Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

In-Patients And Out-Patients Satisfaction Of Service Delivery: A Case Study Of Katutura Hospital, Windhoek

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to evaluate in-patients and out-patients satisfaction of service delivery: A case study of Katutura Hospital, Windhoek. The main objectives of this research were to: identify the factors that contribute to poor service delivery at the Katutura Hospital, explore the factors affecting provision of service delivery in the public health sector, identify the service quality dimensions used by the Patients to evaluate service delivery and evaluate customer sa...

The Environmental Impacts Of Small-Scale Mining In Namibia: A Case Study Of Uis Small Scale Mining Site - Erongo Region

Abstract The Namibian mining sector is characterised by large, medium and smallscale mining sector. However, this study is based on the small-scale mining. Namibia is rich in mineral deposits including diamonds, uranium, gold, base metals, industrial minerals and different types of precious stones and dimension stones. It is against this background that mining has been the backbone of the Namibian economy. Small-scale mining plays a major role in alleviating poverty and supplements the incom...

Assessing The Root- Causes Of Underdevelopment In A Proclaimed Settlement: A Case Study Of Okalongo Settlement In The Omusati Region

ABSTRACT The study assessed the root – causes of underdevelopment in a proclaimed settlement, with a specific focus on the Okalongo settlement in the Omusati region aimed to find possible mitigation to minimise underdevelopment. The study is guided by the following three broad research questions. Firstly, what are the factors contributing to underdevelopment in the proclaimed settlement of Okalongo? Secondly, what are the perceptions of the inhabitants of Okalongo settlement in relation to...

Farmer Innovations In Agricultural Financing And Economic Efficiency Of Maize Production In The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT  The main objective of this study is to identify the innovative agricultural finance practices of maize farmers in the Northern region and how they affect economic efficiency (EE) of production. Credit markets in rural Ghana are woefully inadequate or missing, and some smallholder farmers have been observed to desist from participating in same even when they are available. These phenomena necessitate a shift in the focus of agricultural financing studies towards assessing how farmer...

Knowledge, Attitudes And Practices: A Study On Multiple Concurrent Sexual Partners Among Members Of 262 Battalion, Mpacha Base, Katima Mulilo, Namibia

ABSTRACT HIV/AIDS is currently one of the most dangerous threats to human development in Namibia and it represents the leading cause of deaths among young adults. According to the United Nations Themes for HIV/AIDS (2010), Namibia ranks as one of the four most affected countries in the world, while Katima Mulilo had the highest HIV prevalence rate of 37.7 %, 2012 Sentinel Survey (MoHSS, 2012). This study explored the sexual behaviour, knowledge, attitude and practices of the members statione...

Adoption Of Ecosystem-Friendly Farming Practices Among Rain-Fed And Irrigated Smallholder Farmers In Northern Region

ABSTRACT Environmentally friendly farming technologies play key roles in ensuring food safety and security, human health and in restoring and conserving the environment to safeguard the well-being of humans and animals. Therefore, future food security and economic independence of developing countries like Ghana would depend on ecosystems sustainability and agricultural productivity. This study explored the importance of farming practices on ecosystems sustainability for improved rural liveli...

The Consolidated Diamond Mines And The Natives In Colonial Namibia A Critical Analysis Of The Role Of Illegal Diamonds In The Development Of Owamboland (1908 - 1990)

Abstract Whilst the ‘natural resource curse’ theory has been an enduring theory in the study of the relationship between natural resources endowment and economic development, the economics approach to this theory, which privileges the economic explanation focusing on the Dutch disease and revenue volatility, has been dominant. The political economy approach has proven to be more useful not only in political science but also in the study of the African political economy and developing cou...

Sanitation In A Post-Apartheid Capital City: Windhoek In The Age Of Accelerated Growth

Abstract Sanitation is a social issue. Waterborne sanitation is associated with human dignity and alternative sanitation systems such as dry toilets are considered an option for poor black people hence they face high levels of resistance. Lack of basic sanitation among poor blacks in informal settlements is tantamount to lack of dignity. There is a strong link between sanitation, race (white versus black) and poverty. It is mainly black people who are poor and who live in informal settlement...

Impact Evaluation Of Poverty Alleviation Programmes For The San Community In Omaheke And Ohangwena Regions

ABSTRACT The study focused on the San community which is the most marginalised ethnic group in Namibia to establish their current economic status. The study sought to assess the effectiveness and impact of the poverty alleviation policies and programmes that are in place to respond to the plight of the poor, specifically the San. Primary data was collected in Omaheke and Ohangwena regions through structured questionnaires or interview guides, and field observations. Secondary data was collec...

An Investigation Into The Disbursement Processes Of The Vocational Education Training Levy In Namibia

ABSTRACT This thesis explores the possibility of improving the collection and disbursement processes and procedures of the Vocational Education Training (VET) levy by the Namibia Training Authority (NTA), to determine challenges faced by the NTA in administering the VET levy, and to propose a framework for the collection and reimbursement or redistribution of the fund. The study was based on a sample of sixty respondents. Only fifty-four took part in the actual study representing a response ...

On Role of Emotional Labour, Gender, And Age Employee Affective Well being

ABSTRACT The study used a cross-sectional design to investigate the role of emotional labour, gender, and age on employee job-related affective wellbeing. A total of two hundred bankers from nineteen different banks in Nsukka and Enugu cities participated in the study. They comprised unequal sample of 136 males and 64 females aged from 20-39 years (young adult workers), with a mean age of 29.5 years; and 40-65 years (old adult workers), with a means age of 52.5 years. The emotional labour su...

Farmers’ Participation As A Critical Component To The Implementation Of The Ghana School Feeding Programme In The West Gonja District Of The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT School Feeding Programmes have been popular in developing countries as an instrument for achieving the Millennium Development Goals 1, 2 and 3. With respect to the Ghana School Feeding Programme (GSFP) the role of the farmer in contributing to its success has received little attention in academic discourse. On that basis, this study therefore focused on investigating farmers’ participation as a critical component to the implementation of the GSFP in the West Gonja District. Case s...

A Critical Analysis Of The Implementation Of The Affirmative Action Policy At The University Of Namibia

ABSTRACT Affirmative Action is a concept that started in the USA, where intentional policies and measures were taken to correct historical socio- economic imbalances between Whites and Blacks. Since then, Affirmative Action has been widely employed in many countries to address such imbalances, with varying degrees of success. This study attempts to critically analyse the implementation of Affirmative Action at the University of Namibia against the backdrop of experiences in other countries. ...

Globalization And Conflict Management in Africa : An Analysis of Peacekeeping Operations in Cote Ivoire And Sudan

Abstract  Dominant scholarships on globalization and conflict management take one of two basic approaches. The providentialists describe it as a process of unifying the world into a one happy and peaceful family of 7 God. The constructionists conceive it as a human effort towards the creation of a borderless world through technological inventions. Both approaches failed to recognize resource inequalities as the driving force of both processes. It is against this backdrop that this study sou...

The Significance Of Working Capital Management In Enhancing Liquidity And Profitability In The Electricity Distribition Sector In Namibia: A Case Study Of Central Northern Electricity Distrib

ABSTRACT The study focused on the significance of working capital management in enhancing liquidity and profitability in the electricity distribution sector in Namibia. The main motivator for the researcher to conduct the study was the fact that the electricity distribution sector has deteriorated sharply as the sector continues to be troubled by heavy gearing. This has been aggravated by mounting debt, resulting in financial stress. In this study, the positivism philosophy was adopted as we...

10606 - 10620 Of 19439 Results