Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Determining Factors Contributing To Slow Adoption Of District Health Information System Application Programme On Health Services In Tanzania Case Of: Chamwino District

ABSTRACT This study entitled “Determining factors contributing to slow adoption of District Health Information System Application programme on health services in Tanzania” was conducted in Chamwino District Dodoma region. Specifically, the study was done at Buigiri, Iringa Mvumi, Chamwino, Haneti, Handali and Mpwayungu health centers were selected. Results from this study indicated that; the impact of DHIS Application programme on health services in Tanzania is increasing. The contents o...

Effects Of Immobilization Devices On Skin Doses And Doses In The Build-Up Regions For High Energy Photon Beams

ABSTRACT This study presents the significant increase in skin dose caused by the presence of thermoplastic immobilizing masks used for positioning and immobilization of patients during cancer treatments in the head and neck region. Made from organic materials, thermoplastics become soft and pliable when heated and forms a rigid replication of the patient’s anatomy as it cools down. The use of the mask plays a key role in achieving the therapeutic aim in head and neck treatments but can as ...

Effect of clay pozzolana on the corrosion behaviour of steel reinforcement in concrete.

ABSTRACT This study investigated the corrosion resistance of steel reinforcement in two types of concrete mixtures – ordinary Portland (OPC) used for concrete and clay pozzolana cement (CPC) used for concrete. These two concrete types were exposed to 3% and 5% (W/V) of Sodium Chloride (NaCl) and 3% (W/V) Calcium Hypochlorite (Ca(OCl)2) that acted as corrosion media. Mechanical properties and electrochemical analysis were performed over 1, 7, 15 and 23 days. The results indicated that concr...

Realistic Relativistic Stellar Anisotropic Models With Quadratic Equation Of State

ABSTRACT We obtain new exact solutions to the Einstein field equations for anisotropic neutral stellar objects. In our dissertation, we are considering a quadratic equation of state and a choice of measure of anisotropy and metric function adopted from Sunzu’s work. We transform the Einstein field equations for neutral anisotropic matter by adopting the Durgapal and Bannerji’s new variables. We generate the exact solution and hence obtain the gravitational potentials and matter variables...

Numerical Solutions And Simulation Of Parabolic Partial Differential Equations

ABSTRACT This dissertation is a study of finite difference numerical methods that are based on the principle of discretization. In chapter one we present the general overview of partial differential equations, Initial boundary value problems and derivations of Finite difference methods for one dimensional heat equation. A brief discussion of the truncation error is also presented. The second chapter is concerned with consistency, stability and convergence of the finite difference schemes for...

Comparative Study Of The Mangrove Ecosystems Of Douala-Edea Reserve (Cameroon) And Songor Ramsar Site (Ghana) Using Parameters Of Ecological Value

ABSTRACT In most tropical countries including Ghana and Cameroon, knowledge of ecological importance of mangrove ecosystem in terms of litter production, structural characteristics, water and soil properties, has been qualitatively well documented and recognised. However, there is scanty quantitative scientific data to back this up. The purpose of this research dissertation was to study and compare the mangrove ecosystems of Cameroon and Ghana two contrasting coastal zones, using parameters ...

A Framework For Automated Detection Of Offensive Messages In Social Networks In Kiswahili

ABSTRACT The diffusion of information generated in Social Networks Sites is the result of more people being connected. The connected people chats and comments by posting contents like images, video and messages. In fact the social networks have been and are useful to communities in such they bring relatives together especially in sharing experiences and feelings. Although social networks have been beneficial to users, some of the shared messages and comments contain sexual and political hara...

Comparative Study Between Bentonite And Mica On Deflouridation Of Drinking Water In Hai District Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study aims to assess the fluoride adsorption characteristics of the two clay minerals categorized into ten groups i.e bentonite alone (B), bentonite impregnated with 1% sodium hydroxide (BS), thermally activated bentonite (800 0C) (BAA), bentonite impregnated with iron (BI), bentonite impregnated with aluminum (BA), mica alone (M), mica impregnated with 1% sodium hydroxide (MS), thermally activated mica (800 0C) (MAA), mica impregnated with iron (MI) and mica impregnated with a...

Geogenic groundwater pollution in volcanic rock aquifer systems on the eastern, western and northern flanks of Mount Meru, Tanzania special reference to fluoride

Geogenic groundwater pollution in volcanic rock aquifer systems on the eastern, western and northern flanks of mount Meru, Tanzania – special reference to fluoride

Statistical Analysis And Modeling Of Prevalence Of Malaria In Nyasa District-Tanzania

ABSTRACT Malaria remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality, leading more than 600 million cases and two million deaths each year Worldwide. Over 90% of these cases occur in sub-Saharan Africa where Falciparum Malaria is pervasive and the major killer of children less than 5 years old. This study was conducted to figure out the demographic factors that influence the prevalence of Malaria in Nyasa District and to assess the level of knowledge and awareness on malaria incurred by the domi...

Evaluation Of Bootstrap Confidence Intervals Using A New Non-Normal Process Capability Index

Abstract: This paper assesses the bootstrap confidence intervals of a newly proposed process capability index (PCI) forWeibull distribution, using the logarithm of the analyzed data. These methods can be applied when the quality of interest has non-symmetrical distribution. Bootstrap confidence intervals, which consist of standard bootstrap (SB), percentile bootstrap (PB), and bias-corrected percentile bootstrap (BCPB) confidence interval are constructed for the proposed method. A Monte Carlo...

A Model To Hasten Technology Integration For Out-Of-School Time Primary School Learning

ABSTRACT This study sought to develop a model that could be used to hasten technology integration for out-of-school time (OST) primary school learning, leading to improvement in academic performance. Using developmental design, the study deployed a mixed research approach where a total of 730 participants were involved (i.e. 16 government officials, 3 non-government officials, 2 University experts, 402 primary school learners, 205 parents and 102 teachers) from Dar es Salaam, Arusha and Mwanz...

Effectiveness Of Moodle Learning Management System For Fostering Teaching And Learning Mathematics In Secondary Schools In Zanzibar

ABSTRACT The importance of teaching and learning mathematics should be given special priority for the development of the country. Continuing to teach mathematics in the traditional way makes the learning inactive and the students dislike the subject. With this in mind, the secondary schools need to integrate ICT and pedagogy to improve teaching and learning of mathematics. Hence, this study aimed to examine the effectiveness of Learning Management System (LMS) for fostering teaching and learn...

Spatial distribution of heavy metals in soil with distance from Tazama pipeline through the Mikumi National Park, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A total concentration of six studied heavy metals Arsenic (As), Lead (Pb), Chromium(Cr), Mercury (Hg) Cadmium (Cd) and Copper (Cu) were measured in soil across distances from TAZAMA pipeline in transects which have incidences of oil spillage and those which have no history of oil spillage. All studied heavy metals were detected in the study area. As, Pb and Cr were detected in both transects, that is, with oils spills and those with no history of oil spillage to a distance of 0-35 m...

Modelling Of Malaria Inpatients Length Of Stay At St. Francis Refferal Hospital Morogoro Region Tanzania

ABSTRACT Malaria remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality, leading to more than 600 million cases and two million deaths each year worldwide. Over 90% of these cases occur in sub-Saharan Africa where Falciparum Malaria is pervasive and the major killer of children below five (5) years old. This study was conducted through modelling the length of stay using some variables from hospital register for inpatients with Malaria. The results showed that the hospital length of stay per day at ...

4801 - 4815 Of 8859 Results