Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

The geochemical and mineralogical composition of the sediment penetrated by Tuma-1 in Chad (Bornu) Basin Northeastern Nigeria by XRF geochemical analysis

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Statement The Nigerian sector of  the Chad  Basin, known locally as the  Bornu Basin,  is one of  Nigeria’s inland basins occupying the northeastern part of the country. It represents about one-tenth of the total area extent of the Chad Basin, which is a regional large structural depression common to five countries, namely, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Niger, Chad, and Nigeria. The Bornu Basin falls between latitudes 110N and 140N and longitu...

Interval Velocity Estimations from Seismic Reflection Data

ABSTRACT The research project was carried out to study the estimations of interval velocity from seismic reflection data of the acoustic P waves inside the Earth using the method of time migration which is necessary for obtaining seismic images in regular Cartesian coordinates. The main goals of the research work were to develop algorithms to convert time-migration velocities to true seismic velocities, and to convert time-migrated images to depth images in regular Cartesian coordinates. The...

Microbial Analysis and Proximate Composition of Boiled and Fried Local Cheese (WARA)

Fried cheese locally called Wara gets spoiled when  attacked by pathogenic bacteria, as a result of poor hygiene  practice by the producer and handlers. Wara samples were  bought in Ilesha at Atakumosa market square Osun-state. This  research was designed to isolate and enumerate microorganisms  using standard microbial methods, proximate composition and  the nutritional composition of boiled local and fried cheese  (wara). Proximate analysis was carried out to determine  nutritional ...

Evaluation of an improved inoculation technology using Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110 on peat and charcoal for the cultivation of soy bean plant

Nutrient paucity in the soil poses challenge to global production of food. The use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers to boost crop yield is a recurrent farming practice, despite their unfavourable effects and hazard to the environment and human population. This study was aimed at developing an environmental friendly, low cost inoculation technology for the cultivation of soybeans. Laboratory approach was used in the production of the biofertilizer, which started with biochemical characterizat...

Design of a computer based examination system

This research work is about computer based examination system. CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY An Examination is one of the best methods of evaluating the knowledge andability of an individual. Its purpose is to assess how much each student haslearned compared to fellow students in the same course or learning situation.Various examination methods are being used in higher education institutions toassess   academic   progress,   such   as   paper-pencil-based   e...


Metal complexes are scientifically known to be active and effective as antibacterial, antivirus and some antifungal etc. This project work is targeted at preparing complex from transition metals say; cobalt, cupper, zinc and nickel and organic ligands synthesised from pyridyl based schiff bases, one from 2-aminopyridine and benzaldehyde and second from 2-aminopyridine and 2,4-dihydroxylbenzaldehyde. The analysis and completion is based on thin-layer chromatography, column-chromatography and I...


ABSTRACT Integration of documentation and information based computerized services in information system is a tremendous means to help land and housing estate professionals in their daily practice and to improve its quality. Effort is continuously being made in designing and developing economically and reliable land information management system. With this background, this project work focuses on the design, development and deployment of a computer based land information management system, usi...

Design and Implementation of a Web Based Hall Allocation System for Examinations in Schools

Design and implementation of a web based hall allocation system for examination. ABSTRACT  Presently   in   today’s  institution,   there   is   a   geometric   rise   in   the   number   ofstudents admitted with a ration in the number for each department and level ofstudy This variation in the number of students has posed a problem in allocatinghalls into consideration for student  Based on this, there is so much need for asystem that would alleviate such problem.T...


ABSTRACT In other for a business/firm to get the best out of its employees and a high return on its investment in people, the human resources must be well managed. A good human resource management system brings consistency in human resource management practices and improves human relations in the company thereby enhancing individual/organizational effectiveness. With larger firms/organizations, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage a large number of human resources. Therefore, human r...

Multistage Optimization in Supply Chain (Case Study: WEMY Industries Ltd)

Before the 1950s, logistics was thought of in military terms. It had to do with procurement, maintenance, and transportation of military facilities, material, and personnel. The study and practice of physical distribution and logistics emerged in the 1960s and 1970s. Logistics cost in the U.S. accounted for 15% of the gross national product and on an individual firm level, they could be as high as 32%. In the 1990s, a new name emerges: “supply chain management”. This name took the logisti...


MODULE: COUNTING AND CONVERTING IN EXCEL The functions for counting in Excel are mainly:  COUNT   COUNTA  COUNT BLANK  COUNTIF  COUNTIFS For the basics, we will consider using the COUNT, COUNTA, and COUNT BLANK functions. The COUNT function counts the number of cells in a range that contain numbers. If there are other characters apart from numbers, this function simply ignores them. COUNTA counts non-empty cells in a range. COUNT BLANK counts empty cells in a range.

Design and Implementation of a Decision Support System (DSS) for Hotel Revenue Management System

TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE:  INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study 1.2 Statement of Problem   1.3 Aim and Objectives Scope of the Project Significance of the Study Research Methodology Project Feasibility and Plan Economic Feasibility Schedule Feasibility Organization of Subsequent Chapters CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 2.2Overview of Revenue Management and decision making 2.2.1 Background and Motivation  2.2.2 Forecasting room Demand  2.2.3 Optimal Room Allocati...

Design and Implementation of a Micro Controller Based Traffic Light System for Road Intersection Control

ABSTRACT  The control of traffic at road junction, which was done purely by human effort, proves to be inefficient owing to the increasing rate  of both  motorists as well as the  complexity  of  road networks. This inadequacy brought about the use of discrete solid-state electronics up to the usage of a computer controlled microprocessor, but the intelligence of this method  was still limited   to   meet   the   demand   of   modern   age.   Thus,   the   needs  ...

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