Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics


ABSTRACT Detailed hydro -geophysical and hydro-geochemical studies were carried out in part of the Niger Delta Basin Nigeria. The objectives were to map and provide evidences that the coastal aquifers in the study area have been intruded by saltwater and to establish analytical/empirical relationships between resistivity and geochemical parameters. Twenty three vertical electrical sounding (VES) data employing the Schlumberger electrode configuration were acquired in different parts of th...

Data Mining Model for Decision Making in Telecommunication Industry: Case Study of Emerging Market Telecommunication Services (EMTs)

ABSTRACT This work present a data mining model for decision making in telecommunication industry. Nowadays, most sales and marketing organization, around the world face escalating competition which is forcing them not only to aggressively market special pricing programs aimed at retaining existing customers and attracting new ones but also for effective management and allocation of resources, goods and services. In this project work, several literature works were reviewed in other to iden...

A Model of Tertiary Institutions Resource Management Platform Using Cloud Computing (TIRMP)

ABSTRACT In Cloud Computing, users connect to the ’Cloud’, appearing as a single entity as opposed to multiple servers. This work seeks to solve resource managerial problems ranging from server maintenance cost, risk of loss of data, internal security issues, and availability of data for proper decision making. This work presents to tertiary institutions a model for designing a scalable and cost effective platform for institutional resource management on the cloud. The platform is...

Controllability Results for Non-Linear Neutral Functional Differential Equations

ABSTRACT In this work, necessary and sufficient conditions are investigated and proved for the controllability of nonlinear functional neutral differential equations. The existence, form, and uniqueness of the optimal control of the linear systems are also derived. Global uniform asymptotic stability for nonlinear infinite neutral differential systems are investigated and proved and ultimately, the Shaefers’ fixed point theorem is used to forge a new and far- reaching result for the...

Enhanced Admission Enquiries System Using Chatbot Technology

ABSTRACT In this research work, a chatbot that will act as a virtual admission officer and make possible student – officer interaction is designed. A knowledge database (KDB) and pattern matching algorithm is used. The algorithm searches through the set of data to find a potential answer to the user’s enquiry and then replies the user or provides a relevant web link if the user is not satisfied with the answer. This reduces the burden on the head of admissions, and potentially other u...

Antimicrobial Activities of Oil Extracts of Piper Guineense and Xylopia Aethiopica on Some Microbial Pathogens of Food

ABSTRACT Oils extracted from the fruits of two Africa spices- Piper guineense and Xylopia aethiopica were evaluated for their antimicrobial activities using Escherichia coli, Salmonella sp, Aspergillus sp, Bacillus cereus, Penicillum commune and Rhizopus stolonifer as test isolates. Well-in-agar, disc diffusion and dilution susceptibility testing methods were used to assay for their antimicrobial properties. For the bacterial isolates the antimicrobial activity of the oils increased with ...

Novel Quantitative Analysis of Gas Dynamics Equations using Physics Informed Neural Network (PINN) Raj Rashmi and Kojiro Suzuki (Univ. of Tokyo)

The discovery of governing equations using the Physics Informed Neural Network (PINN) based on spatial-temporal data is revolutionizing the field of statistical physics. This study combines neural network technology with deterministic model equations and molecular simulation to find an appropriate description of stochastic phenomena. Conventional stochastic solvers rely on molecular interactions and enforce basic conservation laws on a microscopic level. Data-driven algorithms like PINN, when...

Comparative study on the Effect of Temperature and Concentration on Waste Agricultural Cellulose Biomass Degradation

Bioconversion of agricultural waste products to produce value-added food products like simple sugar; fuels and chemicals offers potential economic, environmental and strategic advantages over traditional fossil-based products. A comparative study on the effect of temperature and concentration on waste cellulose biomass degradation to glucose was studied at temperature range of 80 – 1300C and concentration range of 2, 4, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5 and 6Mol/dm3 for a period of 48hours. The percent...

Comparative Of Production And Proximate Analysis Of Cake, Bread And Cookies Using Plantain Flour

Background of the study There is increased advocacy on the consumption of functional foods by World human nutrition due to different health problems related with food consumption such as diabetes and coronary heart diseases (WHO/FAO, 2003).  Food professional/industries might face challenges of producing food products containing functional ingredients in order to meet the nutritional requirements of individuals with health challenges. This is because of the effect of added sugar and lipids i...


ABSTRACT This research work is a study on the Impact of Internet Usage on Academic Performance of undergraduate students using Ambrose Alli University Physics undergraduate, Edo State as a case study. The research design adopted was sample techniques using questionnaires as the instrument for data collection. The population of the study was the students of the Ambrose Alli University of Edo State, with students randomly selected making a total sample of 154 students whom were issued questionn...

Design and Implementation of an Online Result processing and checking Portal (Case Study of Computer Science Department, Federal Polytechnic, Auchi)

1.0 Background of the Study According to Ekanem, (2005), the school Federal Polytechnic, Auchi was foundedin 1973 by the mid-western state of Nigeria. It was an off shoot of the former mid-western technical college established in 1954 as a gift of British government tomid-western   state   of   Nigeria.   The   polytechnic   took   off   as   a   multi   campusinstitution with its headquarters (main campus) in Benin City, Edo state. The nameof   the   institution  �...

Uniform factor modeling with the Relativistic Stopping Power of Silicon-carbide Targeted Semiconductor Material against the sourced Energetic Radiation

Abstract: Ion irradiation is used to analyze and modify the structure of condensed matter. It can for instance be used to form and shape nanocrystals in solids as the understanding of the fundamental processes that take place in material under ion irradiation is important for all these applications of ion beams, and great interest from a basic science point of view. The mechanisms involved during  ion  irradiation-induced  displacement  of  atoms  in  uniform  bulk  solids  are  fa...

Factor Analysis and Survey Design

This paper analyzes factor analysis, discussing both confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and exploratory factor analysis (EFA), as they relate to survey design. Shi et al. (2017) is discussed and compared to another study applying factor analysis by Tungkunanan (2020). A discussion of how factor analysis is used in my current field and potentially for COVID research is also explored. First, however, a discussion of the history of factor analysis, how it was designed, improved, and is currently...

Assess the Value of Hypothesis Testing

This paper discusses and analyzes the procedures of hypothesis testing, benefits, and detriments. 

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