Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Indoor Gamma Dose Rate Exposure Levels in the Faculty of Science, University of Ibadan

Building materials are one of the potential sources of indoor radioactivity because of the naturally occuring radionuclides in them. Exposure to indoor ionizing radiation, like gamma radiation, results in critical health challenges. This work was designed to assess the indoor gamma dose rate level following the renovations of offices of lecturers in Faculty of Science, University of Ibadan using RDS-30 Survey meter. Measurements were made at 110 locations after renovations and in some selecte...

Zones of Inhibition and Molecular Docking (In-silico Approach) of Piptadeniastrum africanum Extracts on Clinical and Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Isolates

The use of plants as medicines is an ancient practice common to especially Nigeria and Africa at large. The purpose of this research work is to evaluate the zones of inhibition, phytochemical screening and molecular docking (In-silico Approach) of Piptadeniastrum africanum against selected clinical and multiple antibiotic resistant isolates. Using agar well diffusion method, the antimicrobial activity of the stem bark and leaf extracts of Piptadeniastrum africanum was assayed against Escheric...

Antibacterial Activity of Garlic (ALLIUM SATIVUM) on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli

The study was carried out to evaluate the antibacterial potential of ethanolic and aqueous extracts of Garlic on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli by serial dilution in molten agar. The result of the study showed that both aqueous and ethanolic extracts inhibited the growth of the test organisms and hence their potential for the development of novel classes of antibiotics. 

Radon soil–gas as a geological mapping tool: case study from basement complex of Nigeria

Abstract  In an effort to quantify thegeogenic radon soil–gas potentialand appraise the use of radon tech-nique as a geological mapping toolin a crystalline basement rock terrain of Ile–Ife Nigeria, radon measure-ment concentration were made usinga radon detector instrument (EDARD-200) that measures radon isotopes by a scintillator cell coupled to a photo multiplier tube. The data were collected from soils derived from three different lithologic rock units. The observed values were the...


ABSTRACT           In the period of the 1970’s, Agriculture was the main stay of the Nigeria economy. The oil boom of 1970’s brought about a gradual shift from agriculture to crude oil making Nigeria to depend heavily on petroleum as main source of foreign exchange earnings. Agriculture sector which use to be the back bone of the economy was rendered competitive over time. The crux of this study is to analyze the revenue generated from selected non-oil produce in Nigeria. Dat...


ABSTRACT Cucumber has been an essential vegetable crop in the world being affected by Pythium, fusariium and phythophtora. Root and stem rot of cucumber (Cucumis sativus), caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-cucumerinum, is a new catastrophic disease of greenhouse crops in Greece and some other countries Fusarium oxysporum causes rotting of roots, lower stems and pythium also causes seedling damping off which is widely spread across cropping soils. Fusarium root and stem rot occur mos...

Geoelectrical Investigation of Soils as Foundation Materials in Umudike Area, Southeast Nigeria

Geoelectrical  investigation  of  soils  in  Umudike  area  of  Abia  State  was  undertaken  in  order  to determine  the  competence  of  the  soils  as  foundation  materials.  A  total  of  18  Vertical  Electrical Sounding (VES), using Schlumberger configuration was carried out.  The results revealed three to six distinct geoelectric sequences with resistivities ranging from about 8 Ωm to  about 38,000 Ωm and a variation in topsoil thicknesses with the l...


An  article on Information Technology


Abstract This study focused on the factors responsible for poor performance of senior secondary school students in mathematics in Onitsha Education Zone. The study was guided by four research questions. The study is a descriptive survey design. The targeted population consisted of senior secondary school students in Onitsha Education Zone. A total of 100 respondents were purposively selected by the researchers. The data were collected through the use of structured questionnaire after it was...

Antioxidative Properties of Sida Coryembosa in Ethanol

In Africa traditional studies have shown that herbal medicine proves to be one of the best forms of treatment mensure to preventing or managing a disease condition. Sida coryembosa is a plant gotten from the eastern part of Nigeria Nnewe north to be precise and certain claims and attributes has been said about the plant in wound healing and a possible treatment to peptic ulcer as a result of oxidative stress. The roots, stems and leaves were used for the research. 100grams of each was weighed...

Statistical Analysis of Road Traffic Accidents

ABSTRACT         The main purpose of this project is to Analyze Road Traffic Accident (RTA) data in Nigeria, taking Anambra State as a Case of Study and to find out the major causes of such accident and suggest strategies for preventing or controlling them for the benefit of road users. An Analysis of Accident data recorded between the years 2004 – 2008 has yielded the following facts: over speeding and faulty tires are the causal factors of road accidents. These are but the majo...

Information Retrieval And Indexing Implementation For A Digital Academic Transcript System

ABSTRACT This article presents a framework for an information retrieval and indexing management system for a digital transcript system which will help overcome the undesirable problem associated with student’s grades, slow and strenuous accessibility of student report and records and poor information management within the school. The objective of this research is to propose and implement an algorithm that would optimize data and preserve them in an eco-friendly manner. A review was observed...


A comparative study was carried out for the determination of calcium and magnesium in milk and water melon (food sources of calcium and magnesium). Mixed standard solutions of calcium and magnesium (spike) were added to the samples before digesting with a mixture of concentrated nitric acid and concentrated hydrochloric acid (1:3). The calcium and magnesium content of the digest were determined using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer (FAAS) and EDTA titration. The percentage recovery ...

Comparative determination of Calcium and Magnesium in food substances using Atomic absorption spectrophotometry and EDTA Titrimetry

A comparative study was carried out for the determination of calcium and magnesium in milk and water melon (food sources of calcium and magnesium). Mixed standard solutions of calcium and magnesium (spike) were added to the samples before digesting with a mixture of concentrated nitric acid and concentrated hydrochloric acid (1:3). The calcium and magnesium content of the digest were determined using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer (FAAS) and EDTA titration. The percentage recovery...

Credit Risk Models

In Financial Institutions such as banks and other firms, we face financial risk which emanates from different source. Credit Risk as one of the prominent risk, had been found to reduce the efficiency of banks and other financial firms, hence, the research to model the risk . In this project, several models used to evaluate credit risk, including their drawbacks, frame works and strengths are reviewed.

7576 - 7590 Of 8856 Results