Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Credibility Judgement And Verification Behavior On Online Information

ABSTRACT Judging the credibility of information that is found online is very crucial, because on the internet there are platforms which contain misinformation, though they may look trustworthy. Editorial policies regarding the majority of information posted online are non-existent, unknown or ambiguous.Thus, developing the skills to evaluate web-based information is crucial for internet users. There is a need to understand how information seekers in Tanzania do prepared for this responsibilit...

A Situational Analysis Of Livestock Production In Liberia: A Case Study of Nimba, Bong and Montserrado Counties

ABST RACT The main objective of the study was to analyze the situation of livestock production in Liberia. The specific objectives were to analyze the population of livestock in Liberia, to establish the factors limiting the production of livestock in Liberia, to analyze Liberia land use system of the livestock production sector and to analyze the economic impact of livestock production in Liberia. The study was a case study which surveyed three counties in Liberia: Nimba, Bong and Montserrad...

Assessment Of Woody Plant And Grass Competitive Interactions Using Reciprocal Transplants Along A Rainfall Gradient In Namibian Savannas

Abstract Savannas are mainly characterised by co-existence of woody and herbaceous vegetation. In Namibia, savannas occupy about 64% of the country’s land area. They are characterised by the arid to semi-arid climatic conditions and play a vital role in livestock and vegetation production. Most vegetation communities in savannas are influenced by rainfall and species interactions. Change in climatic pattern has shown that a decrease in rainfall can cause more frequent droughts and ultimatel...

Survival Models For Cervical Cancer Patients Data From The Ocean Road Cancer Institute (Orci)

ABSTRACT Many analyses of cancer survival data prefer to use Cox proportional hazards (CPH) model which had influence on development of cancer covariates in the field of survival analysis. Study attempted to evaluate parametric, semi-parametric and non parametric approach to find a model for available cervical cancer survival data from ORCI in order to show applicability and workability in medical data. Life table method calculates probabilities of censored patients when survival times groupe...

Reconnaissance Exploration For Gold In The Misaki Area Within The Iramba-Sekenke Greenstone Belt, Central Tanzania

ABSTRACT Combinations of geological, geophysical and geochemical techniques have been used to explore gold deposits at Misaki within the Iramba-Sekenke Greenstone Belt (ISGB) in Singida region. The Misaki area is occupied by different rocks including homogeneous coarse-grained granite containing numerous xenoliths (> 5 vol. %), tonalite, K-rich granite and pegmatite, and dolerite dykes. All granitic rocks have been intruded by dolerite dykes, cut by epidote veins and are found juxtaposed to a...

A Survey Of Analytic Hierarchy Process (Ahp)

ABSTRACT The purpose of this dissertation is to survey Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) as the tool used in decision making. The decision making process involves evaluating alternatives or criterion by selecting the best option. The AHP is the decision making technique which involves both subjective human judgments and objective evaluation merely by Eigen vector and then examines the consistency of the evaluation by Eigen Value. In this dissertation we have shown in details methods of AHP and...

Saccos Credit Rating Prediction In Tanzania By Using Machine Learning Approach: A Case Of Kkkt Arusha Road Saccos Ltd..

ABSTRACT Financial institutions play a vital role to enhance the socio-economic development of any country. Despite being a key player in socio-economic development, large group of people is still isolated in accessing formal financial services. Saving and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOS) are type of Microfinance Financial Institutions (MFIs) that came to solve the problem of isolating many people in attaining financial services. Loan default is a big challenge that causes weak performan...

Genetic Analysis Of Ximenia Americana Under Natural Conditions

Abstract Cross-species hybridization approaches have been used for genetic analysis of species that do not have complete genome arrays available. The study used the cross-species DNA-DNA hybridization approach to characterize Ximenia americana biological processes. Preliminary micro-array studies done in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Namibia has created X. americana DNA-DNA hybridization to a well-known Arabidopsis thaliana genechip (ATH1). A. thaliana prob...

Hiv-1 Drug Resistance Profiles Of Ghanaian Women On Antiretroviral Therapy After Prevention Of Mother-To child Transmission (Pmtct)

ABSTRACT From 2007 to 2011 HIV-positive pregnant women in Ghana, were given a combination of Zidovudine and Lamivudine as prophylaxis during pregnancy and a single dose of Nevirapine upon the onset of labour towards the prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV. Since these women were subsequently given the same antiretrovirals (ARVs) to manage their HIV infection, there was, therefore, the need to determine the HIV-1 drug resistance profiles in such patients in Ghana. This s...

Hearing Loss Among Patients Receiving Antituberculosis Treatment

ABSTRACT Background: Tuberculosis therapy is characterized by many side effects including hearing loss. It has been documented that the use of aminoglycosides for TB treatment is the cause of the associated hearing impairment. The consequential effect of hearing impairment on the patient is high. This has its long-term socio-economic effect (social isolation and stigmatization) on patients, families and public health in general. Hearing loss can compromise treatment compliance and also affec...

A Taxonomic, Ecological And Nutritional Study Of Porphyra Capensis Kützing Populations From The Namibian Coast

ABSTRACT The Namibian Porphyra capensis Kützing was studied as very little was known of its taxonomy, ecology, phylogeny or nutritional status. It was hypothesized that it was phlogenetically related to the South African P. capensis as they share common ancestry. DNA was extracted from thalli and partial sequences obtained from their 18SrDNA and ITS regions. GenBank sequences of interest were incorporated, alignments made and phylogenetic trees were generated using MEGA 5.1. The results show...

Cyber Security Risk Management And Threat Control Model (Csrm-Tcm): A Study Carried Out To Enhance The Protection Of Information In The Namibian Public Service

ABSTRACT The persistent threats of the cyber environment drives organizations to adopt risk management as a crucial practice of minimizing dangers to their information assets. However, focusing on technology alone to address these risks is no longer sufficie nt. IT governance which enables senior managers to align and integrate technology with business strategies through clear policy development and good practice of IT control is essential. The Namibian Public Service (NPS) currently lacks po...

Head Tilt Classification Using Fft-Pca/Svm Algorithm

ABSTRACT The complexity of a face’s components originates from the constant variations in the facial component that occur with respect to time. Notwithstanding these variations, humans recognize a person very easily using physical characteristics such as face, voice, gait, etc. Automatic face recognition deals with extracting these essential features from an image, placing them into a suitable representation and performing some kind of recognition on them. This study presents an assessment...

Statistical analysis of socio-economic determinants on child labour and schooling in ghana.

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to find the socio-economic determinants of child labour and schooling in Ghana. To this end, the 2003 Ghana Child Labour Survey data was analysed. The main techniques used were the simple logistic regression and multilevel logistic regression analysis. Results of the analysis showed that gender of head of household, marital status of parents, father’s occupation, mother’s occupation, relationship to head of household, place of residence, literacy ...

Evaluation Of Chemical Compositions And Antioxidant Properties Of Mentha Spicata And Cymbopogon Citratus Leaves

ABSTRACT Evaluation of chemical composition of C. citratus and M. spicata, gave the following proximate composition on dry weight basis: moisture; (1.67±0.29%) and (2.67±0.29%), ash; (7.52±0.30%) and (24.4±0.35%), crude lipid; (6.67±0.28%) and (6.17±0.27%), crude fibre; (24.67±0.29%) and (2.67±0.29%), crude protein;(17.44±0.12%) and (25.32±0.13%), available carbohydrate (42.03±0.32%) and (39.78±1.11%), energy value; (297.91) and (315.93) respectively. The samples contain min...

4771 - 4785 Of 8859 Results