Microbiology Research Papers/Topics

Isolation and Identification of Micro Algae from Godfrey Okoye University Fish Pond

 ABSTRACT Chlorella vulgaris is an edible microalgae and a highly notorious potential feed resource for many agriculturally important animal species. Chlorella vulgaris intake has also been linked to improvements in animal health and welfare. Its influence over animal development stems from its nutritive and protein-rich composition, thus leading to an increased commercial production to meet consumer demand. The aim of this work is to isolate and identify microalgae used in poultry farming a...

The Anti Hyperglycermic: Effect of Momordica Charantia on Blood Glucose Level of Albino Wistar Rats

The study was carried out to investigate the effect of aqueous and petroleum ether extract of momordica charantia on blood glucose level of albino rats.The extraction was done using petroleum ether and water .Thirty two albino rats were grouped into eight (A ,B,C,D,E,F,G,H). Comprising of four in each group .Diabetes was induced with a single Dose of 100mg/kg body weight of alloxan solution .After induction of alloxan ,group A and B were orally administered with 100 and 200mg/kg body weight o...

AntiMicrobial Effect of Persea Americana Avocado Pear Peel

ABSTRACT In the for anti microbial effect the back peel of Persea americana (AVACADO) was investigated for activities . the study was to evaluate  the antimicrobial efficacy of  the crude ethanolic and aqueous extract of the peel of  Persea americana against  selected clinical isolates. The agar well diffusion method was used in study also phytochemical screening was conducted on the plant which revealed the presences of saponin, carbohydrates, tannins the  present invention relates to e...

Nutritional Properties and AntiMicrobial Activities of Root and Seed of Moringa Oleifera Against Some Clinical Isolates

ABSTRACT The roots and seeds of Moringa oleifera were analysed for their nutritional, antinutritional and antimicrobial activities on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus mirabilis, Streptococcus fecalis, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans. Quantitative phytochemical analysis showed the presence of 0.57% and 1.17% oxalates, 4.02% and 2.66% phytic acid, 1.92% and 3.99% alkaloid, 65.47 mg/100 g and 109.12 mg/100 g tanins for the roots and seeds respectively. Proximate a...

Studies on the Nutritional quality, anti-nutritional factors, amino acid profile and functional properties of co-fermented wheat/cowpea

ABSTRACT Nigeria was ranked 14th in global assessment of under-five mortality rate due to infants poor nutrition. (The Punch 2011) The Wheat, genus Triticum, tribe,Triticeae family, is limiting in lysine but has adequate amount of sulphur-containing amino acids (Adeyeye & Aye 2005).The cultivation of Triticum durum yields well in Nigeria. It is mainly consumed by adults who eatit in bread and other pastries (The Compass 2011).There have been cases of hypersensitive response to wheat gluten ca...

Physicochemical and Phytochemical Analysis of Honey and Shea Butter Samples and Their Antibacterial Effect on Staphylococcus aureus AND Klebsiella pneumoniae

ABSTRACT This research work was carried out to examine the physicochemical and phytochemical constituents of honey and Shea butter samples respectively and their antibacterial effect on Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae. The physicochemical screening of honey showed that the honey samples used have low water activity, low moisture content, low pH value below 4.0 and Ash while the phytochemical analysis of Shea butter revealed the presence of Saponnins, Tannins, Alkaloids, Stero...


An average Nigerian household consumes vegetables of various kinds but are ignorant of their antibacterial properties and other benefits. There is also an increase in the prevalence of multidrug resistant strains of bacteria which has raised the spectra of untreatable bacterial infections. This challenge has requested for urgency to search for new infection-fighting strategies. This study therefore investigated the antibacterial activities of the ethanolic and acetonic leaf extracts of Solane...

The aftermath of COVID-19 pandemic in the Nigerian Society

The world economy has been crippled by a novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) which also put over 210 countries of the world in the map of epidemiology, in this case, our country Nigeria and Ekiti State as well is not left behind. As all schools are forced to close to curb the spread of this virus, students are at home, saving the world, trying and putting things in places. Executive of Social Sciences Students' Association (SOSSA), Ekiti State University chapter duly led by Hon. Comr. A...

Biostimulatory Effect of Processed Sewage Sludge in the Bioremediation of Herbicide Polluted Soil

Introduction Cleanup of herbicide contaminated soils has been a dire environmental concern since the advent of industrial era (Ramdas and Gerald, 2011). The rapid increase in population worldwide has resulted in the need for greater fuel demand and development of industrial chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides and pharmaceuticals to sustain and improve quality of life (Chakrabarty et al., 2008). Although many of these chemicals are utilized or destroyed, a high percentage ...

The Efficacy of Disinfectants on Candida albicans at Different Concentrations and Contact Times

ABSTRACT The upsurge of Candida albicans as the fourth most common causative agent of nosocomial infections necessitated the evaluation of a range of disinfectants for their efficacy against this organism. This project work was designed to basically determine the anti-Candida efficacy of three commonly used, commercially available disinfectants, namely Savlon, Septol, and Izal, using suspension test technique. The test organism was challenged with various concentrations (25%, 50%, 75% and 10...

Bactericidal Activities of Hibiscus Sabdarifa Leave Extract against enteric human pathogens

Microbiological  tests  revealed  that  Hibiscus  sabdariffa  plant  extract  has  antibacterial properties  thus  verifying  folklore  medicine  in  the  treatment  of  abscesses,  bilious  conditions, cough,  dysuria  and  scurvy  (Morton,  1987;  Perry,  1980  Ross,  2003).  The  extraction  type  of aqueous  generally  had  the  same  potency  with  cold  extracts  having  a  slightly  better antimicrobial  activity  than  hot  aqueous  ex...

Infectious Control in the Post Antibiotic Era

AbstractThere  are  enormous  challenges  facing  infection  control  in  the  21st  century.  Countries  across the  world  are  confronted  by  ageing  populations,  restricted  healthcare  resources,  demands  for modern  medicine  and  increasing  antimicrobial  resistance.  Problem  pathogens  in  the community  are  set  to  invade  hospitals,  and  those  created  in  hospitals  are  seeding  into  the community.  Continued  consumption ...

Characterising Growth Behaviour of Yeast Strains Isolated from Mango Fruit in Carbon, Nitrogen and Stress Environments

ABSTRACT The present experiment aims at investigating the growth behaviour of different yeast strains inselected carbon, nitrogen and stress environment to obtain strains with prospects for industrialapplication.   Specifically,   the   study   is   set   to:   isolate   yeast   from   decaying   mango   fruit   anddetermine growth performance of yeast strains in different environments, carbon, nitrogen andstressors. The procedure adopted in the study uses different ...

Bacterial Bioluminescence - A General overview

Bioluminescence is the process by which certain living organisms produce light through a seriesof enzymatically   catalyzed  biochemical reactions  (Brodl  et al., 2018). Any organism   that iscapable of exhibiting or carrying out bioluminescence is termed a  bioluminescent organism.Bioluminescence is a phenomenon that has been found in almost all branches of the evolutionarytree   (Tyulkova  et   al.,   2009),   meaning   that   representative   organisms   from   ...


ABSTRACT In African folk medicine, water infusion of Mangifera indica stem bark are highly valued in thelocal treatment of malaria fever, diarrohea, diabetes mellitus and liver diseases. Various part ofthis   plant   can  also  be   used   in  treatment   of   toothache,  dysentery,  anemia,   hypertension   andinsomnia in different parts of the world. This study was described to determine the activities ofthe stem bark extract of M.indica against some panel of bacterial...

361 - 375 Of 600 Results