Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Proposing a Framework for Applying Project Based Learning in Sudanese Institutions

Abstract Project Based Learning (PBL) is about giving students a real projects and asking them to come up with solutions to it as an academic task. Studies pointed out some problems associated to PBL approach, such as social loafing, that is when some students hide themselves behind active students, doing less or no works within the team and put the effort on other team members. Another problem is unfair assessment which result in giving all the students the same marks in spite of their effor...

Preparation and Characterization of Glucuronic Acid and Magnesium Glucuronate from Acacia senegal var. senegal (GUM)

Abstract Asample collected from Acacia senegal var. senegal natural exudate and prepare Glucurnic acid, compounds magnesium glucuronate, and anti acid and conducted an analytical study describes The physic-chemisal properties of Acacia senegal the average specific rotation was polarized light (-30.40) moisture ( 12.1 % ) ash ( 3.2 )% , content of nitrogen ( 0.3 )% and PH ( 4.3 ) , . The moisture (% 0.14), ash (% 0.2), of the mg. gluuronate. The elements composition gum calcium (36300 ppm) an...

Geoelectrical And Hydrogeochemical Assessment Of Groundwater Of Eha-Amufu And Environ, Enugu State, Southeastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT An integrated geological, geoelectrical and hydrogeochemical investigations were carried out in Eha-amufu to determine the extent and the distribution of saline zone. Hydrochemical characteristic of the groundwater in Eha-amufu was investigated.  Eha-amufu area is underlain by Nkporo Formation and Awgu Formation. Both are of low permeability Formation. Twenty seven (27) Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) were occupied at different locations within the study area, employing the Schl...

Use of Tidal Energy as Renewable Energy

Abstract Currently climate change represents the focus attention of the global world and how to reducing greenhouse gas emission, which led to use other energy source, especially renewable energy source, Tidal power it is a renewable and clean source of energy, can represent a solution of the many environmental pollutants resulting from use another energy source, besides this source exposed to exhaustible as a result of intensive use. Tidal power is unconventional sources of energy which is ...

SSA Research 52 PAGES (7673 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Evaluation of Glucose Level in Serum and Plasma Using Different Anticoagulants at Room Temperature

Abstract Back ground: Glucose is key to keeping the mechanisms of the body in top working order. Along with fats, glucose is one of the body's preferred sources of fuel. Glucose levels that are unhealthy or out of control can have permanent and serious effects. Objective: To measure blood glucose level storage in different anticoagulants at room temperature. Methodology: The study was conducted in Khartoum state from the period of March to September 2020. Including 60 healthy volunteers age ...

Isolation and Characterization of Some Constituents of Ximenia Americana. L Bark

ABSTRACT Ximenia Americana is considered one of medicinal plant which are widely used especially in West of Sudan. This plant has been studied in this research, which is collected from Nuba Mountains and Babanusa. In part I of the present study, crude extracts of different parts of plant was investigated for their biological activity. Preliminary investigations were carried out to select the plant extracts of the highest activity for further investigation. The extracts were screened for phyt...

SSA Research 93 PAGES (15527 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Using Logistic Regression and Discriminant Analysis Techniques for Factors Affecting Heart Diseases Infection (A comparative study of Cardiac surgery and renal transplant Center at Ahmed Gasi

Abstract Diagnosing cardiac diseases by using an advanced statistical classifying model is vitally important for cardiac diseases which are viewed as serious diseases which can put an end to a patient’s life, therefore, early diagnosis should be done through classification and to differentiate among the cardiac patients and non-cardiac ones based on the factors that can cause the cardiac diseases by using technologies such as logistic regression and discriminative analysis. This study aime...

SSA Research 171 PAGES (7731 WORDS) Physics Thesis
A Fuzzy-Oriented Framework For Service Ranking And Selection In Cloud E-Marketplaces

ABSTRACT Despite the successes of commercial cloud service e-marketplaces, opportunities still exist to improve user experience as these e-marketplaces do not yet enable dynamic composition of atomic services to satisfy complex user requirements. More so, the platforms employ keyword-based search mechanisms that only allow the selection of atomic services. The elicitation mechanisms do not consider user’s QoS requirements, nor support the elicitation of these requirements in ways akin to s...

Mathematical Modelling And Control Of Blood Glucose/Insulin Concentrations In An Insulin Dependent Diabetic Sub

ABSTRACT Mathematical models describing the variations in the plasma glucose and insulin levels over time in an insulin - dependent diabetic person (IDD patient) were formulated. We showed that these models can correctly describe these variations when we solved them sirnuttaneously by andytical approach rather than the normal numerical approach employed for solving non-linear differential equations. The effect of the various parameters involved in the model were tested and it was shown ...

SSA Research 107 PAGES (18030 WORDS) Mathematics Thesis
Wind Energy and Solar Energy Potential in the Red Sea Coast

Abstract The Red Sea coast enjoys high values of wind speed and moderate values of solar radiation. Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program (WAsP) has been used to analyze the wind data at Tokar, Free Zone and Port Sudan. The power densities at the three sites,at 50 m height,are 584, 288 and 300 W/m2, respectively. Both solar and wind can be utilized to supply electricity to that area.

SSA Research 51 PAGES (9560 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Usage of Laser Induced Emission to Distinguish Between Dental Caries and Sound Teeth

Abstract In this research Nitrogen laser (N2) was used to induce emission to distinguish between the dental caries and sound teeth. Three samples of dental caries and one sample of sound teeth has been used to determine absorbance of the dental caries and sound teeth using UV-Vis spectrophotometer then it irradiated by nitrogen laser (N2) with wavelength of 337.8nm, pulse energy 0.04mJ, and pulse time 100msec, interaction between laser and the teeth was happened, teeth absorbed some of these...

SSA Research 47 PAGES (8811 WORDS) Physics Thesis
A Hybrid Semi Automatic Approach For The Design Of Datawarehouse Conceptual Model

ABSTRACT Organizations strive to build data warehouses (DW) to support their decision making process. The studies show that the most important task for organization‟s manager is to take the right decision in the right time. Hence, the decision-making process is considered among the main important goals to be achieved by competitor enterprises. The design process of a DW raises many problems and is considered as a complex and tedious task. DW designers follow different levels concerning the...

An Aspect-Oriented Sentiment Analysis Of Arabic Tweets Using Language Pattern and Semantic Analysis Techniques

ABSTRACT Sentiment analysis of the Arabic language has gained the attention of many researchers because of the increasing number of Arabic internet users, and the exponential growth of Arabic content online. Despite the language‟s popularity, there are limited annotated resources for sentiment analysis, including a comprehensive dataset, labelled corpora, and polarity lexica, and also reliable NLP tools. This is the source of motivation for the study - the need to develop an opinion corpus...

Color And Texture Fusion Based Method For Content Based Image Retrieval

ABSTRACT Since the last decade, Content-based Image retrieval was a hot topic research. The computational complexity and the retrieval accuracy are the main problems that CBIR system have to avoid. In this study the method was proposed to overcome these problems by using the combine of color moment and texture features. The color feature was extracted by color moment where the images will be in the HSV color space. The textures features extracted by applying Gabor function where the images w...

3466 - 3480 Of 8859 Results