Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

A Model Of The Relationships Between Availability Mechanisms And Outage Sources In Cloud Computing

ABSTRACT The use of cloud computing has been growing exponentially since its inception. Availability of the cloud, however, has been a problem for users and Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) alike; outages have been on the rise. This problem could be attributed to the fact that engineers building Availability Mechanisms (AMs) and those studying outage causes do not work collectively. The general objective of the study was to develop and evaluate an availability mechanism model for service outage...

Assessment Of Water Deficit Effects On Agromorphological And Physiological Traits Of Six Bambara Groundnuts (Vigna Subterranea (L.) Verdc.) Landraces Grown In Western And Coastal Regions Of K

ABSTRACT Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) is one of the most neglected and under-utilized African legume with the potential to alleviate food insecurity and poverty in the tropical semi-arid regions of Africa. The crop is reported to be drought tolerant and produce reasonable yields in poor soils. However key morphological and physiological attributes that confer drought tolerance to different landraces is not well established. The main objective of this study was to assess t...


ABSTRACT Cancer has become a key public health affliction worldwide. Recent studies have shown that genetic factors cause only 5–10% of all human cancers, while the rest are caused by lifestyle. Epidemiological and clinical studies have shown that chronic inflammatory diseases predispose individuals to various types of cancer. An estimated 20 % of all cancer related deaths globally arise from primary infections and inflammation. Current treatments for cancer include radiotherapy, chemothera...

Acquired Plasmodium Falciparum-Specific Antibody Responses Are Associated With Efficacy To Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapy (Act) In The Treatment Of Uncomplicated Malaria In Kombewa, We

ABSTRACT Significant advancement achieved in the chemoprophylaxis and chemotherapy of malaria has been pivotal for eventual reduction of malaria prevalence. However, a major setback has been the emergence of resistance to antimalarial drugs. Towards the goal of curbing emergence of resistance, artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACT), is now adopted by many countries as the first-line treatment for malaria. The recently reported cases of resistance to ACT in South East Asia (SEA), have r...

Effect Of Npk Blended Fertilizer Application On Soil Physico-Chemical Properties, Growth, Physiology And Yield Oftwo Finger Millet (Eleusine Coracana L. Gaertn.) Varieties Grown In Acidic Soi

ABSTRACT Finger millet is one of the most important cereal crops in Kenya. It is staple food rich in minerals and vitamins required for good health. Finger millet is a hardy crop compared to other cereals and it is for this reason that its currently being promoted in efforts to address food security. Western Kenya soils are acidic and soil acidity is a serious problem that affects crop productivity in the region. County governments of Kakamega, Bungoma, Vihiga, Busia and Trans-Nzoia are promo...


Abstract This study set out to examine and map the spatial variation of infant mortality in Kenya. We used data from Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) database to explore spatial variation. Generalized linear mixed inodel(GLMM) with Enumeration Areas (EA) specific random effects was used to assess the effects of geographical heterogeneity and other covariates. The model based Geostatistical methods were used to quantify the spatial variations of the observations using the variograms and fit...

Stochastic Analysis Of Single Queue Single Server Versus Single Queue Multiple Servers Models: A Case Study Of Post Bank And Kenya Commercial Bank

ABSTRACT Banks play signicant roles in a country's economy. For this reason many studies have been done on the management and general organization of banks. One such area is on queue management. It is common practice to see long queues of customers waiting to be served within the banking halls. Customers arrive at banking facilities randomly. Moreover, service time is also a random phenomenon. Currently, many institutions are moving away from single queue single server model to single queue-m...

Hierarchical Logistic Regression Model For Multilevel Analysis : An Application On Use Of Contraceptives Among Women In Reproductive Age In Kenya

ABSTRACT Contraception allows women and couples to have the number of children they want, when they want them. This is everybody’s right according to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. Use of Contraceptive also reduces the need for abortion by preventing unwanted pregnancies. It therefore reduces cases of unsafe abortion,one of the leading causes of maternal death worldwide.According to Mohammed ,in 2012 an estimated 464,000 induced abortions occurred in Kenya. This translates ...

Habitat Use And Ecological Carrying Capacity For The Eastern Black Rhinoceros (Diceros Bicornis Michaeli) In Ruma National Park, Kenya

ABSTRACT The population of black rhinoceros has declined in African range states since 1960s due to poaching and habitat loss. In Kenya the species population declined from an estimated 20,000 in 1970 to less than 500 animals by 1990. However, through increased security and translocation, Kenya has witnessed a modest increase in population of this critically endangered species. The current population size is 623. Kenya like other range countries conserves black rhinoceros sub-populations as a...

Crame´R-Rao Bound Of Direction Finding Using Uniform Circular Array And 2-Circle Concentric Uniform Array

ABSTRACT Source direction-of-arrival estimation problem has received much attention in recent years following its significant role in array-signal processing and wide range of applications such as radar, wireless communication, sonar, seismology among others. Direction finding has been solved by several techniques such as Maximum likelihood estimator, MUltiple Signal Classification, Estimation of Parameters via Rotational Invariance Technique and Cram´er- Rao bound using array of sensors in ...

Zero Divisor Graphs Of Classes Of Completely Primary Finite Rings Of Maximal Prime Power Characteristic

Abstract It is well known that in a nite ring with identity, every element is either a zero divisor or a unit. The classication of nite rings is not fully settled. Dierent studies have generated interesting results on certain classes of nite rings. It is worthwhile to note that completely primary nite rings have proved to be useful towards the classication of nite rings. This is due to the fact that a nite ring has a unique maximal ideal if and only if it is a full matrix ring over a complete...

Application Of Life Table Model In Studying Progress Of Public Primary School Pupils In Migori Sub County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Education progress plays a very important role in determining the future of a pupil and even in planning for the schools and education sector as a whole. Primary Education forms the basis of implementing Poverty Reduction Strategy by the government through the acquisition of basic literacy skills, which increases opportunities for employment and ability to be self-reliant, hence the need to monitor the pupils general progress from the time of entry in class one to graduation after th...

Nutritional Contribution Of Atmospheric Deposition To The Strandveld Vegetation Of West Coast South Africa

Abstract Ecosystem nutrient availability depends on the balance between rates of nutrient inputs and losses. Nutrients may be lost through fire and displacement of ash, herbivory, leaching and volatilization. The main pathways through which nutrients may be acquired are weathering of rock and atmospheric deposition. Symbiotic and free-living diazotrophic bacteria and blue green algae also contribute N. In ecosystems with limited occurrence of N2-fixation and occurring on low-nutrient bedrock,...

Certain Properties Of Essential Numerical Ranges Of Bounded Operators On Banach Spaces

Abstract The numerical range of an operator on a Hilbert space has been extensively researched on. The concept of numerical range of an operator goes back as early as 1918 when Toeplitz defined it as the field of values of a matrix for bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space. Major results like convexity, that is the Toeplitz-Hausdorff theorem, the relationship of the spectrum and the numerical range, the essential spectra and the essential numerical range, have given a lot of insights. M...

Microbial Community Diversity And Structure Within Organic And Conventional Farming Systems In Central Highlands Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Microbial diversity and function in agro-ecosystems is influenced by various aspects linked to soil and agronomic practices for example, tillage, irrigation, crop rotation and application of organic and inorganic inputs. Farming systems practices may affect the dynamic interactions existing between soil, plant and microorganisms in different agricultural biomes. Due to limitations associated with conventional microbial cultivation strategies, only a fractional number of cultivable sp...

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