Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Determination of Acrylamide in Sudanese Homemade Biscuits and Wheat Flakes (Rugag) by Liquid Chromatography TandemMass Spectrometry

Abstract This study was carried out to estimate acrylamide content in some Sudanese foods including Rugag (thin sheets of baked wheat flour), homemade biscuit with ammonium bicarbonate and homemade biscuit without ammonium bicarbonate. Rugag was prepared according to the traditional method employed in Sudanese house hold. Prepared from 72% extraction wheat flour, sugar, milk powder, vanilla, corn flour, salt, and baking powder, baked in thin sheet on hot steel plate at 170 ˚C for 40 seconds...

Study of the Major Flavonoids from zingeber officinle bark by UV-Visible Spectroscopy

Abstract Phytochemical screening of the stem bark of Zingiber officiale revealed the presence of tannins,flavonoids and alkaloids. The bark of this species was macerated with 95% ethanol. A silica gel column developed with chloroform:methanol(3:2;v:v) gave apure flavonoid compound I. The structure of this isolate was elucidated using UV and IR data and The following partial structure was proposed:

SSA Research 71 PAGES (11020 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
The Optical Properties of Silicon Dioxide Doped By Iodine, Coumarin 500 and Rhodamine B

Abstract A thin film is a layer of material ranging from fractions of a nanometer (monolayer) to several micrometers in thickness. In this thesis three types of thin films of silicon dioxide were prepared then doped using three different samples Iodine, Coumarin500 and Rhodamine B. The preparation was done under Electrical Deposition Techniques (E D T) (Spin Coating) using power supply mating 2 Volts and current of 0.03A, at room temperature. The optical properties such as absorption and abs...

SSA Research 47 PAGES (7201 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Evaluation of image quality in digital mammography in Khartoum state

Abstracts: The mammography is examination of x – ray to early detection of the breast cancer. However the delectability of micro calcifications is required high quality image. Thus evaluation of image quality is important. The main objective of this study was to evaluate image quality for full field digital mammography at omer sawey hospital Khartoum state - Sudan. The tests that were performed in this study include: Contrast to noise ratio and spatial resolution. Contrast to noise ratio wa...

Assessment of Radiation Dose Received during Thoracolumbar and Skull Examinations in Red Sea State Medical centers

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to assess patient dose during x-ray examination of skull and thoraco-lumbar in Red Sea state Hospitals. The dose received by 146 adult patients was measured using CALDOSE software by entering the parameters: focus to detector distance FDD, mAs , KVP. The result of the study showed that the mean of ESAK were found to be (0.79 ± 0.30) for skull and (0.37 ± 0.2) for thoraco-lumbar. The INAK were found to be (0.52 ± 0.14) for thoracic lumbar and (...

Effect of Bio-fertilizer and Seasonality on Growth, Yield and Quality of Two Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Hybrids at Shambat, Sudan

ABSTRACT A field experiment and quality was conducted on a silty loam soil located at Demonstration Farm of the College of Agricultural Studies, Sudan University of Science and Technology at Shambat, Sudan, during two growing summer and winter seasons of 2011/2012 to study the effect of bio-fertilizers on growth, yield of two hybrids of sunflower. The effect of bio-fertilizers on the soil were also determined. The bio-fertilizer levels were (Zero, 06.25, 12.5, 18.75 and 25.00 L/Ha) correspon...

Effect Of Geomagnetic Disturbances On Electric Transformers Located At A Geomagnetic Low Latitude

Abstract Space weather has been a task of research in modern fields of science; therefore, our recent technology is certainly influenced by impact of space weather particularly in satellites, spaceborne systems. Moreover, space weather has impacts on ground based technology such as electric power system, pipeline, and railways. Space weather variations can cause geomagnetically induced currents penetrate conducting structures of the transformers and cause: half-cycle saturation, increase the ...

SSA Research 49 PAGES (9387 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Vehicle To Infrastructure Communication For Adaptive Traffic Management

Abstract Congestion problem is increased in a dramatically way due to increased Population and travel means in Khartoum. The associated consequences for this problem made it extremely bothering. Since the expansion of the traffic network is no longer a socially attainable solution, the existing control systems have to be used in a more intelligent way in order to increase the traffic throughput and decrease total travel times Intelligent transportation systems ITS had been developed to overc...

Vector-Valued Gabor Frames and Deformation of Gabor Systems with Gabor Orthonormal Bases

Abstract The description of the spectra tiling properties and Gabor orthonormal bases generated by the unit cubes and of the exponential for the 𝑛-cube are characterized. In addition the uniformity of non-uniform Gabor bases, atomic characterizations of modulation spaces through Gabor representations with Weyl-Heisenberg frames on Hilbert space, slanted matrices and Banach frames are clearly improved. We obtain the density, stability, generated characteristic function and Hamiltonian defo...

SSA Research 310 PAGES (127606 WORDS) Mathematics Thesis
Assessment Of Serum Electrolytes And Trace Elements In Leukaemia Patients In Sudan

ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to measure the levels of serum electrolytes, trace elements and total iron binding capacity (TIBC) in Sudanese patients with leukaemia and to investigate the levels of these elements in leukaemia subtypes, in age, sex and related differences. Total of 201 persons were included; 79 (control group) and 122 (leukaemia patients). Serum electrolytes Na+,K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and PO43- levelsanalysed by spectrophotometer. Trace elements Zn2+, Cu2+, Mn2+, Co3+ and TIBC by ...

SSA Research 103 PAGES (18841 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Enhanced Three Dimension Playfair Algorithm For Image Encryption

Abstract In this research, a new modified version of Tree Dimension Playfair (3D-Playfair) cipher algorithm is introduce to encrypt image. The new method is create (16 X 4 X 4) matrix based on the key being entered by the user to become more secretive, and then manipulate image data the algorithm work on trigraph rather than using digraph, and to increasing complexity of the algorithm the key is used to generate a mask that is subsequently Exclusive OR (XORed) with the scrambled image after e...

A Comparative Study for Two Stemming Algorithms for Arabic Wikipedia Documents Classification Based on Similarity Measures

Abstract Text mining is an important field in information retrieval; it organize a large number of text documents that available on the internet to facilitate the retrieved processing and increase efficiency. Text classification is automatically determining the category to new or unseen documents that depends on content of document itself. In text classification, text preprocessing is a fundamental step to obtained a better result. The Arabic text processing depends on stemming algorithms to ...

Uranium and Vanadium mining and ore processing at Sudan.

Abstract The results of this study were carried out to determine the composition of the uranium element in the Nuba Mountains area in Southern Kordofan region in the regions of Mount Uro and Mount Kurn. Forty samples were collected from the two regions, 20 samples from each region were grinded and converted into powder, and analysed by XRF spectrometer. To find the concentration of each element in the sample. The analysis showed that the average concentration of the uranium element in the sa...

SSA Research 84 PAGES (15079 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Prevalence Of Malaria And Toxoplasmosis In Donated Blood At The Central Blood Bank , Gadaref State

AbstrAct This study was carried out in Central Blood Bank in Gadaref state to detect the infection rate of toxoplasmosis and malaria. Cross sectional study was carried out during period from May to September 2013. A total number of 100 studied population (age between 18-47 years old) were included in this study. Blood samples were taken from all subjects. Clinical and parasitological data was obtained and recorded.Thirty three out from 100 (33%) and 28 out of 100 (28%) Blood samples were fou...

Microfinance Data Analysis in Banking Sector Using Data Mining Techniques )Case Study : Agricultural Bank of Sudan)

ABSTRACT Banks face lots of challenges associated with the bank loan, Nowadays there are many risks related to microfinance in bank sector. Every year, we face number of cases where people do not repay most of the microfinance amount to the banks which they cause huge losses. The risk associated with making decision on microfinance request approval is massive. In this study a classification model was built based on the microfinance data obtained from an agricultural bank of Sudan to predict ...

3496 - 3510 Of 8859 Results