Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

In Vitro Antioxidant Activity and Nitric Oxide Scavenging Activity on Citrullus Lanatus Seeds

Citrullus lanatus (water melon) is a commonly consumed fruit worldwide. The seeds are often thrown away without considering its potential nutritional and medicinal benefits. In this study, a methanol extract of citrullus lanatus seeds was analyzed for the presence of bioactive secondary metabolites and to determine its ability to scavenge 2, 2‐ diphenyl ‐1‐ picrylhydrazyl (DPPH.) radical, superoxide anion radical (O2.‐), and nitric oxide radical (NO.). Quantitative phytochemical a...

Provenance and Tectonic Setting of Amasiri Sandstone (Turonian) in Ugep Area, Southern Benue Trough, Nigeria: Evidences from Petrography and Geochemistry

bstract - The p et rographic and geochemical study of sandstones of Eze - Aku Formation (Turonian) outcropping in Ugep area souther n Benue Trough Nigeria was carried out to ascertain the sandstone provenance and tectonic setting. Field studies show that the sandones occur in linear, parallel northeast - southwest trending ridges alternating with shale sequence. The sandstone facies show coarsening upward sequence, slightly bioturbated, cross - stratified, rippled bedded which infer fores...

Geo Electrical Assessment of Groundwater Potentials of Some Parts of Orsu and Environs, South Eastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT In a bid to determine the groundwater potential of some parts Orsu and environs, which lies within latitude N5º53.858΄ to N5º47.572΄ and longitude E7º0.847΄ to E6º56.988΄, a total of ten (10) vertical electrical soundings were carried out. The study area belongs to the Anambra basin which is one of Nigeria’s most important hydrological basins. It is overlain   by   the Miocene to recent Benin formation and   Eocene Ameki formation.Equipment such as ABEM terrameter SA...

Reviewing Cyber-attack Incidents and Their Impacts on Global Oil and Gas Infrastructures: A Nigerian Perspective

ABSTRACTOil and Gas sector includes the exploration, gathering, production, processing, storage, and transportation of petroleum liquids and natural gas. With the oil and gas sector fueling every aspect of our daily life, the protection of its critical infrastructure is crucial. It is known that digitally connected oil and gas operations help to improve production (General Electric, 2018). So, in order to sustain uninterrupted energy production and for quick recovery from major cyber incident...

Effect of EDTA on Tomatoes Plants Seedlings Under Nickel Toxicity

CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION  1.1     NICKEL 1.1.1  Occurrence          Nickel (Ni) is a metallic element,with atomic number 28; atomic weight 58.69. Is a metal, which belongs to group VIIIB of the periodic table. The most important oxidation state of nickel is +2, although the +3 and +4 oxidation states are also known (Tundermann et al., 2005). Nickel resembles iron, cobalt, and copper in its chemical properties. However, unlike cobalt and iron, it is normally only stable in aqueou...


ABSTRACT The essential oil of Cymbopogon citratus was extracted using a green method (i.e. essential oil still), encapsulated into cassava starch matrix using sodium alginate as a binder. The encapsulated sodium alginate starch beads were characterized using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (FTIR), release kinetics of the oil was monitored by UV-Visible Spectrophotometry from two (2) aqueous media, buffer of pH 4 and pH 9. The result for ...

Isaiah Itodo 12 PAGES (3751 WORDS) Chemistry Paper

ABSTRACT      Schistosomiasis is a water-borne parasitic disease caused by schistosomes and transmitted by fully aquatic or amphibious freshwater snails in whose bodies the human-infective larvae, cercariae, develop. Adult schistosome worms colonise human blood vessels for years, successfully evading the immune system while excreting hundreds to thousands of eggs daily, which must either leave the body in excreta and/or urine or become trapped in nearby tissues. Trapped eggs induce a dist...

Application of mycology in forensic science

Abstract Forensic Mycology is the application of Mycology for producing evidence in terms of criminal investigation and their further evaluation in the court of law. The problem with relative neglect of Mycology in Forensic science is currently leading to insufficient knowledge, in order to support the needs for fungal expertise in areas of criminal investigation. Mucor hiemalis and Penicillium griseofulvum had been used to determine the minimum interval since death, Coprinus comatus, Hebelom...


ABSTRACT Semi- solid raw Lima beans (Phaseolus lunatus) were fermented for a period of ten days, chemical (proximate composition, antinutritional contents, pH, and total titratable acidity) and physical changes (temperature, odour, and texture) occurring during the fermentation of the lima beans were monitored. The fermentation was carried out for 48, 96, 120, 168 and 192 hours respectively at ambient temperature. The microbial load was as well monitored. Microorganisms isolated from the sam...

Fingereye: improvising security and optimizing ATM transaction time based on iris-scan authentication

The  tumultuous  increase  in  ATM  attacks  using  eavesdropping,  shoulder-surfing,  has  risen  great  concerns.  Attackers  often  target  the  authentication stage where a customer may be entering his login information on the ATM and  thus  use  direct  observation  techniques  by looking  over the  customer's shoulder to steal his passwords. Existing authentication mechanism employs the  traditional  password-based  authentication  system  which  fails  t...


CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1    Introduction Security on the Internet and on Local Area Networks is now at the forefront of computer network related issues.  The  evolution  of  networking  and  the  Internet,  the  threats   to   information   and   networks   have   risen   dramatically.   Many   of   these   threats   have   become   cleverly    exercised    attacks    causing    damage    or    committing   theft.   The   Internet�...

Design and implementation of a Simple word processor

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY  The importance of computer cannot be over emphasized with respect to designing and implementation in text editing package which could be in sciences, engineering, business or government etc.   Consequently, computers are becoming indispensable. This is obviously true in developed countries; like Nigeria is gradually being gravitated into computer oriented society with professional engineers, analyst, design and implementation of some pa...

Physicochemical and rheological characterization of pectin-rich fraction from blueberry (Vaccinium ashei) wine pomace

Blueberry wine pomace is rich in pectin, which has been extensively used as a functional dietary fiber and a rheological modifier in the food industry. This paper reports a method to extract the pectin-rich fraction (PF) with a mediate degree of esterification of 51.66% from blueberry wine pomace and provides insight into its relationship between the structure and rheological properties. The impacts of related extrinsic factors, such as sucrose, ions and pH, were also studied in view of food ...

A review on selection of fermentative microorganisms for functional foods and beverages: the production and future perspectives

Fermentation has been employed as a traditional means of improving the shelf life and nutritional contents of foods, thus making fermented foods and beverages functional and therapeutic. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) plays a major role in determining the health benefits of fermented milk and related products. This review takes into cognizance numerous investigations reporting certain microbial strains and mixes to contribute safety, quality, stability, health and organoleptic properties to ferme...

Human colonic microbiota modulation and branched chain fatty acids production affected by soy protein hydrolysate

Several functional properties have been attributed to soy protein hydrolysates (SPHs); however, their gut fermentation needs to be investigated. This study aimed to determine the effect of hypo-allergic pepsineduced SPH on the growth of gut microbiota, SCFA and BCFA production in a pH-controlled, stirred, batch culture fermentation system compared with commercial SPH and soy protein isolate (SPI). The results showed that all substrates affected gut bacteria. SPH selectively increased the numb...

7036 - 7050 Of 8859 Results