Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Design Of A Neural Network Architecture For Traffic Light Detection In Autonomous Vehicles

ABSTRACT Over the ongoing years, innovatively propelled nations have kept on joining the quest for growing completely self-sufficient driven vehicles. This Autonomous vehicles intend to address issues of driver profitability and effectiveness. Dependable traffic light discovery is a vital segment for self-sufficient driving. Recognizing the traffic lights amidst everything is a standout amongst the most significant errand. The focus of this research is to develop and find the optimal paramet...

Observatory System For Monitoring Electric Power Demand And Delivery

ABSTRACT Nigeria is a fast-growing country in terms of urbanization. One of the major infrastructure challenge is power supply. However, this challenge is often not as a result of power generation but as a result of power distribution. It is expected that housing development policies be implemented for example through standard for house equipment. The partners are expected to be ministries of power, works and urban development. This report is a documentation of a project which required devel...

Approximation Method For Solving Variational Inequality With Multiple Set Split Feasibility Problem In Banach Space

Abstract In this thesis, an iterative algorithm for approximating the solutions of a variational inequality problem for a strongly accretive, L-Lipschitz map and solutions of a multiple sets split feasibility problem is studied in a uniformly convex and 2-uniformly smooth real Banach space under the assumption that the duality map is weakly sequentially continuous. A strong convergence theorem is proved.

Role Of Antibodies Against Antigens Of Plasmodium Merozoite And Infected Rbc Surface In Malaria Immunity

ABSTRACT Background: Malaria infection is caused by parasites belonging to the genus Plasmodium. There are five (5) species of Plasmodium that infect humans, namely: Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium knowlesi and Plasmodium malariae. Malaria ensuing from Plasmodium falciparum infection is a principal source of disease and death annually, especially among African children in the Sub-Saharan Regions. The erythrocytic stages of the parasites of Plasmodium falc...

A study of the derivation of a known inequality for spectral functions of products of exponentials using the Campbell-Baker-Hausdor formula.

Abstract This paper looks at the study of a derivation of a known inequality for spectral functions of products of exponentials using the Baker - Campbell - Hausdor for- mula. This known inequality is called the Golden-Thompson inequality. The Kalman and the Gramian matrices, Lyapunov equation and matrix exponen- tial, Hadamard's lemma and Duhamel formula as well as the trace inequality due to Araki-Lieb-Thirring are all considered in this work.

Ultrasound And Pet-Ct Image Fusion For Prostate Brachytherapy Image Guidance

ABSTRACT Fusion of medical images between different cross-sectional modalities is widely used, mostly where functional images are fused with anatomical data. Ultrasound has for some time now been the standard imaging technique used for treatment planning of prostate cancer cases. While this approach is laudable and has yielded some positive results, latest developments have been the integration of images from ultrasound and other modalities such as PET-CT to compliment missing properties of u...

Gender And Climate Change Adaptation Strategies In Tolon District In The Northern Region Of Ghana.

ABSTRACT Changes in climate introduce numerous uncertainties to the livelihoods of farming communities that rely on the weather and climate. Climate change impacts are being felt in Ghana, most especially in the savanna zones, due in part to the geographical conditions of the location affecting both human and physical resources. This study assessed female and male adaptation strategies to climate change and its effects on their livelihoods in six communities in the Tolon District of the North...

Bionomics Of The M Illet Stem Borer Coniesta Ignefusalis (Hampson) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)

ABSTRACT Study conducted from 1993 through 1996 at the ICRISAT Sahelian Centre, Niger, on the millet stem borer Coniesta ignefusalis were designed to address larval instar determination and life-fertility table construction, damage and yield loss assessment on pearl millet, Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Brown, and oviposition preference and larval development on two wild hosts, Andropogon gayanus Kunth and Pennisetum pedicellatum (Trin.). Biological control studies investigated the suitability o...

Determinants Of The Promotion Of University Of Ghana Lecturers: A Survival Analysis Approach

ABSTRACT The desire to reach the peak of one’s chosen career makes us curious and hardworking enough to attain positions and ranks. This is no different in the academia where lecturers look forward for promotion. However, there are perceived and actual factors contributing to promotion among University of Ghana lecturers which is examined. The factors contributing to promotion of University of Ghana lecturer and how long it takes a lecturer to earn a first promotion, were the objectives of ...

Reducing The Risk: Urban Water Stress And Poor Sanitation In The Ashaiman Municipality

ABSTRACT Access to safe, adequate water and sanitation has been a global developmental priority due to their intrinsic impacts on the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). Despite the implementation of several measures to improve upon access to safe water and sanitation, residents of Ashaiman still struggle daily to acquire water and have access to sanitation facilities. The research was conducted in four selected communities in the Ashaiman Municipality namely: Adakodzi, Amu...

Stabilisation and Characterisation of a Peanut Based Ready to Use Supplementary Food (RUSF)

ABSTRACT The prevalence of under nutrition in many communities requires the need for the availability of nutrient dense affordable food supplements such as Ready-to-use supplementary foods. An energy dense, drinkable ready to use supplementary food produced by enzyme hydrolysis of cooked mixture of peanuts, cowpeas and rice with added vitamin mineral mix was both acceptable to consumers and showed promise of efficacy in improving the nutritional status of women of child bearing age throug...

Microbiological Quality Assessment And Characterisation Of Salmonella Spp. Associated With Chicken From Different Live Bird Processing Outlets In Accra, Ghana.

ABSTRACT Live bird markets (LBM) are generally known as a storefront or open market slaughter operations that slaughter, dress, and trade dressed or live poultry on demand. Poultry meat is a major vehicle for foodborne pathogens (Salmonella, Campylobacter and E. coli O157:H7) responsible for more than half of the global burden of foodborne illnesses. The activities of theses live bird operators are scarcely monitored hence many of them do not conform to regulations, increasing the risk of mic...

Assessment Of The Status Of Mangrove Vegetation And Their Degradation In Rufiji Delta In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Mangroves are among the most degraded ecosystems in the World. This study focused on assessment of the status of mangroves and their degradation in Rufiji Delta. It was guided by the following objectives: to determine the types of use of mangrove resources in Rufiji Delta, estimate the extent of mangroves cover degradation, identify the factors causing mangrove resources degradation and investigate coping strategies of local communities for management of mangrove resources in the stu...

Nasal Colonization With Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (Mrsa) Among Hiv-Infected Children

ABSTRACT Background: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) poses a public health threat because it is extensively resistant to antimicrobials, is associated with persistent outbreaks in hospital and community settings, and is associated with markedly increased healthcare costs. Moreover, HIV-infected persons are at a higher risk for colonization with MRSA, and could potentially disseminate the pathogen to other individuals. In Ghana, little is known about MRSA in relation to at-r...

Biology Of Some Oxycarenus Species (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) In Southern Ghana

A B S T R A C T The b io lo g y o f th r e e s p e c ie s o f Oxycarenus found in Southern Ghana has been s tu d ied . T h e i r h o s t p la n t s are l i s t e d and host p r e fe r en c e s examined. The sea sonal p opula t io n changes o f two s p e c ie s have been fo l low e d . The n a tu ra l enemies and d e fen s iv e mechanisms have been s tu d ie d . A d e t a i l e d d e s c r ip t io n o f the immature s ta g e s o f the th r e e Oxycarenus sp e c ie s has been g iv en f o r th e...

5461 - 5475 Of 8859 Results