Abstract As the ownership and use of personal technology has become increasingly ubiquitous, the adoption of Information and Communication Technology by higher education has continued to grow rapidly, with all Nigeria institutions integrating technology into the learning experience. Many institutions of higher education are creating learning spaces specifically designed to teach the innovation process through collaborative, multi-disciplinary an...
AbstractThe success of integrating Information and CommunicationTechnology into the educational system depends largely on the skill,knowledge, and manipulative competency level of the teacher in itsusage to the benefit of the learners. Therefore, this paper is focused onthe utilization of E-learning for effective teaching of vocationaleducation courses in Nigeria. It covered the concept of e-learning;concept of utilization of educational resources; teachers’ competencyand utilization of e-l...
AbstractAccess to quality basic education for all children, youths and adults are the primary concern of any society that seeks for economictransformation and poverty reduction. To this end, this paper focuses on Millennium Development Goals: Role of Technical VocationalEducation and Training. It discusses the concept of Technical Vocational Education and Training, indexes of development, technologyteachers’ roles in achieving the MDGs in area of poverty and hunger eradication, different co...
In the field of geosciences, large sum of data are always acquired, processed and interpreted for different geographic locations, but only few of the data are well managed, such that, they can be useful for subsequent geoscience related surveys carried out in the same geographical locations. This is a challenge in the geoscience field, and it would be beneficial to the field when this challenge is resolved and it becomes a utilisable concept. It is in this regard that a database mana...
This study explores determinants of child mortality in Kenya using the 2008/09 Kenya demographic and health survey (2008/09 KDHS) data. Cox proportional hazard model is used and stratification method was used to handle the non-proportionality of the hazards. Kaplan Meir log rank test is used to explore the data and determine the significant variables that have association with child mortality to be used in the model. The study establishes that there is improvements in child survival over the...
ABSTRACT A powerful and effective numerical tool called the Variational Iteration Method has been used to solve various kinds of differential equations over the years. Though the Variational Iteration Method has not been used solely to solve various kinds of differential equations as it has always been coupled with polynomials/transforms. The core of this project is centred on using basically the Variational Iteration Method...
This study aimed at characterizing essential oil from leaves of E.heterophylla and its insect repellent potential. Essential oil from fresh leaves of E.heterophylla was extracted by hydro distillation method, using a Clevenger apparatus for 4 hours and the yield was 0.1816%w/w. Repellence test was conducted by using 5 cockroaches in number which were placed in a modified Y-tube Olfactometer and observations recorded for each and every odour introduced after 5 minutes i...
BACTERIAL CONTAMINATION OF UGANDAN PAPER CURRENCY NOTES POSSESSED BY FOOD VENDORS AROUND MULAGO HOSPITAL COMPLEX Muhumuza Allan1, Catherine Atuhaire2, Musisi Nathan3, Francis Ejobi4, Samuel Nambile Cumber5* 1School of Biosecurity, biotechnical and Laboratory Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Production and Biosecurity, Makerere University, Uganda 2Faculty of medicine, Department of Nursing, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda 3School of Biosecurity, biotechn...
ABSRACT The purpose of this research work was to examine drug release agents and the several delivery systems for which both natural and synthetic polymers have been employed for their design and fabrications. Under these facts, a large number of delivery systems made from synthetic polymer materials were found to be non-biodegradable, non-biocompatible and thus tend to impose both adverse mechanical and physiological effects on man when consumed especially on respiratory proce...
ABSTRACT In this project work, we studied the Adams-Bashforth scheme for solving initial value problems. We gave an indebt explanation on the Adam-Bashforth scheme, its consistency, stability, and convergence, the two and three step methods were also derived. Numerical solutions were obtained using four (4) examples. TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover page i ...
ABSTRACT For many decades, nanotechnology has been developed with cooperation from researchers in several fields of studies including physics, chemistry, biology, material science, engineering, and computer science and it presents a wide range of problems and opportunities not just diverse issues, but issues of different kinds. In this project, we explore the nanotechnology development community in the area of Nano robotics and its functionality in both the science and medical world hoping is...
ABSRACT The Kenyan CPI data for the period January 2000 to December 2017, obtained from the KNBS website, was the variable of interest, modelled as a time series variable. R was the package used for analysis. Descriptive statistics such as the mean, median, ACF, PACF, time series plots, histograms, lagged scatter plots and qqplots were employed to assess the non-stationarity of CPI after which appropriate smoothing techniques such as differencing were made use of to detrend the data. Formally...
ABSTRACT A total of 100 subjects were screened for S. aureus strains, thirty (30) S. aureus isolates were obatained. The carriage of β-lactamase among the 30 isolates was determined by using starch iodine agar plate method. It was found that 19(63.3%) of the S. aureus strains were β-lactamase producing. Plasmid curing of the β-lactamase producing isolates was done using acredine orange supplimented nutrient agar to determine if their β-lactamase producing capability was plasmid mediated...
A detailed geologic mapping of clay deposits in the Patti Formation around the Ahoko area in Kogi State (north-central Nigeria) was carried out on a scale of 1:12,500. The study area lies within the Lokoja Sub-basin of the Bida Basin between longitudes 60 51l and 60 53l E and latitudes 80 18l and 80 19l N covering a total land area of about 6.85km2 of the Koton-Karfi N-E...
ABSTRACT This research work was focused on the EFFECT OF LACK OF PRACTICAL TOOLS ON THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF STUDENTS in The Ibarapa Polytechnic, Eruwa. The objectives and purpose of the research work is to determine whether factors such as lack of practical tools, lack of enough practical lecturers, improvising of practical tools has any effect on the academic performance of students, also, to determine if students can cope with academics without adequate practical and equipme...