Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Effects of Drying on the Nutritional, Sensory and Microbiological Quality of Edible Stinkbug (encosternum delgorguei)

Abstract/Overview Entomophagy has recently gained attention as a potential solution to the problems of food and nutritional security. One example is the consumption of edible stinkbug. Different drying techniques may affect the nutritional, microbiological and sensory properties of the edible stinkbugs. Thus, the study assessed the effects of toasting, microwave, oven and sun drying on the nutritional composition, microbiological quality and sensory attributes of processed edible stinkbug...

Topological Data Analysis of COVID-19 Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques in Big Datasets of Hausdorff Spaces

Abstract/Overview In this paper, we carry out an in-depth topological data analysis of COVID-19 pandemic using artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques. We show the distribution patterns of the pandemic all over the world, when it was at its peak, with respect to big datasets in Hausdorff spaces. The results show that the world areas, which experience a lot of cold seasons, were affected most.

Use of Information Communication Technologies by Cricket Farmers

Abstract/Overview Cricket farming is an upcoming enterprise to Most households in rural communities. Apparently, there is no documented evidence on how farmers access agricultural information on cricket value chain. This study was carried out to assess the use of information communication technologies (ICTs) by farmers to access value chain information. ICTs application in cricket farming means ease to access cricket value chain information and improved interaction between cricket farmers...

Variability in Nutrient Composition of the Edible Long- Hornedgrasshopper (Ruspolia Differens) in Uganda and its Potential in Alleviating Food Insecurity

Abstract/Overview Ruspolia differens Serville (Orthoptera: Tettigonidae) is a highly nutritious and luxurious insect delicacy that is consumed as a food source in many African countries. However, the nutrient profile of R. differens in different geographical regions have received limited research interest. Here, we provide comprehensive evidence of geographical impact on the nutrient profile of R. differens and its potential to meet the recommended dietary intake of the population. Our re...

Computation of the Fault-Tolerant Metric Dimension of Certain Networks

Abstract *e notion of metric dimension originated in the twentieth century by the work done by Slater [1, 2] and latter independently by Harary and Melter [2]. *e initial concept was introduced to locate the intruder in any network but the development and impact of the notion was far reaching in coming years. Several applications of metric related network parameters can be seen in social networking, navigation, communications, and engineering, pharmaceutical chemistry. *e fault tolerance of ...

Classification of Ideals in Banach Spaces

Abstract Let an operator T belong to an operator ideal J, then for any operators A and B which can be composed with T as BTA then BTA J. Indeed, J contains the class of finite rank Banach Space operators. Now given L(X, Y ). Then J(X, Y ) L(X, Y ) such that J(X Y ) = {T : X Y : T }. Thus an operator ideal is a subclass J of L containing every identity operator acting on a one-dimensional Banach space such that: S + T J(X, Y ) where S, T J(X, Y ). If W,Z,X, Y ,A L(W,X),B L(Y,Z) then BTA J(W,Z...

Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Competition for Students’ Population Via Influence And Economic Factors With Holling Type Ii Response

Abstract The increase in Kenyan population attracted the establishment of more schools, both public schools and private schools. This was due to the need to cater for the increasing number of students being enrolled in schools. Moreover, the dynamics of students’ population both in public schools and private schools have created the changes in the schools’ population. This occurs through transfer from one category of school to the other, through completion of the learning period and thro...

On Certain Spaces of Ideal Operators

Abstract We determine some important spaces of ideal operators and ideal characteristics. Special consideration is given to Frechet spaces, Spaces of finite rank operators and spaces of Hahn-Banach extension operators. The characteristics of ideals and related properties in these spaces as well as in some of their dual spaces are obtained.

Matrices of the Zero Divisor Graphs of Classes of 3-Radical Zero Completely Primary Finite Rings

Abstract The study of finite completely primary rings through the zero divisor graphs, the unit groups and their associated matrices, and the automorphism groups have attracted much attention in the recent past. For the Galois ring R′ and the 2-radical zero finite rings, the mentioned algebraic structures are well understood. Studies on the 3-radical zero finite rings have also been done for the unit groups and the zero divisor graphs Γ(R). However, the characterization of the matrices as...

On Some Aspects of Compactness in Metric Spaces

Abstract In this paper, we investigate the generalizations of the concepts from Heine-Borel Theorem and the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem to metric spaces. We show that the metric space X is compact if every open covering has a finite subcovering. This abstracts the Heine-Borel property. Indeed, the Heine-Borel Theorem states that closed bounded subsets of the real line R are compact. In this study, we rephrase compactness in terms of closed bounded subsets of the real line R, that is, the Bol...

On The Sum of Three Square Formula

Abstract Let n,x,y,z be any given integers. The study of n for which n = x2 +y2 + z2 is a very long-standing problem. Recent survey of sizeable literature shows that many researchers have made some progress to come up with algorithms of decomposing integers into sums of three squares. On the other hand, available results on integer representation as sums of three square is still very minimal. If a,b,c,d,k,m,n,u,v and w are any non-negative integers, this study determines the sum of three-squ...

On the Quotient Groups of Subgroups of the Unit Groups of a Class of Completely Primary Finite Rings

Abstract The study of completely primary nite rings has generated interest- ing results in the structure theory of nite rings with identity. It has been shown that a nite ring can be classi ed by studying the structures of its group of units. But this group has subgroups which are interesting objects of study. Let R be a completely primary nite ring of character- istic pn and J be its Jacobson radical satisfying the condition Jn = (0) and Jn􀀀1 6= (0). In this paper, we characterize the qu...

Anti-Cancer and Anti-Inflammatory Secondary Metabolites of Fagaropsis Angolensis (Engl.) H.M. Gardner

Abstract Cancer has become a key public health affliction worldwide. Recent studies have shown that genetic factors cause only 5–10% of all human cancers, while the rest are caused by lifestyle. Epidemiological and clinical studies have shown that chronic inflammatory diseases predispose individuals to various types of cancer. An estimated 20 % of all cancer related deaths globally arise from primary infections and inflammation. Current treatments for cancer include radiotherapy, chemother...

A Critical Examination of the Standard Cosmological Model: Toward a Modified Framework for Explaining Cosmic Structure Formation and Evolution

Abstract This paper explores the fundamental cosmological principle, with a specific focus on the homogeneity and isotropy assumptions inherent in the Friedmann model that underpins the standard model. We propose a modified redshift model that is based on the spatial distribution of luminous matter, examining three key astronomical quantities: light intensity, number density, and the redshift of galaxies. Our analysis suggests that the model can account for cosmic accelerated expansion witho...

Molecular characterization of denitrifying Bacteria and their potential In reduction Of nitrogenous Compounds In Lake Victoria, Kenya

Abstract Nutrient loading with nitrogen and phosphorus in receiving waters is an increasing concern worldwide. In Lake Victoria basin, the substantial inflow of nutrients has led to extensive eutrophication which has resulted in the reiterative proliferation of invasive species of aquatic weeds like water hyacinth and cyanobacteria in the Lake Victoria basin hence causing mass mortality of fish and health risks. Nowadays, anthropogenic activities such as crop production, sewage discharge, fo...

226 - 240 Of 8855 Results