Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Develpoment Of Calculation Approach For The Determination Of Central Axis Depth Doses In Water For Cobalt 60 Beam.

ABSTRACT Radiotherapy is a complicated procedure with several steps, and these procedures have a great influence on the treatment outcome. Exact determination of dosimetric functions that are used to calculate dose within a patient undergoing external beam radiotherapy to realize the intent of treatment is very crucial for any radiotherapy treatment technique. One of the dosimetric functions, which is of great importance, is central axis percentage depth dose, which are usually measured with ...

Tension Amd Temperature Coefficients Of The Resistivity Of Some Metals Amd Alloys

ABSTRACT An attempt has been made to study the effects of tensile stress and temperature on the resistivity of some metals and alloys. The specimens include; copper, constantan, manganin, tantalum and minalpha. The strain coefficient of resistivity dp , rate of increase of fractional resistivity with stress of gde resistance (gauge factor (K)) were determined for copper, constantan, manganin and tantalum. For constantan, ae is found to be highest for a sample of Qde diameter 0.19 mm and lowes...

Human Coronaviruses In Acute Respiratory Infections In Ghana

ABSTRACT Background: Acute respiratory infections (ARI) remain a leading cause of morbidity, mortality, and economic loss globally. Until recently, human coronaviruses (HCoVs) have been mainly associated with mild upper respiratory tract infections. The 2003 outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and cases of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) since 2012, illustrate the potential of coronaviruses to cause severe disease. Thus, it was necessar...

A Study Of The Nutrition And Health Of Children In The Gold Coast A Field And Laboratory Study

INTRODUCTION Despite wide interest in the nutrition and health of children in underdeveloped areas of the world, countries in Africa have been neglected by individuals and groups in the United States as sites for dietary and health studies. Reasons for this doubtless lie elsewhere than in a lack of interest. Such study not only offers the possibility of providing information needed by the indigenous population, but also information concerning the nutritive needs of children in relation to con...

Evaluation Of In Vitro Methods Of Antioxidant Activity Determination Using Caffeic Acid

Abstract The differences in chemical composition of natural antioxidants provides challenges at separating, detecting, and quantifying individual non-enzymatic antioxidants in complex food/biological systems. Consequently, the antioxidant capacity is a better approach at assaying beneficial health effects that can result from the combined actions of individual antioxidant species. Antioxidant assay methods are based either on electron transfer (ET) or hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) mechanisms. ...

Physicochemical Properties Of Hydrothermally Treated Cowpeas Seeds *.

ABSTRACT Cowpeas are a relatively inexpensive source of proteins and vitamin B. Unfortunately, the problem of insect infestation is one of the main constraints to the efficient and widespread utilisation of cowpeas. The hydrothermal treatment which involves the exposure of cowpeas to steam followed by drying has been used effectively in protecting cowpeas against the insect infestations. This study set out to assess the functional, chemical and textural changes associated with the hydrotherma...

Production of Miso-like Products using Local Grain Legumes

ABSTRACT Miso is a semi-solid fermented food made commonly in Japan from soybeans alone or from a mixture of soybeans and rice or barley. This was a study to determine the suitability of local grain-legumes in the production of miso-\ke products. A traditional two-step fermentation process was adapted to process peanuts, cowpea and soybeans into the mso-like products. Three products were formulated with the legume combinations of peanut-cowpea, peanut-soybean and cowpea-soybean in ratios of ...

Proportional Hazard Survival Models For Assessing Association Between Risk Factors And Early Death Of Hiv/Tb Co-Infected Patients

ABSTRACT Survival analysis has proven to be a major breakthrough in the analysis of time to event. The methodologies surrounding the concept of Survival Analysis seems laudable to most researchers especially in the medical, engineering, agricultural and actuarial field. Kaplan-Meier method which is applicable for estimating the survival function, log-rank test used for comparing the equality of two or more survival distributions, and the Cox proportional hazard model for inspecting the covari...

Quality Evaluation of A Selection of Antibiotics Distributed in Accra (Ghana) And Lagos (Nigeria)

ABSTRACT The persistent prevalence of Counterfeit and substandard drugs poses a clear and present danger globally. Its higher degree of occurrence and under-reporting in developing nations especially in Africa and Asia is of great concern. Antibiotics are amongst the most used and abused in developing countries and as such, the need for its constant surveillance cannot be over emphasised. This study involved the assessment of the quality of three commonly used therapeutic groups of antibioti...

Determinants of Low Birthweight in Ghana

ABSTRACT The study objectives are to determine the key factors that may be accounting for birthweight of infants, estimate its distribution, prevalence and proposes a statistical model that can be useful in epidemiological studies in Ghana. Both estimation (Linear) and classification (Logistic) analysis was conducted using data from GDHS. Covariates found to statistically associated with newborn’s weight are gender, size of child at birth, region, wealth index, birth order, total number ch...

Petrography And Geochemistry Of Igneous Rocks In Amoanda Damang Mine And Iits Relationship With Gold

ABSTRACT Economic gold mineralization at Amoanda project area is hosted mainly in the footwall quartzite of the Banket series of the group. Igneous rocks generally are barren in both Amoanda project area and Greater Damang project area. However, core logs and sections from extensive deep drilling at Greater Damang has identified a deep-seated mineralized diorites body whereas igneous intrusive rocks in Amoanda which is suspected to be having similar characteristics show no gold mineralization...

Cytochrome P-450 Monooxygenase Complex And Glutathione-Stransferase In Sarotherodon Melano Theron As Biomarkers Of Pollution.

Abstract Samples of Sarotherodon melanotheron obtained from water bodies of different pollution histories, that is, a site on the Volta lake near Ada, the Fosu lagoon at Cape Coast and aquaria containing the herbicide, 'Roundup', were used to investigate induction of hepatic cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase enzyme system (CYP) and glutathione-stransferase (GST) in response to pollutants. Total microsomal protein concentration was determined by the FolinLowry method. The activity of NADPH cytoch...

Petrography And Geochemistry Of The Anyaboni Formation Of Kwahu Group, Voltaian Supergroup, Ghana: Implications For Provenance And Uranium Exploration

ABSTRACT An integrated petrographic and geochemical study of the Anyaboni Formation, Kwahu Group, Voltaian Supergroup in Ghana was carried out to infer the provenance, tectonic setting, paleoweathering and paleoclimate conditions and uranium mineralisation potential of the basin. Twenty representative rock samples were collected from the Anyaboni Formation in Asesewa and its surrounding areas for petrographic and whole rock geochemical studies. The major elements were analysed by ICP-OES and ...

Deconstructing Invasion Phenotype Switching In Plasmodium Falciparum

ABSTRACT The extensive redundancy in the use of invasion ligands by Plasmodium falciparum, and its unique ability to switch between invasion pathways have hampered vaccine development. The Dd2 and W2mef strains of P. falciparum have been shown to change from sialic acid (SA)-dependent to SA-independent phenotypes when selected on neuraminidase-treated erythrocytes. Following an observation of increasing ability of Dd2 to invade neuraminidase-treated cells when cultured for several weeks, a sy...

Plasma Cytochrome C Level As Biomarker For Monitoring Artinduced Mitochondrial Toxicity

ABSTRACT HIV/AIDS is a major public health issue, having killed several millions of people, with subSaharan Africa mostly affected. Management of HIV infection, over the past decades, has been carried out using antiretroviral (ARV) drugs. Although antiretroviral therapy (ART) has decreased morbidity and mortality from HIV, long term therapy is associated with toxicity and severe side effects. These side effects have been attributed in part to ART-induced mitochondrial toxicity due to mitochon...

5866 - 5880 Of 8859 Results