Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Numerical Analysis of Holling Type Ii Functional Response Predator-Prey Model with Time Delay Optimal Selective Harvesting

Abstract/Overview Population dynamics indicate the changes in size and composition of population through time, as well as biotic and abiotic factors influencing those changes. Predator-prey (PP) relationship with harvesting and functional response involving prey refuge with Holling type I functional response (HTIFR) has been studied with recommendations on their extension to include Holling type II functional response (HTIIFR). There persists a problem in fifinding the numerical solution ...

Numerical Analysis of Third Order Advection-Viscous Wave Equation Using Finite Difference Method

Abstract/Overview Wave equation is a linear hyperbolic partial differential equation (PDE) which describes the propagation of a variety of waves arising in physical situations. In its simplest form, the one dimension wave equation refers to a scalar function u = u(x, t), which satisfy the PDE utt = C2uxx. When the wave propagates in complex media, form of the governing wave equation changes, so in particular a viscous loss in term µuxxt and the advection term αux are added to the right ...

On norm preserving conditions for local automorphisms of commutative banach algebras

Abstract/Overview Many studies on preserver problems have been focusing on linear preserver problems in matrix theory. Kadison and Sourour showed that the local derivations of Von Neumann algebras are continous linear maps which coincide with some derivation at each point in the algebra over the field of complex numbers. Most of the studies have been focusing on the spectral norm preserver and rank preserver problems of linear maps on matrix algebras but not on norm preserver problems for...

Density and Dentability in Norm-Attainable Classes

Abstract/Overview We establish the norm-denseness of the norm-attainable class $NAB(H)$ in the Banach algebra $B(H)$, which consists of all bounded linear operators on a complex Hilbert space $H$. Specifically, for every $O in NAB(H)$ and each $epsilon>0$, there exists $O' in B(H)$ such that $|O - O'| < epsilon$. We achieve this characterization by utilizing the convergence of sequences and the existence of limit points. The properties $A$ and $B$ of Lindenstrauss are sufficient to ensure...

Numerical Analysis of Prey Refuge Effects on the Stability of Holling Type III Four-Species Predator Prey System

Abstract/Overview The dynamic behavior of a multi-species system that includes a prey refuge and a Holling type III functional response is examined in this work. The pre-requisites for the presence of the equilibrium points, as well as their local and global stabilities, for the suggested system are analyzed and derived. The Routh-Hurwitz criterion and the eigenvalue technique are used to study the local stabilities. On the other hand, the global stabilities have been studied using the Ly...

Formulation of a Four-Species Food Web System with Prey Refuge and Holling Type III Functional Response

Abstract/Overview The coexistence of interacting biological species is a vital issue for the management of existing resources and the prediction of the long-term survival of each species. Many species become extinct due to several factors including over-exploitation among others. Suitable measures such as restriction on harvesting, creation of reserved zones among others are key in saving these species. Multi-species models incorporating prey refuge with Holling type I functional response...

Vulnerability of Nyabarongo River Water Abstraction to Climate Change in Rwanda

Abstract/Overview Purpose: Climate change in Rwanda is a great challenge resulting from increased temperature and causing abnormal variability in weather variables and threatening the socio-economic welfare of human beings. Water resources have been subjected to degradation and pollution due to intensive and frequent rainfall that have negatively impact on water abstractions in their proximity. This study aimed at analyzing the vulnerability of the Nyabarongo river water abstraction to cl...

Estimation of Population Mean Using Three-Stage Optional RRT Model in the Presence of Measurement Errors under Stratified Two-Phase Sampling

Abstract/Overview In the present study, the problem of estimation of the finite population mean of a sensitive study variable using the three-stage optional Randomized Response Technique (RRT) model under measurement errors is addressed. A generalized class of estimators is proposed using a mixture of auxiliary attribute and variable. Some members of the proposed generalized class of estimators are identified and studied. The bias and mean square error expressions for the proposed estimat...

On Norm Estimates for Derivations in Norm-Attainable Classes

Abstract/Overview In this note, we provide detailed characterization of operators in terms of norm-attainability and norm estimates in Banach algebras. In particular, we establish the necessary and sufficient conditions for norm-attainability of the derivations and also give their norm bounds in the norm attainable classes.

Completely Positive Map from M4(C) to M5(C) on Positive Semidefinite Matrices

Abstract/Overview Positive Maps Are Essential In the Description of Quantum Systems. However, Characterization Of The Structure Of The Set Of All Positive Maps Is A Challenge In Mathematics And Mathematical Physics. We Construct A Linear Positive Map From M4 To M5 And State The Conditions Under Which They Are Positive And Completely Positive (Copositivity Of Positive).

Jump Diffusion Logistic Brownian Motion with Dividend Yielding Asset

Abstract/Overview Jump diffusion processes have been used in modern finance to capture discontinuous behavior in asset pricing. Logistic Brownian motion for asset security prices shows that naturally asset security prices would not usually shoot indefinitely due to the regulating factor that may limit the asset prices. Geometric Brownian motion cannot accurately reflect all behaviors of stock quotation therefore, Merton who was involved in the process of developing the Black-Scholes model...

Nutritional Composition and Sensory Properties of Wheat Muffins Enriched with Gonimbrasia Zambesina, Walker Caterpillar Four

Abstract/Overview Sub-Saharan Africa still bears the greatest forms of malnutrition. Attention is shifting to the use of edible insects in forms which are acceptable to people irrespective of their social status and level of civilization in efforts to alleviate protein malnutrition. Gonimbrasia zambesina (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) caterpillars emerge seasonally in the coastal part of Kenya and despite their rich nutritional profile, their consumption is low. This study was thus undertaken...

Effect of Nitrogen Nutrition on the Intensity of Cercospora Leaf Spot of Mulberry

Abstract/Overview Leaf spot (Cercospora moricola, Cooke) is a disease that negatively influences the yield of mulberry (Morus alba L.) plants. To determine the effect of nitrogen levels on the incidence and severity of leaf spot an experiment was carried out on mulberry plants. The nitrogen levels included 0, 100, 200 and 300 kg ha-1 ,which were applied in two splits coinciding with the two rainy seasons. The study design was randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications...

Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Edible Dung Beetle Larvae (Scarabaeus satyrus) Flours and Oils and their Significance in Human Nutrition

Abstract/Overview The potential of edible insects in alleviating the nutritional challenges facing humans has led to an increased interest in their utilization. Edible insects contain substantial amounts of protein and fats, which are very important macronutrients that confer useful functional and physicochemical properties to foods. However, the functional properties of these nutrients have not been given sufficient attention, limiting their use as ingredients in diets and food products....

Growth and Economic Performance of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus Burchell,1822) Fed Diets Containing Black Soldier Fly Larvae Hermetia illucens Linnaeus, 1758)

Abstract/Overview Insect meals have been proposed as a potential alternative protein source for replacing fishmeal (FM), the key ingredient in aquaculture diets, yet is the most scarce and expensive. However, not much work has been done on the effects of replacing FM with black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens ) larvae meal (BSFLM) on the growth and economic performance of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fingerlings. This study investigated the effect of replacing FM with BSFLM on the ...

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