Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Phytochemical Composition And Insecticidal Activities Of Some Botanicals On Three Stored Product Pests

ABSTRACT Ten out of the seven two plants marketed in Lagos State for medicinal and agricultural uses were selected for a study into their insecticidal activity. The ten selected plants Uvaria chamae, Jatropha curcas, Lophira alata, Ageratum conyzoides, Hyptis suaveolens, Alstonia boonei, Plumbago zeylanica, Tephrosia vogelii, Anacardium occidentale and Momordica charantia, were screened in the laboratory for bioactivity against three test insects namely Callosobruchus maculatus (F.), Sitophil...

Language Supportive Teaching and Textbooks (LSTT) for Bilingual Classrooms Mathematics Teaching and Learning in Tanzania

Abstract The aim of this study was to assess the impact on teaching and learning using the LSTT (Language Supportive Teaching and Textbooks) project’s bilingual Mathematics textbook chapters among Form One students in selected rural community secondary schools in Tanzania. LSTT project was introduced in Tanzania in 2013 to enhance language supportive teaching among the disadvantaged rural groups identified as less competent in foreign languages. The study employed both quantitative and qua...

Queuing System At National Microfinance Bank, A Case Study Of Uluguru Branch, Morogoro Urban

ABSTRACT Statistics is one among the old and wide discipline spread across the global. As many studies and topics have been researched, published and presented in various set up and purpose. Some topics or areas of statistics are extensively covered in those researches in some areas. The study on queuing has not been done extensively in Tanzania. The queuing is a common practice to all public service centres where the demand surpass the supply. This study investigates the performance of queu...

Parameter Estimation Of A Class Of Hidden Markov Models Using Sequential Monte Carlo Expectation-Maximization Algorithm

ABSTRACT Much research has been advanced in the development of Monte Carlo methods for stochastic processes. A particular focus is on sequential Monte Carlo methods (particle filters and particle smoothers) and the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm which allows the estimation of a class of Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) with nonlinear, non-Gaussian state-space models. The Stochastic Volatility (SV) model can be regarded as a nonlinear state space model. SV model has become increasingly pop...

Palynostratigraphy Of Miocene Through Pleistocene Sediments From Part Of The Western Niger Delta, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT Palynological analyses were carried out on four wells, Bentu-DX, Eze-DX, Meren-66 and Meren-67 from the Western Niger Delta. The palynomorphs recovered were abundant and diverse in the horizons studied. The Bentu-DX and Eze-DX wells are of Late Miocene (P860) – Late Pleistocene (P900) age (ca. 5.8Ma -1.3Ma). The assemblages are dominated by land derived palynomorphs particularly Monoporites annulatus, the mangrove pollen Zonocostites ramonae, Podocarpus milanjianus, Stereisporites ...

Industrial Robotic Arm Vehicle Controlled Wirelessly Using Joystick

Abstract These days, robots, for example, line robot car, mechanical arm, robotic finger and other products were being utilized for several purpose. Robots convey a considerable measure of advantages to the general public, so they are prominently utilized as a part of industry, house and work put. In this undertaking, the outline of wireless industrial robotic vehicle ought to have the capacity to deal with and lift up an object and furthermore can be controlled utilizing remote joystick. The...

Determination and Remediation Of Anthropogenic Hydrocarbons in The Sediments Of The Lagos Lagoon System

ABSTRACT Concerns about the effect of organic pollutants on humans and the environment have existed for a long time. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) present a danger due to their potential carcinogenic and mutagenic capabilities. PAHs are rapidly sorbed to particles and incorporated into aquatic sediments. Sediments therefore represent the most important reservoir of PAHs in the marine environment. About 80% of the industries in Nigeria are located in Lagos and they all discharge thei...

Bacteriological Quality Of Bottled Drinking Water Versus Municipality Tap Water In Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT The most important characteristics of drinking water that have to be assured, monitored and conserved are its safety. Water safety is a growing concern as its quality is not thoroughly monitored especially in third world countries due to lack of proper labs and funding. Unsafe water contains a lot of microorganisms that are a threat to health, most of which contain faecal coliforms that cause serious illnesses like gastrointestinal diseases. Due to the present Zimbabwe water status, ...

Molecular Studies On Microsporidia Species And Their Prevalence In Lagos, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Microsporidia cases due to Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Encephalitozoon intestinalis are emerging opportunistic infections associated with a wide range of clinical syndromes in humans. A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of microsporidia spores, Cryptosporidium oocyst and other enteric intestinal parasites from faeces of HIV-positive individuals (with and without diarrhoea) attending the HIV/AIDS Clinics and from HIV-negative individuals and animal sample...

Modelling Of Maternal Health Care Services Using Multinomial Logistic Regression

ABSTRACT Several methods which have been adopted to analyze multi-category data yields unsatisfactory results because of strict assumptions regarding normality, linearity, and homoscedasticity. As a result, Multinomial logistic regression is considered as an alternative because it does not assume normality, linearity, or homoscedasticity (Hosmer & Lemeshow, (2000)). The study attempted to use Maximum likelihood estimation and predicted probability to model Maternal Health Care Services data b...

Model Assisted Estimation in Adaptive Sampling

Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures Acknowledgement Chapter One Introduction Background Information Statement of Problems Purpose and Objective of Study Outline Chapter Two - Estimators in Adaptive Cluster Sampling Introduction Ordinary Estimators in Adaptive Sampling The Improved Estimators Forms of Adaptive Sampling Frame Free Adaptive Designs Sampling Without Replacement of Clusters Chapter Three - Model Assisted Adaptive Cluster Sampling Introduction Proposed Model Assist...

Expert Radio System For Zimbabwe Broadcasting Holdings

i ABSTRACT This study sought to craft an Expert Radios System for Zimbabwe Broadcasting Holdings. The researcher‟s problem statement indicated that Zimbabwe Broadcasting Holdings is engaged in two media services namely television and radio broadcasting services, and the processes involved in their radio broadcasting was mainly through analogy radio signals. As technology evolves, the equipment currently in use becomes obsolete and makes it hard to keep maintaining available infrastructure t...

An Investigation Into The Effectiveness Of Teacher Turnover In The Subject Of Geography: A Case Study Of Kutama Day High School

TABLE OF CONTENTS Dedication ……………………………………………………………………………………..i Declaration ……………………………………………………………………………………ii Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………….…iii Acknowledgements ……………………………………………………………………………iv Table of contents………………�...

4621 - 4635 Of 8859 Results