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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The influence of customer relationship management on customer satisfaction: a case of selected restaurants in dodoma city.

ABSTRACT  This study is aimed at examining the influence of customer relationship management on the customer satisfaction of restaurants in Dodoma City. The sample size comprised 120 respondents. Data collection methods included an interview, questionnaire and documentary review. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics which involved correlation analysis. Multiple regressions were used to find the relationship between Customer Relations Management (CRM) and customer�...

An Analysis Of The Impact Of Gender Based Violence Against Men In Mutare District. Case Of Burma Valley Ward 27..

Abstract This study focused on GBV against men which is something that is rarely talked. The worst part of GBV against men is that, when it does get talked about, discussion is almost always limited to the abuse that men do to women. A lot of people are of the idea that violence is not something that women do, and when the men who have been victims of women try to speak out they frequently encounter negative reactions like mockery and name calling to actual accusations like it is their own fa...

An Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of Cost Management System In Enhancing Profitability At Pathfinder Luxury Coaches (Pvt) Limited

ABSTRACT Road transport is a flexible mode of transport, however, management of road transport companies is faced with technical, legislative and economic problems (Sukalvoa and Ceniga; 2014). Management is usually compelled to adopt different methodologies and techniques in order to manage costs rather than to reduce them (Siyanbola; et al, 2013). In many cases, managers try to simply cut costs without considering the organizational or operational effects associated with those reduced costs ...

Relationship between marketing mix strategies and customer satisfaction in learning institutions in tanzania: a case study of st. Joseph college of engineering dar es salaam

ABSTRACT Higher learning institutions in Tanzania has been using marketing mix strategies to reach their objectives and satisfying their customers. The objective of the study was to analyze the relationship between marketing mix strategies and customer satisfaction in learning Institution in Tanzania. The study adopted qualitative research under the case study design to suit the nature of this study. The case study approach was considered to be appropriate for this study because issues relat...

An Assessment On The Role Of Cost And Management Innovations In Creating And Sustaining Competitive Advantage: Case Of Jet Stores

ABSTRACT This research sought to investigate the Effectiveness of the role of cost and management innovations in creating and sustaining competitive advantage: Case of Jet Stores ’’. . The study was carried out as a result of the noted persistent loss of business to competitors and inability to fulfill the company’s growth strategy during the period of 2011 to 2014. The research covered a body of literature for a further exhaustive knowledge of cost and management accounting techniques ...

The Impact Of Employees’ Emotions On Their Job Performance At Anchor Yeast Private Limited Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT This study found that emotions have a significant impact on employee’s job performance thus supporting the need for emotion management in organisations. Various studies have proved that emotions have been ignored in organisations due to the perception that they are an irrational phenomenon that aims only to oppose the voice of reason. Due to their abstract nature, organisational leaders have chosen to ignore them. With a harsh economic environment in Zimbabwe, it can however be saf...

An Assesment Of The Role Played By Law Enforcement Agencies In The Protection Of Childrens Rights, A Case Study Of Bulawayo Metropolitan, 2014 To 2015

Abstract The focus of this research was to explore the role of law enforcement agencies towards the protection of children’s rights in Bulawayo Metropolitan, from 2014-15. This research was inspired by the high rate of child abuse cases recorded in the province, hence the need to understand the trend, as local media would report a case of child abuse with each edition. The descriptive research design used on the qualitative data obtained from the law enforcement agencies, so as to obtain a ...

Contribution Of Construction Mining Materials To Poverty Alleviation In Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The study on contributions of construction mining materials to poverty alleviation specifically focused on identifying types of construction mining materials present in Dodoma municipality. The study aimed at examining the demand of construction mining materials, contribution of construction mining materials on income earning and lastly, to examined the strategies and policies issues to improve the poverty status of the stakeholders in the study area. The study employed a cross sect...

Performance Of Community Health Fund In Health Services Delivery In Rural Areas: A Case Of Kongwa District

ABSTRACT The study was carried out in Kongwa District. The overall objective of the study was to assess the performance of the Community Health Fund towards health services delivery. The specific objectives were, to examine the people‟s awareness on utilization of health services through CHF, to explore benefits and challenges community members face when seeking health services through CHF and to assess efforts made by the district health management team to solve prevailing challenges expe...

An Assesment Of Brand Awareness Strategies Used By Peace Security Company To Enhance Brand Visibility

ABSTRACT This research sought to assess the effectiveness of brand awareness strategies that were implemented by Peace Security to enhance brand visibility. The study was motivated by intense competition in the security industry, stagnant market share growth and dominance of a few brands in an industry with over a 1500 registered security companies. Peace security has been in the security industry for more than a decade but remained little known compared to late entrants despite various brand...

The impacts of charcoal production on forests management in dodoma municipality.

ABSTRACT  This study analyzed the impact of charcoal production on forest management in Dodoma Municipality, Ng’o hong’ honha ward was a case study. The study used a case study type of research in order to collect detailed information about the problem. Questionnaire, observation and interview guides were used as tools of collecting data. Stratified sampling and the simple random techniques were employed. A sample of 95 households were used to represent the whole population, due to time ...

Evaluation Of External Expert Knowledge Acquisition And Retention Processes At The Directorate Of Development Cooperation Of The National Planning Commission – Namibia

Abstract The Directorate of Development Cooperation in the National Planning Commission uses technical assistance to mobilise, coordinate and manage Official Development Aid (ODA) through the use of external experts in areas where such knowledge is not locally available. While there are no indications of a decrease in the need for external expert knowledge to the Directorate of Development Cooperation, donors are increasingly phasing out traditional grants which support technical assistance t...

Impact Of Privatisation On State Owned Enterprises’ Performance. Case Of COTCCO From 2000 To 2014.

ABSTRACT xi This paper is mainly focused on the impact of privatisation on state owned enterprises with specific reference to Cottco. Privatization leads to important changes in the nature and the structure of ownership of firms as well as in management personnel, which in turn significantly influence the performance of privatized firms. However the glory of the privatised cottco has been short-lived Cottco has been facing negative comments from the public within the borders of the nation. Po...

An Assessment Of Private Equity As An Alternative Financing Option For Private Companies In Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT The twin effect of persistent liquidity challenges and a very low deposit base for most banks has constrained the traditional sources of finance for businesses making alternative financing sources an imperative for business continuity. Private equity is a growing alternative asset class among the developed markets and since the global financial crisis of 2008 private equity investments have shifted their focus to include emerging and frontier markets in different geographical markets...

The Effectiveness Of Mergers As A Strategy To Create And Sustain Competitive Advantages. A Case Of Chevron Hotel'

ABSTRACT Most researches on mergers have concentrated on mergers as a tool to improve financial performance, shareholders value and as a way to gain access on new markets. This study seeks to analyse the effectiveness of mergers as a strategy to create and sustain competitive advantages. In 2012 Chevron Hotel and Flamboyant Hotel merged and the motives behind the merger were the creation of economies of scale, cost synergies, effective management of interdependence and strengthening of the ca...

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