Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Design Of Sun Tracker For A PV System

ABSTRACT This project involves a design of sun tracker for PV system. The circuit of the sun tracker is designed in such a way that it follows the track of the sun as it travel in the sky. The LDR are connected to noninverter input of the operational amplifier whose reference voltage resistor R1 and R2 is 10Ω each. At the output of the operational amplifier are NPN and PNP transistor. These transistors are used to drive the DC motor in forward and backward directions which corresponds to t...

Modulatory Effects Of The Crude Methanol Leaf Extract Of Cissampelos Owariensis On Some Biochemical Parameters In Bleomycin-Induced Lung Fibrosis In Male Wistar Rats

ABSTRACT Antioxidants have been shown to play protective role in the treatment of bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis. The goal of the study was to determine the effect of Cissampelos owariensis (CO) leaves, an alkaloid rich antioxidant on BLM-induced lung fibrosis in rat models. The CO (UIH22559) leaves were extracted using methanol and fractionated using vacuum liquid chromatography (VLC) to obtain the ethyl-acetate fraction (EAF) and methanol fraction (MEF). The active component of CME was de...

Decision Support System For Telecommunication Companies In Nigeria: (A Case Study Of Airtel Nigeria)

ABSTRACT The challenges faced by telecommunication industries are many, there is need to eliminate or curb some of these challenges and that is when a decision support system comes into play. A decision support system (DSS) is one which can aid to strategize management within industries to make vital decisions in relation to customer and network data. This enables managers in their areas within their industries to fully utilize the amount of data available to make decisions in relation to ut...

Design And Implementation Of An Online Outpatient Management System A Case Study Of Sokoto Specialist Hospital.

ABSTRACT Outpatient management systems in hospital today necessitate a competent administration when handling patients, generating reports, patient details which serves as a key factor for the flow of business transactions in Sokoto State Specialist Hospital. Unfortunately the current outpatient management system leads to misplacement of drug details, and late release of reports and insecurity to records. This research project is aimed at computerizing all the records about patients, staff a...

Rainfall And Temperature Anomalies At Sokoto 1991-2010

ABSTRACT This study examines the rainfall and temperature anomalies at Sokoto for the period 1991-2010. The data on monthly rainfall and temperature of Sokoto were collected from the Nigerian Metrological Agency (NIMET) Sultan Abubakar III International Airport. Sokoto respectively. Simple linear regression and coefficient (r) simple correlation analysis was used to fit the trend in annual rainfall amount, mean monthly temperature (minimum and maximum) for the period of the study. Data analy...

Design Of Datawarehouse To Support Crime Tracking And Investigation (Case Study Of Ilaro Police Station)

ABSTRACT This project work identifies the challenges facing the Nigerian Police Force that seek to implement a Data warehouse for crime tracking and investigation support. The project highlights the importance of the application, the security department identifying crime records and then designing a new system that accomplishes the task specific to the need of the enduser. Police officers can therefore, Make decisions on crime rates through the pattern recognition method from the data wareho...

Influx Of Unqualified Teachers In Teaching Biology In Secondary Schools In Sokoto Metropolis.

ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating the influx of unqualified teachers in teaching Biology in secondary school in Sokoto metropolis. With the view of finding solutions to improve the situation at stake. Criteria used in selecting the schools were random selection technique in which five schools were selected from each of the two (2) local government areas of the Sokoto metropolis, namely (Sokoto North and Sokoto South respectively), as a sample for this research. Questionnaire was use...

Effects of Dependent Claims on The Probability of Ruins, The Time to Ruin Given Ruin Occurs

ABSTRACT  Ruin basically occurs to an insurance company when the claims paid out supersedes its initial capital and total premiums accumulated. In the classical theory of risk, the surplus is a significant model that deals with how long an insurance company's capital or surplus evolves. The first time ruin occurs is very crucial and the business must try to prevent it from happening again because it makes the business inefficient and inoperable. The time to ruin is so much a function of the ...

Characteristics of Isolates of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis in Korlebu Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Tuberculosis (TB) is a worldwide disease. Annually, about nine million people contract tuberculosis and nearly two million are killed by the disease. The fatal synergy of human immuno deficiency virus (HIV) and tuberculosis, and the emergence of multi-drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis have further contributed to the re-emergence of TB in many parts of the world. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis refers to the disease outside the lungs. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis can oc...

Studies on The Physiology of ACHLYA MEGASPERMA HUMPHREY Occurring in Ponds on The Accra Plains With Special Reference to its Tolerance to Organic And Inorganic Pollution

ABSTRACT Achlya megasperma sporulated best s.t 30°C and at pH 7.0 to 9.0. Light had no effect on forration of the sporangia. Certain concentrations of CaCl-,., ^ulcitol. Mg SO^^H^O, Malt extract, neptone and Yeast extract enhanced sporangial formation. The mineral salts, CuS04 .5H20, FeCljs MnS04 .4H20 and Zn Cl2 depressed sporangial formation. Gemmae were produced in great quantities in solutions of 0.1, 0.2 and 0,4 per cent haemoglobin and 1x0 ^ and 0_5M Zn Cl^. Sporangial formation was a...

Survival Analysis of Breast Cancer Patients in Ghana; Using The Non Parametric And Parametric Approach

ABSTRACT This thesis present the fundamental concept of the non-parametric method which is the Kaplan-Meier and Log-rank test and the Parametric Proportional Hazard models which are Exponential, Weibull and the Gompertz proportional model. The paper applied survival methods to breast cancer patients data from the Korle Bu teaching and Effia Nkwanta Hospital. The main objective is to become familiar with the risk factors associated to early death of breast cancer patients. The proportionality...

Evaluation of Surface Doses And Effect of Air Gaps Under Bolus During External Photon Beam Radiotherapy

ABSTRACT This study was performed to evaluate surface doses and the effect of air gaps under bolus on surface dose during external beam radiotherapy for photon beam energies of 6 MV and 15 MV. Surface doses were measured by using calibrated GafChromic EBT3 films and the Roos chamber for various bolus-to-surface distances (including no bolus and bolus placed directly on the RW3 phantom surface) and various field sizes. Dose verification was also done for beam energies of 6 MV and 15 MV on the...

Assessment Of Four Plant Extracts As Maize Seed Storage Protectants Against Sitophilus Zeamais And Prostephanus Truncatus In Ghana.

ABSTRACT Sitophilus zeamais and Prostephanus truncatus are two most important storage insect pests of maize in Ghana and Africa as a whole. These insects cause weight loss of about 20 to 90 % of the untreated stored maize seeds. The control of post-harvest pests largely depends on the use of pesticides. Because of the adverse effects of insecticides on humans and the environment, attempts are being made to discover remedies pest management. This study was to assess four plants (Lantana camara...

Assessment And Evaluation OF Photon Beam Dosimetric Accuracy Requirement of Tuning Medical Linear Accelerator

ABSTRACT In radiotherapy, accuracy and precision are key, and thus, a small deviation in dose delivered by a treatment machine can be detrimental to patients. For this reason, in any radiotherapy department, linacs that have been tuned to match each other dosimetrically require critical assessment and evaluation since patients may be moved between linacs without any adjustments to treatment plans. The main aim of this study was to assess and evaluate the photon beam dosimetric accuracy betwe...

Delinquency And Default Risk Modelling of Microfinance in Ghana

ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to identify the risk factors that influence loan default of customers in the microfinance sector and to develop model that links these factors to credit default for any customer in the sector. Data from a microfinance institution based in Accra was used. A binomial logistic regression analysis was fitted to a data of 472 customers who were granted credit from January 2011 to December 2012. Based on the Wald criterion, it was realized that among the...

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