Pathology Research Papers/Topics

Malaria Parasitaemia and Humoral Immune Responses to some Defined Plasmodium Falciparum Antigens in Newborns, Infants and Adult Nigerians.

PABSTRACT A cohort of mothers and then newborns at Igbo-Ora, Oyo State was studied longitudinally for 12 months to determine the incidence of malaria parasitaemia, episodes of clinical malaria and their humoral immune response to malaria infection. Cross-sectional studies were also performed on adults at the Government Technical College, Igbo-Ora and blood donors at the University College Hospital, Ibadan during the rainy and dry seasons. Peripheral and cord blood samples were collected from ...

Determination Of The Effectiveness Of Trianum-P® (Trichoderma Harzianum) And Trichotech® (Trichoderma Asperellum) In The Management Of Late Blight Disease Of Tomatoes

ABSTRACT The general objective was to evaluate the efficacy of Trichoderma species to promote the growth of tomato and to manage late blight disease under in vitro and in vivo conditions. A collection of 18 Trichoderma spp. were isolated from two commercial products (Trichotech® and Trianum-P®) that should have the antagonistic species Trichoderma asperellum and Trichoderma harzianum respectively. Cultural and molecular approaches were used to characterize the products. Differences on the g...

Pathogenesis Of Velogenic Newcastle Disease Virus Infection In Cyclophosphamide Treated Chickens

ABSTRACT The susceptibility, clinical signs, distribution and persistence of lesions of a local Nigeria velogenic Newcastle disease virus (VNDV) strain (KUDU 113) were studied in 6 week old chickens bursectomised by treatment with cyclophosphamide on days 2, 3 and 4 post-hatch. Following intramuscular inoculation, depression, muscle tremor, greenish diarrhea and paralysis were observed in the bursectomised infected (BI) chickens while severe depression, whitish to greenish diarrhea, listless...

Molecular Characterization And Screening Of Selected Antagonistic Microorganisms Against Major Maize And Bean Pathogens

ABSTRACT Various plant diseases (Fusarium ear rots, bean anthracnose and damping off of seedlings) caused by phytopathogenic agents are known to cause considerable crop losses to agricultural yield all over the world. The use of antagonistic microorganisms in controlling maize and bean pathogens is an area of great potential in order to increase yield, thereof mitigate food insecurity. The aim of this study was to characterize and screen selected tropical fungi and bacteria for antimicrobial ...

Status Of Potato Bacterial Wilt In Nakuru County (Kenya) And Its Management Through Crop Rotation And Soil Amendments

ABSTRACT Bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum, is the second most damaging potato disease in tropical and sub-tropical regions causing up to 75% of crop loss and affects 77% of potato farmers in at least 10 Counties in Kenya. Lack of actual information on the distribution of bacterial wilt limits application of strategic approaches in curbing the disease in Nakuru county and other parts of Kenya. A survey was undertaken using a semi structured questionnaire and personal observatio...

Screening Of Streptomyces Isolates From Mau Forest Complex For Antimicrobial Activity Against Selected Plant Pathogens

ABSTRACT The search for new principles in bio-control of plant pathogens different from the classical fungicides is of worldwide interest. The genus Streptomyces is the producer of about 80% of all known world antibiotics. It is of a major interest in bio control of plant pathogens. The study consisted of three steps: (i) collection of soil samples from different sites in the Mau Forest Complex and isolation of Streptomyces from these samples, (ii) screening for antimicrobial activity of the ...

Efficacy Of Atoxigenic Aspergillus Flavus (Aflasafe Ke01) On The Population Of Aflatoxigenic Fungi And Aflatoxin Contamination Of Maize (Zea Mays L.) In Alternate Seasons In Lower Eastern Ken

ABSTRACT Aflasafe KE01 is a biological control product comprising of four atoxigenic strains of Aspergillus flavus which are native in Kenya. This study determined the efficacy of Aflasafe KE01 on the population of aflatoxin producing fungi and aflatoxin contamination of maize in alternate seasons. Field efficacy trials were carried out in aflatoxin hot spots in Kathiani and Wote sub Counties in lower Eastern Kenya. Twenty four maize fields were selected at random in each Sub County where 12 ...

Serum Retinol Levels And Associated Biochemical And Haematological Parameters In Chickens Experimentally Infected With Ascaridia Galli

ABSTRACT The levels of serum retinol, total serum proteins, serum albumin, serum globulins, albumin/globulin ratio, haemoglobin concentration, haematocrit, body weights as well as dynamics of A. galli (namely eggs per gram of faeces, worm establishment rate, total counts, male and female counts, females to males ratio, total worms weight and fecundity) were investigated in chickens experimentally infected with 350 eggs of A. galli and daily supplemented with 1500 I.U retinyl acetate. Forty, ...

Efficacy Of Host Resistance, Seed Sorting And Antifungal Plant Extracts In Management Of Angular Leaf Spot Of Common Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.)

ABSTRACT Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), is the most important legume in pulses category of Kenya’s agricultural commodities and is second only to maize in importance as a food crop. Among the bean diseases angular leaf spot (ALS) caused by Phaeoisariopsis griseola is a major constraint to production in the tropics and subtropics, and causes considerable yield losses. The effectiveness of the available methods for control of angular leafspot, which include cultural practices, use ...

Formulation Of Trichoderma Harzianum And Its Comparative Storage Stability In Different Substrates For The Management Of Armillaria Root Rot Of Tea

ABSTRACT Armillaria root rot has been documented as one of the major diseases of tea (Camellia sinensis) that hinders successful establishment of tea when planted shortly after deforestation. Effective methods for managing the disease have not been fully developed. Trichoderma harzianum, a soil-borne fungus, has been demonstrated to be an effective antagonist to several species of Armillaria. In this study, formulation, stability in storage and viabilit y of T. harzianum in selected substrate...

Prognostic Factors for Overall Survival of Patients with Prostate Cancer in Kyadondo County, Uganda

Background.  Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men globally. A few studies that have been done in Uganda on survival of patients with prostate cancer indicate that, the overall survival of patients with prostate cancer in Uganda is poor. The aim of this study was to determine the 3-year overall survival rate of a cohort of patients with prostate cancer residing in Kyadondo County who were diagnosed from 2012 to 2014. The secondary objective was to correlate the overall s...

Incidences And Severity Of Maize Ear Rot Causing Pathogens And Response Of Selected Maize Hybrids To Diplodia (Stenocarpella Spp.) In Selected Counties In Nyanza Region

ABSTRACT Maize (Zea mays) is a staple food grown in almost all agro-ecological zones in Kenya. The production output is very low (2.4 million tons annually) nationally. Nyanza region contributes about 5 million bags. This is not enough to feed its population of 5 million people. Maize ear rot disease contributes to low maize productivity in Nyanza, with annual lossess due to aar rot estimated at 18 percent. These pathogens are reported to lower the quality of the maize crop and produce mycoto...

Studies On The Relationship Between Some Trace Elements And Steroid Hormones In Prostatic Disorders Amongst Nigerians

ABSTRACT Benign hyperplasia and Carcinoma of prostate are pro static disorders commonly found in aging sales. These disorders are reported to be less common amongst Nigerians, though there has been no concrete pathophysiological evidence to support this observation. The exact aetiology of these disorders has not been resolved, but some factors have been identified as being contributory to their development. Amongst these factors are androgenic hormonal control and the influence of some trace-...

Early Tuberculosis Immunodetection Using Genomic Antigens And Inducement Of T-Cells In Hiv+TB Subjects In Lagos, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT The probability of developing tuberculosis (TB) disease is higher in immune compromised subjects such as HIV/AIDS patients. Conventional methods of diagnosing TB which include sputum smear microscopy, culture and chest X-ray have drawbacks and established limitations. The limitations are pronounced in immunocompromised subjects. The consequence of poor diagnosis of TB especially in resources limited environment like Nigeria contributes to the rising incidence of TB. Introducing immu...


The advent of Corona virus; its origin, historical background, global impact, conspiracy theories, remedies and the way forward.

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