Microbiology Research Papers/Topics

Comparative Evaluation of Bacteria and Fungi Diseases Associated with Saccharum officinarum (Sugarcane) in Ethnobotanical Garden of Wesley University, Ondo

ABSTRACT The comparative evaluation of the bacterial and fungal diseases associated with Saccharum officinarum (Sugarcane) in ethnobotanical garden of Wesley University, Ondo was carried out through different microbial processes. The objectives of this work were to comparatively evaluate bacterial and fungal diseases associated with sugarcane in rainy and dry seasons, isolation and identification of bacterial and fungal diseases associated with sugarcane and development of disease inventory a...

A pilot biomonitoring study of bladder tumor antigen (BTA) in aflatoxin exposed Nigerian villagers

AbstractObjective: To correlate the levels of bladder tumour antigen (BTA) with aflatoxin M1 (AFM) in a humanpopulation in Nigeria.Subjects and methods: A pilot, observational study was conducted with 22 human subjects randomlyrecruited from a Nigerian rural community. Serum and first morning urine of participants were analysedfor human BTA and AFM1, respectively, using quantitative ELISA assays.Results: All the subjects were positive to AFM1 (mean= 0.235± 0.072 ng/mL) while 19 were positi...

Bioactive Constituents and Antibacterial Screening of Two Nigerian Plant Extracts Against Selected Clinical Bacteria

Abstract Background: The growing desires to combat antibiotic resistance among pathogenic bacteria necessitate the need to search for new antimicrobials agents from other sources such as plants. Objectives: The present study investigated the antibacterial activities and bioactive components of Nymphaea lotus and Spondias mombin against selected clinical bacteriaMaterial and Methods: Extracts of N. lotus and S. mombin were prepared by 72 hours maceration in 70%methanol. The antimicrobial susce...

Plasmodium Falciparum and Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Nigerian Urban Population

Dear Editor,Infection due to Plasmodium falciparum is a serious public health threat in sub-Saharan Africa. Malaria endemic foci are often times affected by other infectious agents which may contribute to the clinical episodes of the disease. 1Hepatitis B virus is one of such infectious agents that coexistwith P. falciparum in most endemic areas. Although the accurate infection status due to hepatitis B virus infection is not yet known, an estimated 350 million persons worldwide are chronic c...

Food-borne human parasitic pathogens associated with household cockroaches and houseflies in Nigeria

Cockroaches and houseflies pose significant public health threat owning to their ability to mechanically transmit human intestinal parasites and other disease-causing microorganisms. This study aims at assessing the vectoral capacity of cockroaches and houseflies in the transmission of human intestinal parasites. Intestinal parasite external surface contamination of 130 cockroaches and 150 houseflies caught within dwelling places in Ilishan-Remo town, Ogun StateNigeria was determined. Coc...

Efficacy of ethanolic leaf extracts of Carica papaya and Terminalia catappa as molluscicides against the snail intermediate hosts of schistosomiasis

The study evaluated the molluscicidal effects of ethanolic leaf extracts of two Nigerian indigenousmedicinal plants; Terminalia catappa and Carica papaya. Different concentrations 2500, 630, 160, 40 and10 ppm were prepared from the stock solution of the extracts. Adult Biomphalaria pfeifferi and Bulinusglobosus were exposed to these different graded concentrations. Mortalities were observed at intervalsof time. There were strong positive correlations between mortalities observed in snails and...

A Cross-sectional Study on Urogenital Schistosomiasis in Children; Haematuria and Proteinuria as Diagnostic Indicators in an Endemic Rural Area of Nigeria

AbstractBackground: Rapid and accurate diagnosis is necessary for the management of  schistosomiasis in endemic areas.Objective: To assess the burden of  urogenital schistosomiasis and the diagnostic efficiency of  morbidity indicators of  the disease in an endemic rural community of  Nigeria.Methods: A cross-sectional school-based study was conducted. Urine samples of  487 pupils were screened microscopically for S. haematobium and tested for haematuria and proteinuria using chemical r...

Antimicrobial Properties, Phytochemical Composition,and Phenotypic Resistance Pattern of Selected Enteropathogenic Microorganism on Ageratumconyzoides (Goat Weed) Leaf Extract

The aim of this study is to determine the phytochemical composition, antimicrobial properties and phenotypic resistance pattern of selected enteropathogenic micro organism on Ageratum conyzoides leaf extract. Enteropathogenic isolates were collected from Adekunle Ajasin University Health Centre, Akungba Akoko, Ondo State and were identified using Microbact™ 24E Identification kit. Antibiotic sensitivity testing was carried out against the enteropathogenic organism using Kirby-Bauer disc dif...

The Concept of Nonribosomal Peptide Sythetases: Industrial Application in Biosynthesis of Antibiotics

Abstract Nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) are multimodular enzymes that are used wholly or partly in the biosynthesis of antiobiotics; a natural product that fall into the class of secondary metabolites. NRPSs have diverse functions and have also been used in the synthesis of toxins, siderophores, or pigments, among others. Unlike other proteins, its biosynthesis is independent of ribosomal machinery. Nonribosomal peptides are synthesized on large nonribosomal peptide synthetase�...

Zones of Inhibition and Molecular Docking (In-silico Approach) of Piptadeniastrum africanum Extracts on Clinical and Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Isolates

The use of plants as medicines is an ancient practice common to especially Nigeria and Africa at large. The purpose of this research work is to evaluate the zones of inhibition, phytochemical screening and molecular docking (In-silico Approach) of Piptadeniastrum africanum against selected clinical and multiple antibiotic resistant isolates. Using agar well diffusion method, the antimicrobial activity of the stem bark and leaf extracts of Piptadeniastrum africanum was assayed against Escheric...

Identification and Characterization of Cellulase Producing Fungi.

ABSTRACT Hymenula cerealis, Neottiosporella radiata, Sphaerosporium lignatile, and Monilochaetes infuscans were isolated from soil of Botanical Garden, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. The soil sample was serially diluted and isolation was done using pour plate method. The organisms were then screened for cellulase production using carboxymethyl cellulase and Congo red.  The screening result showed that Hymenula cerealis, Neottiosporella radiata, and Sphaerosporium lignatile are capable ...

Preliminary Investigation of the Possible Pathogenic Bacterial Contents of Some Local Non-Alcoholic Drinks

The aim of this study was to determine the safety profiles of some local non-alcoholic drinks sold within Zaria locality by isolating and characterizing the possible pathogenic bacteria found in them. For this aim, 17 samples of Zobo drink, 19 samples of Kunu zaki drink, and 15 samples of Ginger drink were analysed. Among the 51 total samples, Klebsiella pneumoniae was isolated from one Ginger drink sample; Serratia marcescens was  isolated from two Zobo drink samples and two Ginger drink s...

Prevalence of Hepatitis B serological markers among HIV infected patients

Abstract Abstract Background: Occult hepatitis B infection (OBI) is defined as serologically undetectable hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg-ve), despite the presence of circulating HBV DNA (Allain, 2005). It has been documented that one of the frequent complications of HIV infection is hepatitis B co-infection and due to the common methods of transmission of these two viruses, the incidence rate of co-infection is increasing (Chen et al., 2011) Objective: To determine the prevalence of HBV s...

Investigating The Presence Of Staphylococcus Aureus And Escherichia Coli In Dairy Products

INTRODUCTION Dairy products are various products derived from cow’s milk or that of other female mammals such as goat, sheep, yaks, horses, camel. Dairy products include yoghurt, nono (fermented cow’s milk, madara (unfermented cow’s milk, cheese, whey, condensed and evaporated milk.) (cultureforhealth, 2015). Yoghurt, nono, Madara has become so highly valued in humans diet because of their nutritional values and their culinary possibilities (George and pamplon, 2006) Yoghurt is ma...

Lupus Outbreak in Nigeria

Systemic lupus erthematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease in which tissues andcells undergo damage mediated by tissue binding auto-antibodies and immune complexes(McGraw, 2005).General findings include a much higher incidence in women estimated to be up to10-12 times than in men. The highest incidence is between 15 and 44 years of  age.(Academic press, 1999)  It, therefore, means that as much as ninety percent of patientsare women of childbearing age. Incidence of SLE has been studied in g...

421 - 435 Of 600 Results