Banking and Finance Research Papers/Topics


Abstract This study examined the effect of interest rate margin on the performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria within the sample period of 1980 to 2016. The general objective was to verify how interest rate margin affects the performance of the deposit money banks. The data for this research work (Profitability Rate, Interest Rate, Monetary Policy Rate, Deposit Rate and Lending Rate (LNDR) was obtained from the CBN Statistical Bulletin (2016) and analyzed using Cointegration, and Error ...


The review covers effect of bank recapitalization on the performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria which intends to survey the indices that are affected via shareholder’s fund, total assets, and rate of effective and efficient intermediation (surplus cash owners and ultimate borrowers), number of bank branches, level of government involvement and level of employments. Hence must DMBanks seek to attain/ avoid them through certain level of growth, development in their operations and inc...

Internal Audit Efficiency as a Tool for Improving Profitability of a bank

    INTERNAL AUDIT SYSTEM AS A TOOL FOR IMPROVING PROFITABILITY OF A BANK “A case study of International Commercial Bank South Sudan Ltd”       BY:  JOB  MADUT  NUER MAROR Index no: 11-SMS-085       A Research Project Submitted in a Partial fulfillment for the requirement of the Award of Bachelor Degree of Science in Accounting     DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTING SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES   UNIVERSITY OF JUBA   2017   DEDICATION   This research is dedicated t...

A Post-Consolidation Assessment of Profitability in Nigerian Banks

Using stochastic frontier technique, this study examined the changes in the profit efficiency of Nigerian banks after the recapitalization exercise of central bank of Nigeria for the period 2006 to 2008. The results showed that the estimated profit efficiency scores for 2006, 2007 and 2008 for troubled banks were 0.79, 0.89 and 0.94, respectively while corresponding values for healthy banks were 0.47, 0.66 and 0.81. Average efficiency score of all sampled banks were 0.59, 0.75 and 0.86 fo...

A modelling of Ghanas inflation experience- 1960-2003

The study sought to ascertain the key determinants of inflation in Ghana for the past 40 years. Stylized facts about Ghana’s inflation experience indicate that since the country’s exit from the West African Currency Board soon after independence, inflation management has been ineffective despite two decades of vigorous reforms. Using the Johansen cointegration test and an error correction model, the paper identified inflation inertia changes in money and changes in Government of Ghana...

A Kalman Filter Approach to Fisher Effect- Evidence from Nigeria

This paper investigates evidence of a Fisher effect in Nigeria by employing quarterly CPI inflation and  Nominal interest rates data. For a more robust result we conducted integration and cointegration tests in  order to examine time-series properties of the variables. Using Co-integration and Kalman filter  methodologies, the study did not find evidence of a full Fisher effect from 1961:1-2009:4. This result indicates that nominal interest rates do not respond one-for-one to changes in in...

A Comparative Performance Evaluation of the Nigerian Banking Sector in the Post – 2005 Consolidation: Through the Camel Rating System

Banking in Nigeria has undergone remarkable changes since 2005 bank consolidation. The era of arm chair  banking has gone. It has become a different ball game in terms of competition and its inherent strategies. This transition eventually brings the Nigerian banks to be in need of capital, asset creation, earnings, liquidity and the  management to manage the risk exposure of the aforementioned. In this era of banking, customers must know and  understand their banks so that they can differe...

A Catering Model of Dividends and Share Repurchases

This paper develops a theoretical model to demonstrate that the firm’s payout/investment decision may be affected  by the relative magnitude of dividend and repurchasing premia. The model shows that the manager of high-quality  firm may pass up a positive NPV project in order to cater to investors’ demand for dividends or share repurchases  (adverse selection problem) if the catering premia are substantial. On the other hand, the manager of low-quality  firm may have strong incentives...

A Case for Non Interest Banking in Nigeria amidst the Collapsing Paradigms in the Global Economy

This paper argues for reconsideration and reevaluation of the underlying assumptions and paradigms of the world  capitalist system in particular and that of economics in general. This is against the backdrop of an increasing discontent of  majority of the world’s people against the growing inequality between the rich and the poor. It contends that the genesis of  the problem is rooted in the concept of the selfish, individuated economic man, which has fueled our appetite for greed,  sel...

Impact of Working Capital Management in Nigeria Banking Industry

This paper examines the Impact of Working Capital Management in Nigeria Banking Industry. Working Capital Management refers to the management of current asset and current liabilities. The major objectives of this study are; to examine the impact of excessive investment in current asset on bank’s profitability; to ascertain if bad management of working capital exposes banks to insolvency and to examine the impact of composition of working capital items of Nigeria banks on their profitability...

Effect of motivation on staff performance in the banking sector

ABSTRACT This study was designed to investigate the effect of motivation on staff performance in the banking sector. To achieve the purpose of this study, three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study; To what extent does bankers training and development influence their performance? To what extent does computer and telecommunication equipment influence banker’s performance? What is the extent to which banker’s participation in decisions making influence their performance? In the pr...

Fraudulent Practices in the Banking Industry; It's Impact on Economic Growth

                     ABSTRACT This study was set to investigate various forms of fraudulent practices in the banking industry:its impact on  economic growth in Nigeria, the study seek to examine the effect of amount lost to fraud on Nigeria economic growth and to also examine the effect of number of fraud cases on Nigeria economic growth covering the period between 2005-2017, the main instrument for data collection is through secondary source in which the data were extracted from ...


FRAUDULENT PRACTICES IN THE BANKING INDUSTRY: ITS IMPACT ON ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIA (2005-2017) ABSTRACT This study was set to investigate various forms of fraudulent practices in the banking industry:its impact on  economic growth in Nigeria, the study seek to examine the effect of amount lost to fraud on Nigeria economic growth and to also examine the effect of number of fraud cases on Nigeria economic growth covering the period between 2005-2017, the main instrument for data collectio...


Crypto currency is rapidly attracting the eyes of the modern man, the average spender, whether for investment returns or commercial convenience. However, it goes without saying that to every advantage there is a disadvantage. Thus, this paper summarily highlights the demerits of Bitcoin as a type of cryptocurrency and concludes with a form of poetic justice with coweries as an analogy to strengthen a subjective view.

Influence of E-banking on the provision of customers, services in Jigawa State as perceived by bank customers

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1Background to the Study Britannia Concise Encyclopedia (1995), defined Bank as a financial institution authorized to provide variety of financial services, including customer and business loans (generally short term), checking service, credit cards and saving accounts. A bank is a financial institution authorized by its charter to perform certain functions (Osuala, 2001). The bank is a financial institution set-up purposely for safekeeping of money, valuable goods ...

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