Pharmacology Research Papers/Topics

Pharmacological and Toxicological Activities of The Aqueous Root Extract of Aristolochia Ringens Vahl

ABSTRACT Plants continue to be a major source of medicines as they have been throughout human history. A 2008 report from the Botanic Gardens Conservation International (representing botanic gardens in 120 countries) revealed that 5 billion people still use medicinal plants to partly cater for their health care needs. According to the World Health Organization, medicinal plants would be the best source of a variety of drugs (Toroglu, 2011). The fact that plants synthesize a wide variety of ch...

Pharmacological Characterization Of The Antiasthmatic Constituent Of The Leaves Of Asystasia Gangetica (L.) Anderson (ACANTHACEAE)

ABSTRACT Asthma is currently a worldwide problem, with increasing prevalence in both ?r children and adults; a prevalence rate of 5 - 10% has been reported for Nigeria. The pathophysiological features of the disease are bronchoconstriction, airway hyperresponsiveness and chronic inflammation. Drugs used in the management include bronchodilators which are short-term relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs which are long-term controllers. Despite the availability of oral and inhaled medications, ...

Pharmacological and Toxicity studies of the aqueous root extract of dalbergia saxatilis hook

The aqueous root extract of Dalbergia saxatilis (DS) was used to study the pharmacological and toxicity profile of the plant, to ascertain the various medicinal uses and lack of toxicity claims by Traditional Medicine Practitioners. The 24h (up 14 days) acute toxicity and 90-day (plus 14 day reversibility) synchronic toxicity studies were explored to evaluate the toxicity potentials, and as basis for dose selection in the pharmacological studies. DS (50-200 mg/kg) was used to study the centra...

Evaluation of Paracheck-PfTM rapid malaria diagnostic test for the diagnosis of malaria among HIV-positive patients in Ibadan, south-western Nigeria

ABSTRACT Febrile illnesses occur frequently among HIV positive patients and these are often treated presumptively as malaria in endemic areas. Parasite-based diagnosis of malaria will eliminate unnecessary treatment, reduce drug–drug interactions and the chances for the emergence of drug resistant Plasmodium. We evaluated finger prick blood samples from 387 people living with HIV (PLWHIV) and suspected of having malaria by expert microscopy and Paracheck-Pf TM – a histidine-rich protein-I...


ABSTRACT A Ä? FLUXES IN NORMAL aND HYPERTENSIVE NIGERIANS RED CELL SODIUM AND POTASSIUM CONTENT AF n xuno luts in Ni Nigei Nigerians .gerians with known 1. Erythrocyte sodium, potassium and water content have been determined in 908 Nigfferians so as to: 1. establish normal va! 2. compare values ^ values in other blacks. 3. compare va itSe> in Nigerians with those of caucasians. Red cell s^Üfum, potassium and water were also deterrrrined in 7 caucasians who had been resident i N n igeria for...

Interaction Of Prostaglandin E (Pge ) With Noradrenaline And Its Antagonists In The Isolated Mesenteric Artery Oe Rat

ABSTRACT The effect of PGE^, P5P?a and PGI0 on tilu lion induced by different mechanisms was studied in the isolated rat mesenteric arteiy as described by McGregor (1965) Vasoconstriction was induced by mechanisms involving dii modes of calcium utilization viz: (i) Pharmaccnechanical pathway by low doses of the adrenergic neurotransm.itter, noradrenaline acting at - receptor; (ii) electromechanical pathway by 1.1 b potassium-and” (iip.) agents which facilitate Ca influx e.g. A23187. ! The p...

Evaluation of Hypoglycaemic Effect And Phytochemical Constituents of Methanol Extract of Vernonia Amygdalina Del Fam. (ASTERACEAE)

ABSTRACT Leaf of Vernonia amygdalina has been shown to have hypoglycemic activity. This may be as a result of the presence of secondary metabolites as its constituents. The major secondary metabolites present in the leaf are tannins, carbohydrates, reducing sugars, glycosides, steroids and proteins. This work was designed to identify these secondary metabolites responsible for this activity, test the lethality of the constituents and then determine the best solvent for extraction. A 1 kg cru...

Evaluation of The Antiplasmodial Activity of Methanol Leaf Extract And Fractions of Landolphai Owariesis P. Beauv (APOCYNACEAE) in Mice

ABSTRACT  Landolphia owariensis P. Beauv (Apocynaceae) is a woody liane commonly used in Africa for the treatment of gonorrhea, worm infestation and malaria. The methanol leaf extract (ME) of L. owariensis was obtained by cold maceration and then fractionated into nhexane (nHF), ethylacetate (EF) and methanol (MF) fractions. The methanol extract and fractions were tested against chloroquine-sensitive Plasmodium berghei berghei in early, established and repository models of infection using Pe...

Iron And Postpartum Depression: A Preclinical Evaluation In Sprague-Dawley Rats

ABSTRACT Background: Postpartum depression (PPD) is a mood disorder that affects 10 - 20 % of women after child birth. It has been observed that gestational iron deficiency which affects mostly mothers and their infants causes a deficit in behavioural, cognitive and affective functions precipitating depressive symptoms in both mothers and their infants during the postpartum period. The present work examined the role of iron in depression during the postpartum period in animal models. Method: ...

Antidepressant Effect And The Possible Mechanism(S) Of Action Of Secondary Metabolites From Trichilia Monadelpha In Murine Models

ABSTRACT Background: Current conventional antidepressant drugs have delayed onset of action, significant adverse effects, are costly and about 30-40% of patients are non-responsive, underscoring the need for alternative therapies for depression. Presently, no known scientific evidence exists to support the efficacy of Trichilia monadelpha in depression treatment, though used in Ghana in managing psychosis, epilepsy and mood disorders. Aim: This study investigated the antidepressant effect of ...

Valuation of Anti-Ulcer Properties of Methanol Extract of Terminalia superba Engl. & Diels (Combretaceae) Stem Barkev

ABSTRACT Terminalia superba Engl. & Diels (Combretaceae), is a member of the genus Terminalia that comprises around 100 species distributed in tropical regions of the world. In Africa it is found along the coast of west and central Africa. It has different uses in traditional medicine such as antimalarial, anti-diabetic, anti-fungal, and anti-hypertensive in the areas where it is found. Most of these uses are yet to be scientifically investigated. The powdered stem bark of Terminalia superba...

61 - 75 Of 117 Results