Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Physiological, Genomic and Preservative Properties of Pediococcus Isolates from Meats Under Low Temperature Storage

ABSTRACT The need for meat preservation cannot be overemphasised. However, existing methods of meat preservation including the use of artificial preservatives have toxic side effects. There is a dearth of information on the use of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB), which is known as good preservatives for food, in the preservation of meat. Hence, the aim of this study was to examine the use of Pediococcus acidilactici and low temperature in improving the quality of beef, chicken and turkey meat sam...

THE Bayesian Approach to Estimation of Multi-Equation Econometric Models in the Presence of Multicollinearity

ABSTRACT The Bayesian approach conveys information not available in the data but on prior knowledge of the subject matter, which enables one to make probability statements about the parameters of interest, while the classical approaches deals solely with the data. Several researches on the classical approaches have shown them to be sensitive to multicollinearity, a violation of one of the assumptions of multi-equation models which often plagues economic variables. Studies on the performance ...

Petrophysical Evaluation and Depositional Environments of Reservoir Sands of X Field, Offshore Niger Delta, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study involves the use of geophysical well logs to characterize four reservoir sand bodies contained in four wells offshore Western Niger Delta. The well logs include caliper, SP, gamma ray, resistivity, neutron (NPHI), density (RHOB) and sonic logs. The logs were obtained in digital data format and a Paradigm's petrophysical software, Geology was used to process the data into logim ages. This aided the visual identification of lithologies and potential reservoirs. The reservoir...

Laboratory Investigation of Salt-water Intrusion Through Porous Media

ABSTRACT Flow rate of salt-water and fresh-water through porous media depends on the hydraulic gradient, porosity and hydraulic conductivity of the sand materials and the properties of the fluids such as density and viscosity. This study examined flow rate of salt-water and fresh-water in porous media in a modeled laboratory experiment. Porous materials were filled into the conduit of two arms glass cylindrical tube with valve (control) at the middle. Salt-water and fresh-water were made to ...

Modification of Darcy's Law for Turbulent Flow in Saturated Porous Media

Abstract Darcy's law is an essential equation in determining the permeability of porous media, which is vital tool in seepage and drainage control in soils. However, whenever the aggregate sizes of the porous media and hydraulic gradient are large, the flow in drains will be semi-turbulent to turbulent. This research aims at modifying the true Darcy's permeability determined under small hydraulic gradients that ensure laminar or nearly laminar flow to allow for reduced efficiency caused by t...

Pattern of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among HIV-1 Infected Commercial Sex Workers in Ibadan, Nigeria

ABSTBACT This study evaluated the association of HXV-1 infection with some other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among femaIe commercial sex workers. BIood samples were collected from 250 female commercial sex workers in Ibadan Oyo State, Nigeria and tested for the presence of HEV antibodies using ELJSA and Western blot. Endocervical and high vaginal swab samples were also collected for microscopy and culture. The prevaIence of HIV-1 infection among CSWs in Ibadan, Nigeria was 25.6% wit...

The Concentration of Heavy Metals in Selected Clay Samples in Ekiti State, Southwestern Nigeria

ABSTRACT The presence and possible effect of heavy metal (such as cadmium, zinc, lead, e.t.c) concentration in the clay used in pot making were investigated. Clay samples were collected at three locations where they are used mostly in making pots and other kitchen utensils. The concentrations of heavy metals were determined using the Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS). Results indicate that the concentration Cu, Zn, Cr, Pb, As, and Mn falls within the range of the maximum admissible concen...

Modelling of Heavy Metal Bioaccumulation of Eichhornia crassipes [MART.] SOLMS AND Pistia stratiotes L. in Ologe Lagoon, Lagos, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Macrophytes such as Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotes are known bioaccumulators found in the Ologe Lagoon which receives effluents mainly from Agbara Industrial Estate. However, the mechanism of heavy metal bioaccumulation by these macrophytes has not been fully understood. This study was designed to determine the mechanism of heavy metal bioaccumulation and model the phytoremediation capabilities of the macrophytes. Five sampling stations: Owo (before the point of dischar...

Hermetic Control Treatment of P. truncatus (Horn) (Coleptera: Bostrichidae) Infestation on Stored Dried Cassava Chips in Poly then Bags

Abstract The focus of this research work was on the hermetic control treatment against Prostephanus truncatus Horn, 1878 infestation on dried cassava chips, over an infestation period of 10 weeks in the store. The experimental set-up was done in three hermetic treatments, this include, single bag, double bags and triple bags treatment. Each treatment was replicated 15 times. The used bags were made up of polythene material, with 0.056 mm thickness and 360 mm x 600 mm in dimension. The bags w...

Mineralogical and Geochemical Studies of Agbaja Ironstone Formation Nupe Basin, Central Nigeria

ABSTRACT Agbaja Ironstone Formation of the Lokoja district, Central Nigeria occurs within the Upper Cretaceous sedimentary sequences of the NW-SE trending Nupe Basin. Three lithostratigraphic units were delineated; Lokoja Sandstone (the oldest), Patti Formation and Agbaja Ironstone Formation. Lokoja Sandstone rests unconformably on the basement complex and grades from conglomerate to arkosic sandstone. Patti Formation consists of intercalations of sandstone, siltstone and carbonaceous mudsto...

Report on Germination Technology as a Model to Enable the Growing of Acacia Erioloba (camel thorn tree) in Arid Conditions in the Namib Desert of Namibia

Report on Germination technology as a model to enable the growing of Acacia erioloba (camel thorn tree) in arid conditions in the Namib desert of Namibia.

The Study of Acoustic Effects in Carbon Allotropes

ABSTRACT Acoustic effects such as absorption/amplification of acoustic phonons, Acoustoelectric Effect (AE) and Acoustomagnetoelectric Effect (AME) were studied in Carbon Allotropes. In this thesis, the Carbon Allotropes considered are Graphene Nanoribbon (GNR), 2-dimensional Graphene sheet, and Carbon Nanotubes (CNT). The Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) and the phonon kinetic equation (PKE) were used. All results were analysed numerically and graphically presented. Using BTE for Armchair...

CDR Coalition 203 PAGES (34811 WORDS) Physics Thesis
The Availability and Use of Information and Communication Technology Resources for Teaching Social Studies in Selected Senior High Schools in Awutu Senya District

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to assess the availability and utilization of ICT resources in teaching of social studies. The descriptive research design was adopted for the study. A census technique was used for the fifty social studies teachers in Awutu Senya district. The study is underpinned by Bates Action model. The questionnaire was used to gather the requisite data for the study. The data were analysed through the computation of descriptive and inferential statistics such a...

Morphology of the Kakum River: A Study on a Small Forested River in the Central Region, Ghana

ABSTRACT The Kakum River, a small-forested but major river in Cape Coast is the main source of water for about five major towns and all communities within its watershed. However, in recent times, it is faced with a lot of challenges including its Brimsu dam producing below designed capacity, relying on water from the Pra river basin, flooding in some parts of the basin and a lot of macrophytes especially in its middle section. This study set out to outline the linkages and influences of headw...

CDR Coalition 319 PAGES (64424 WORDS) Geography Thesis

ABSTRACT Developing therapeutics for infectious diseases requires understanding the main processes driving host and pathogen through which molecular interactions influence cellular functions. The outcome of those infectious diseases, including influenza A (IAV) depends greatly on how the host responds to the virus and how the virus manipulates the host, which is facilitated by protein-protein functional inter-actions and analyzing infection associated genes at the systems level, which may ena...

6586 - 6600 Of 8859 Results