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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

How Relevant Is Communication Development To Business Organization Using Your Organization As A Case Study

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY  In every social formation or environment, man finds it necessary to bring themselves together in other to work and achieve a common goal. Before the existence of civilization, man have a different way of sharing information thoughts, attitude, believes and ideas between themselves through the use of signs, sound and symbols. But as man began to develop his society, they now come together and work towards achieving a common goal, this is when organisation came into ...

The Relationship between Local Government Service Commission and the Local Government Councils across Kogi State

BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Local government was nationally acclaimed as the their tier of government in 1976, it is a government. Exercised by democratically in 1976, it is a government exercised by democratically elected local council in line with the 1979 constitution, which recognized local government as the third tier of government.   Local government is widely acknowledged as a viable instrument for the delivery of social services to the people, it so strategically located to fully carry ...

Prospect of Privatization and Commercialization of Public Enterprise in Nigeria

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Government involvement in business enterprises in Nigeria and the predominance of state owned enterprises, reflected a desire to control the economy after wrestling political control from the colonialists enterprises and viable indigenous private sectors, the government had to move into the large empty spare left by society to take over the budding economy. Government played a very important role in many areas of economic and industrial development.  Moreover, provisi...

Procedures and Problems of Setting Up A Small-Scale Business in Nigeria (A Case Study of The Rural Areas)

ABSTRACT This research work looks at the Procedure and Problems of Setting up a Small Scale Business in Nigeria.  This study reveals the numerous contribution of small scale business to our economic growth and political stability. In the first chapter, the topic is introduced with the general background of small scale business in Nigeria also included is the significance of the study, scope, limitation and operational definition of terms. The second chapter goes to discuss the literature rev...

Procedure and problems of Company Income Tax Implementation and Administration in Nigeria using the Federal board of Inland

BACKGROUND OF  THE STUDY The primary function of the government or any modern societies includes offering protection to its citizens. To provide social amenities and create condition for economy well being of the society surely the discharge of this responsibility requires funding, and one of the way by which government generates fund is through taxation. A tax can be defined as all compulsory sum levied by a government and or its accredited either as individual or organization or on goods a...

Problems of Local Government Revenue Generation (A Case Study Of Local Government In State)

INTRODUCTION           Revenue is the pivot of any economy, it is given priorities in the national budgets preparation because it is on the revenue available that expenditure is based. Revenue generation is never an easy task hence the available revenue checks expenditure at all levels of the economy.              The 1989 constitution states under section 160(9) that “Revenue” means any income or revenue derived by the government of the federation from any source an...

Problems and Prospects of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria. A Case Study of Enugu East Senatorial Zone

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study is to identify the problems and prospects of small and medium enterprise in Enugu East  Senatorial Zone. To do this, data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. The main instrument of data collection was the questionnaire.The data were presented in tables as frequency, distribution in the data analysis, the techniques of percentages frequencies were used. The hypothesis were tested with z-test technique at 5% significance level. Having...

Problems and Prospects of Privatization of Public Enterprises in Enugu State

ABSTRACT This study principally seeks to examine the problems of privatization and commercialization of public enterprises in Enugu state  for this purpose, two privatized corporation were used for the study.  These are Ebonyi Paints and Vanguard Industries Limited.  In understanding this research, questionnaires were administered among the staff of the two corporations used for the study.  One hundred and forty questionnaires were administered to the various categories of the staff of th...

Problems And Prospects Of Entrepreneurship Development in Delta State

1.1      BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The entrepreneur plays a vita role in the process of economic growth and development. Iwu Eze A. [1986] in a paper presented in on entrepreneurship development in Nigeria said that an entrepreneur is a contractor, an organizer of an enterprise for the public, a resourceful person with a dream. Entrepreneurs are bold men and woman who have initiative and the ability to lead, manage and take the consequences. They are men of action, risk takers, missioners...

Problems And Prospects In Financing Local Government In Delta State (A Case Study Of Isoko North Local Government Areas)

ABSTRACT This project work seek to examine the problems and prospects in financing Local Government in Delta State Local Government account, control of expenditure and problems of revenue for local government. The study made use of both primary and secondary data. The study revealed that local government is a political subdivision of a nation (in a federal system) or state which is constituted by law and has substantial control of local affairs including the power to impose taxes or to exact...

Problem And Solution Of Bank Lending In Commercial Banks (A Study Of First Bank Nigeria Plc Ughelli)

ABSTRACT It is well known phenomenon that some business men that have sound business acumen and entrepreneurial ability do not have the financial resources to carry on their business activities and one avenue open to them for such financial assistance is commercial banks. It is for such persons this work is meant to serve their interest and to brighten their preparedness and responsibility to a request of loan. In an attempt to appraise the difficulties that are faced by the businessmen and ...

Poverty Eradication Programme In Nigeria: Problems And Prospect. (A Case Study Of Kogi State).

Abstract This study examined the problems associated with poverty alleviation programme in Nigeria. It also look at the prospect of these programmes in Nigeria using Kogi State as a case study. From the stud it was discovered that most poverty alleviation programmes in Nigeria are good but the problem lies with the implementation of the policies. In carrying out this study data were sourced from both the primary and the secondary sources. In primary source questionnaire was drawn and distribu...

Post Consolidation Bank Services and Banker Customer Relationship

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY        In any developing and developed economy, the role of a well structured financial system cannot be over-emphasized. And for a financial system to mobilize and allocate saving of the country successfully and productively and to facilitate day to day transactions there must be a class of financial institutions that the public views as safe and convenient outlets for its savings. In virtually all countries, the single dominate class of institutions that have ...

Poor Remuneration and Employees Productivity in the Nigeria Local Government

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY         The management of remuneration policies is faced with economic problems in which created a lot of problems in management labour relation in most situations, the unions are being asked to make choice between two desirable alternatives either to accept or reduce workforce in the local government. The economic has reduce the bargaining power of unions and this has made the union leaders to spend substantial amount of time and effort in persuading employers...

Impact of Political Instability on the Socio-Economic Development of Nigeria

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Political stability according to David Sanders is the discontinuity of a system or the frequency of unstable of unstable events in a political system (sanders 1981:49).Political instability has become a common place in Nigeria’s socio-economic and political society due to the heterogeneous background in which she is composed of. This instability most often arises from the interaction among members of the society of different; ethnicity political, cultural and religi...

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