Susceptibility of Immature Stages of the Locusts Schistocerca Gregaria and Locusta Migratoria Migratorioides to the Microsporidium Johenrea Locustae and Effects of Infection on Feeding and Fe

Abstract: Second instar nymphs of African migratory locust, Locusta migratoria migratorioides, and desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, were tested for their susceptibility to the microsporidium pathogen Johenrea locustae (Lange et al. 1996, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 68, 28) in the laboratory. Spores of J. locustae were produced from live L.m. migratorioides, a conspecific to L. migratoria capito. Locusta m. migratorioides and S. gregaria were exposed to wheat seedlings sprayed wit...

The effect of climate variability in the efficacy of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium acridum against the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria

Abstract: Despite substantial efforts to control locusts they remain periodically a major burden in Africa, causing severe yield loss and hence loss of food and income. Distribution maps indicating the value of the basic reproduction number R0 was used to identify areas where an insect pest can be controlled by a natural enemy. A dynamic process-based mathematical model integrating essential features of a natural enemy and its interaction with the pest is used to generate R0 risk maps for in...

Plant-Feeding Behaviour and its Efects on the Fitness and Competence of the Malaria Vector Anopheles Gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae)

Abstract: Malaria remains a serious threat in sub-Saharan Africa Available control tools are now largely ineffective. Because of the role of vectors in malaria transmission, integrated vector management strategies that are environmentally safe, economically feasible and acceptable to resource-limited communities are one way to achieve effective malaria control. However, adequate knowledge of the biology, behaviour and ecology of the malaria vectors are imperative. Sugar-feeding from plants i...

Development of formulations and delivery systems to control economically important ticks with entomopathogenic fungi

Abstract: Due to the rapid development of tick resistance to synthetic chemical acaricides and the potential risk posed by these chemicals to non-target species, efforts are intensifying towards the development of entomopathogenic fungi as an environmentally benign alternative tick control strategy. The main objective of this study is the development of formulations and delivery systems for control of ticks with entomopathogenic fungi. Screening of entomopathogenic fungal isolates is the fir...

Ecology and Management of the Leafhopper Vectors (Cicadulina Spp.) of Maize Streak Virus

Abstract: Several Cicadulina species are important pests of maize by virtue of their role as vectors of maize streak virus (MSV). Tnis study deals with various aspects of the vector/virus/host plant relationship. Developmental times for all life stages of both C. anestae and C. mbila were inversely related to temperature, and the data were used to develop a degree-day (DD) model that can be used to estimate population growth in the field. The rate of development peaked at 30 °c for both spe...

Combining malaria control with rural electrification: Social and behavioural factors that influenced the design, use and sustainability of solar-powered mosquito trapping systems (SMoTS) for

Abstract: The research on which this thesis is based was carried out as part of a multidisciplinary project, “SolarMal”, which aimed to evaluate proof of principle for the elimination of malaria from Rusinga Island by augmenting the existing national malaria control programme tools with mass trapping of mosquitoes. As electricity was required to run the mosquito traps and most residents had no electricity, solar systems were also installed,providing lighting and telephone charging as wel...

Differential attractiveness of humans to the African malaria vector Anopheles gambiae Giles: Effects of host characteristics and parasite infection.

Introduction: Malaria in man is caused by four species of protozoan parasites1 belonging to the genus Plasmodium. Plasmodium parasites exhibit a complex life cycle involving development through two host2 species: an insect vector3 (definitive host4) and a vertebrate species (intermediate host5). Humans serve as intermediate hosts for several Plasmodium species (P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale and P. malariae) whilst female mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles serve as the definitive hosts (Fi...

Effect of Seed Treatment with Synthetic Pesticides and Cassia Alata Extract on Field Performance of Nsukka Yellow Pepper (Capsicum Annum)

ABSTRACT  Field experiment was conducted at the Teaching and Research farm of the Department of Crop Science, University of Nigeria Nsukka to compare the activity of Cassia alata leaf extract with two synthetic chemical fungicides applied as seed treatment on the field performance of Nsukka yellow pepper. Four accessions of Nsukka yellow pepper seeds were treated with Apron plus 50 Ds (34% furathiocarb + 10% metalaxyl + 6% carboxine) and Thiram (tetramety1 thioperoxydicarbonic diamide) each ...

Cutaneous and Systemic Pathologic Responses of the West African Dwarf Goat to Sarcoptes Scabiei Infestation

ABSTRACT The pathophysiology of Sarcoptes scabiei infestation in the West African Dwarf goat was evaluated in a natural transmission study. Twenty- five adult male West African Dwarf (WAD) goats consisting of 15 naturally infested goats assigned into three equal groups based on severity of clinical disease as: A (mild infestation), B (moderate infestation), C (severe infestation), and10 healthy WAD goats with no previous history of mange infestation assigned into two equal groups as D (for co...

Tomato Post-Harvest Spoilage, Causes And Use Of Selected Botanical Extracts In Their Management In Mwea, Kirinyaga County

ABSTRACT Tomato is an important vegetable crop in Kenya. It is widely grown for home consumption and for sale. The demand for fresh tomato is high both for domestic use and markets. However, tomato post-harvest losses are a threat to the harvested tomatoes. There is no well documented current knowledge on the nature and status of post harvest losses on tomato in Kenya particularly with regard to pests and diseases. In areas where post-harvest losses have been documented the figures vary cons...

46 - 60 Of 119 Results