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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The contribution of district agricultural development plans (dadps), to the income benefit of small scale farmers. A case of bahi district agricultural programme in dodoma, tanzania

ABSTRACT This study is about the contribution of District Agricultural Development Plans (DADPS) to the income benefit of small scale farmers. A case of Bahi District Agricultural Programme in Dodoma, Tanzania. The study was conducted at Bahi District in Dodoma region. Descriptive analysis was adopted in which four Local Governments Authorities (LGAs) was selected for the study. The selection was based on DADPs performance criteria as per DADPs quality assessment framework. Indeed, Bahi Dist...

The Role Of Local Government Authorities (Lgas) In The Decentralised Secondary Education Delivery: A Case Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The study was intended to examine the role of LGAs in the decentralized secondary education delivery a case study of Dodoma Municipality. It was guide by three specific objectives which are: to evaluate the extent of implementation of LGAs in improving decentralized secondary education delivery in Dodoma Municipality, to examine the impacts of LGAs in improving decentralized secondary education delivery in Dodoma Municipality and to analyze challenges facing LGAs in decentralized se...

Impact Of Corporate Social Responsibility On Firms’ Financial Performance: A Case Of Zantel And Tanfoam Arusha

ABSTRACT The idea that corporations have social responsibility (CSR) to the society is as old as commerce that started almost 2000 years ago. This study focused on the impact of corporate social responsibility on firm‟s financial performance. The aim was to analyze the consequences of corporate social responsibility on financial performance. Specifically the study aimed to determine grounds for the companies to engage in corporate social responsibility, to determine types of corporate soci...

Relationship Between Employees’ Perceptions On Performance Appraisal Sysytem And Employees’ Motivation: A Case Of Chamwino District Council

ABSTRACT The study aimed at investigating the relationship between employee‟s perceptions on performance appraisal system and employees‟ job motivation using Chamwino District Council (CDC) as a case study. The specific objectives were to find out the appraisal system used at CDC, to examine perceptions of employees on the appraisal system used at CDC, to assess employees‟ job motivation at CDC and to find out the relationship between employee‟s perceptions on the appraisal system an...

Status Of Human Wildlife Conflicts In Villages Adjacent To Mpanga/Kipengere Game Reserve

ABSTRACT Human-wildlife conflicts is one of the major threats to wildlife conservation in Tanzania‟s wildlife protected areas. The study on status of Human Wildlife Conflicts (HWC) was conducted in three villages adjacent to Mpanga/Kipengere Game Reserve. The objectives of the study were to examine human wildlife conflicts, to assess impacts of human wildlife conflicts on local people‟s livelihoods and to identify mechanisms used by local people to mitigate these conflicts. Questionnaire...

Exploring The Effects Of Employees’ Turnover In Higher Learning Institutions A Case Of The University Of Dodoma

ABSTRACT The study aimed at exploring the effects of employees‟ turnover in higher learning institutions with particular reference to the University of Dodoma. Specifically, the study aimed at finding answers to three objectives. It examined the factors that lead to turnover of employees at UDOM; it also explored the effects of employees‟ turnover at UDOM. Finally, the study identified the employee‟s retention strategies at UDOM. The literature review of the study discusses in detail t...

Roles And Challenges Of Decentralization By Devolution On Public Health Service Delivery: A Case Of Dodoma Urban District

ABSTRACT This study aimed at assessing roles and challenges of decentralization by devolution on health service delivery at Dodoma Urban District. The specific objectives were, to examine the role of Decentralization by Devolution in health service delivery in Dodoma urban district, to examine challenges of decentralization by devolution in health service delivery in Dodoma rural district, to examine the reasons of the identified challenges of decentralization by devolution on health service...

Factors For Non-Compliance With Ethical Procurement Principles In The Public Sector In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Procurement Department In Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to examine factors for non-compliance with ethical procurement principles in the public sector in Tanzania using the procurement department in Dodoma municipal council as a case study. A cross-sectional survey method was adopted in this study where data were collected at one point at a time. Data collection was carried out through interviews, documentary reviews and the use of well structured and pre-tested questionnaires. Both primary and second...

Land degradation and agriculture productivity in Dodoma: A case of zuzu and nghonghonha villages.

ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to examine the impacts of land degradation on agriculture in Dodoma. The study covered the villages of Zuzu and Nghonghonha. The first task was to examine the spread of land degradation and its effects on agriculture productivity. Secondly, was to determine the contribution of human activities in influencing the rapid growth of land degradation in Zuzu and Nghonghonha villages. The final task was to determine the efforts and strategies by the government to ...

The Interface Between Opras And Efficiency In Local Government Authorities In Tanzania: A Case Of Dodoma Municipal Council

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to assess the interface between Open Performance Review and Appraisal System (OPRAS) and Efficiency in Local Government Authorities in Tanzania a case of Dodoma Municipal Council (DMC). Specifically, the study examined the objectives of establishing OPRAS in DMC, determined the employee‟s perception and attitude of OPRAS implementation in relation to efficiency in DMC. Others were to determine the challenges encountered in the implementation of...

Influence of Customer Expectations and .Service Encounter on Perception of Service Quality in Fast Food Retailing

Abstract  The influence of customer expectations and service encounters on perception of service quality in fastfood retailing was investigated in this study, using 196 patrons of three fast food outlets in Oshodi-Isolo Local Government Area of Lagos State. 

Changing Family Structures/Values And -The Incidence Of Human Trafficking In Edo State

Introduction The family is a small but basic unit in-the society, which serves as a pillar to ensure that society stands firmly. It provides a socially appxoved context for childbearing, children and for the education of its younger members (Otite & Ogionwo, 1979). From this viewpoint the welfare and education of children and younger members of the family are responsibilities of family members both nuclear and extended. However, these values are giving away to some other modern values. Exten...

Indigenous Knowledge for Forest Management and Climate Change Adaptation in Forest Dependent Communities of Cross River, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Climate change is a major global human development challenge. Modern technologies have been largely unsuccessful in tackling this challenge, thus indigenous knowledge for forestmanagement is being considered as an alternative solution. There is dearth of knowledge on the effects of cultural factors on climate change adaptation in forest-communities of Cross River, hence, this study examined the extent to which beliefs and practices of forestmanagement in forest-dependent communities...

Pub Network 240 PAGES (76970 WORDS) Sociology Thesis
Perception On Factors Influencing The Rate Of Primary School Girls Drop Out In The Eastern Zone Of Nakuru Municipality

ABSTRACT The UNESCO report of 2013/2014 shows that fifty seven million adolescents were out of school globally of which 55% were girls. Africa is the home of more than a half of the world’s children between six and eleven years who do not go to school. About thirty million children are out of school from this region. The Sub Saharan and Arab countries have the highest percentages where girls are also much more affected. The report observes that twenty two million adolescents are out of sch...

Family Instability And Juvenile Delinquency: A Study Of Owerri Municipality

ABSTRACT The increasing rate of juvenile delinquency has become a major social problem globally and locally. Researchers and concerned individuals have traced the preponderance of juvenile delinquency to the increasing rate of family instability among other factors. However, concerted inquiries into the influence of family instability on juvenile delinquency have resulted in a raging controversy. While some researchers have found a significant relationship between family instability and juve...

7381 - 7395 Of 19445 Results