Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Isolation And Characterization Of Bacteria Pathogens In Blood And Stool Samples Among Patients Presenting With Typhoid Fever Symptoms In Alupe, Busia County

Typhoid fever is a waterborne and foodborne disease caused by Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi (S. Typhi). Studies have established that some patients presenting with typhoid-like symptoms are usually inflicted by other bacteria pathogens, which may or may not be transmitted by fecal oral route. It is common belief that typhoid fever cases are high in Alupe and continue to cause significant morbidity among the people of Alupe, Busia County. The study focused on isolation and character...

Design And Implimentation Of Prison And Prisoners’ Information Management System

Abstract Electronic information management system is a key success factor in all organisations hence it is a vital necessity in planning and controlling the business operations. The systematic, efficient and organised information management system provides comprehensive information for organisations to guarantee unbiased decisions. Therefore the re-design and implementation of a computerised system for the Uganda Prison Service is meant to improve services in the institution and increa...

The Role Of Electronic Money In Delivery Of Goods And Services A Case Study Of Kabale Municipality, Kabale District Uganda

ABSTRACT This study was focused on the role of c-money in delivery of goods and services in kabale municipality, kabale district. The study was based on the objective like; to find out whether e money is promoting sales of goods and services, to improve on the security of electronic payments for the better delivery of goods and services, to find out the challenges faced by e money and look for the possible solutions; The study was based on cross sectional design and respondents were both men ...

SSA Research 52 PAGES (10183 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
A Car Sales Database System Case Study: Spear Motors

TABLE OF CONTENTS: Declaration Dedication iii Acknowledgement iv Table of Contents V List of Abbreviations and Acronyms vi List of Table vu CHAPTER 1 1 1.1~ 1.2 Background of Case study 1.3 Problem Statement 2 1.4 Aim of the study 2 1.5 Objectives of study 2 1.5.1 General Objective 2 1.5.2 Specific Objective 2 1.6 Scope of study 3 1.7 Significances of the study 3 v C~H~AI~’I’E~R. 2.........,,,•,‘‘e’’’ 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW ... 2.1 Introduction 4 2.2 Database Model 6 2.2.1 Rela...

Design And Implementation Of A Payroll Management Information System For The Hospitality Industry

ABSTRACT This study was aimed at investigating the design and implementation of a payroll system for an industry or an organization. Chapter one contains the background of the study, problem statement, objectives of the study, research questions, and scope of the study and the significance of the study Chapter two contains literature related to payroll management system. manual payroll system, electronic! computerized payroll system, management information system and database management...

An Automated Library Management System A Case Study Of Kashenyi Vocational Senior Secondary School

ABSTRACT For many years, institutions such as secondary schools and colleges have used file based I manual system to manage library use. Whereas this was quite efficient for some time, due to the expansion of the library and increase in the number of the library users such as students, the system wastes a lot of time especially when searching for a particular book or resource. In response to this problem, more librarians have been added (employed). and this has escalated the cost of mana...

A Computerized Patient Records Management System At Kansanga Medical Centre

ABSTRACT This is a report of a project study that was carried out at Kansanga Medical Center in Kampala (Kampala District). It is a Computerized Patient Records Management System with an objective of managing and monitoring patients through proper keeping of their medical records. It also sends out alerts and reminders to patient’s phones reminding them of things like their next visits to the doctor and also gives doctors a chance to access the system from anywhere at any time using their m...

Design And Implementation Of A Hotel Booking System For White Castle Hotel

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv LIST OF ACRONYMS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Overview 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 2 1.3 Project Objectives 2 1.3.1 Main Objectives 2 1.4 Research Questions 2 1.5 Scope of the Study 2 1.6 Purpose of the Study 3 1.7 Significance of the Study 3 CHAPTER TWO 4 LITERATURE REVIEW 4 2.0 Introduction 4 vi 2.1 Manual system .4 2.2 Database 5 2.3 Datab...

Mobile Banking And Financial Performance Of Commercial Banks Tn Kansanga Along Ggaba Road

ABSTRACT The introduction of customer friendly service by the bank such as rn-banking (i.e. telephone Banking, internet banking, Automated Teller Machines among others) as a way of delivering convenience service to customer has become common in the recent year as a way of gaining competitive advantage and maintaining customer loyalty and increase share in order to improve the financial position of a company. The study main objectives were; to find out m.~ banking technology used among co...

A Patient Payments Management System For Mukama Yawonya Special Research Centre (U) Ltd

ABSTRACT Abstract is a document designed to show a review of whatever the designer tackled on duringdesigning processes of the project. It also summarizes the content in all chapters. This project comprises of five chapters that is, chapter one which includes a number of sub topics like background, problem statement and also objectives are discussed with in this chapter, the justification of the study to mention but a few. Chapter two covers literature review that describes the review of ...

The Database Management S Stem (Dbms) In Improvin School’s Ad Inistration Case Study: St. Paul’s Seminary (Kabale Municipality)

ABSTRACT This project describes the entire process for designing Database Management System (DBMS) of St. Paul’s Seminary. The main purpose for this project was to investigate the role of computer technology in improving school’s administration and to design database management system for the scnooi so as to simpli~r the work of administrators, to be more effective, efficient, reliable and to have more organized records for the school, for accuracy and better performance as far as modern ...

Online Loan Processing System Case Study Pride Micro-Finance, Kabalagala

TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 4 1.0 Background ...................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Scope of the project ................................................................................................... 5 1.2 Objectives of the study ..................................................

A Patient Management Information System Case Study Nsambya General Clinic

ABSTRACT. This research report aimed at developing and implementing a patient information management system at Nasby General Clinic located in Nsambya parish Kampala. This research covers five chapters. Chapter one is an introduction, it gives an insight into the back ground of the study problem, statement, objectives of the study ,significance ,,scope, conceptual and theoretical frame work and the limitations of the study. Chapter two is literature review. It gives a thorough analysis of di...

A Customer Relationship Management System For Small And Mediujyi Enterprises: A Case Study Of Kagodo Feeds Limited

ABSTRACT A small and medium enterprise is a business started by few individuals on a small scale. An enterprise can be of any kind but this time we are dealing about Kagodo feeds limited meaning pigs. This kagodo feeds limited is located in Makindye along salama road. The project about monitoring and managing data in a small or medium enterprise setting Kagodo feeds limited as a case study. The technologies employed are selected according to availability and edse of use. This computerized sys...

Electronic Evaluation System For Monitoring Employeee’s Job Perfomance: A Case Of Info-Com Limited Uganda

ABSTRACT According to Hackman, Oldham (1976), Evaluation and performance appraisal is the major function of human resource department. A performance appraisal, employee appraisal and performance review are methods by which job performance of an employee is evaluated (generally in terms of quality, quantity, cost and time) typically by corresponding manager or supervisor. This is done through analyzing employees’ recent success and failures, personal strength and weaknesses and suitability f...

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