Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

Constraints Faced By Women Entrepreneurs In Small-Scale And Micro - Enterprises In Arid And Semi-Arid Areas In Kenya: A Case Study Of Isiolo Central

ABSTRACT  The study sought to find out the constraints faced by women in small-scale enterprises in Arid and Semi-arid areas (ASALs). The study was carried out in Central location, Central division, lsiolo district in Eastern Province The variables under investigations were inaccessibility to credit facility, poor infrastructure, low level of education and lack of family support. The main respondents for the study were women in small-scale enterprises. Sixty five respondents formed the sampl...

The Impact Of Microfinance Institutions On The Economic Empowerment Of Women A Case Study Ofwajir County, Kel'fya

This study was conducted in Wajir County to examine the impact of microfmance institutions on women empowerment. The objectives of the study were to examine the impact of microfmance on women's incomes, to find out other economic benefits of microfinance to women and to identify the challenges hindering microfinance as a tool of women empowennent. A review of relevant literature was done and compared with the study findings. The study was descriptive and cross-sectional in design and the rese...

The impact of equity on growth and expansion of the stock exchange. A case study of uganda securities exchange

Abstract The Uganda Securities Exchange (USE) is Uganda's principal stock exchange. It was founded in June 1997. The USE is operated under the jurisdiction of Uganda's Capital Markets Authority, which in turn reports to Uganda's central bank, the Bank of Uganda. The shareholders of the USE constitute brokers/ dealers and investment advisers as stated in The Capital Markets Authority Digest. "What is the Uganda Security Exchange?" pp 2. The process of achieving sustainable securities exchange ...

Investors’ Behaviour And Portfolio Selection Among Equity Investors In Rwanda

ABSTRACT The study was carried out on Investor’s Behavior and Portfolio Selection among equity Investors in Rwanda. Specifically, the researcher attained the following objectives; to find out the demographic characteristics of investor in Rwanda Capital Market and specifically equity investors, to ascertain the profile of general investors in Rwanda capital market and specifically the equity investors in relation to investment goal, ability to cope with uncertainty and risk tolerance, ...

Financial Controls And Cash Flow Management In Small Scale Enterprises Of Naka Wa Division, Kampala, Uganda

ABSTRACT  The study was to correlate between financial controls and cash flow management among small scale enterprises in Nakawa division. It was guided by the following objectives; to determine the profile of small scale enterprises in terms of ownership, gender, years in existence and type of goods dealt, to determine the quality of financial controls among small scale enterprises, to determine the extent of cash flow management among small scale enterprises and to determine the relationsh...

Non — Governmental Organizations’ Advocacy In Settling Internally Displaced Persons In Limuru-Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was set out to establish the role of NGOs in resettling IDPs in Limuru district in Kenya. Specifically the study wanted to establish the effect of (i) NGOs advocacy for education (ii) NGOs working together and (iii) funding of economic activities help in settling internally displaced persons in Limuru-Kenya. The study was done by developing a conceptual frame relating NGOs advocacy and resettlement of IDPs. The study was co-relational in nature and it employed a quantitat...

Micro Finance Credit And Poverty Eradication In East Africa A Case Study Of Uganda

The purpose of the study seeks to examine the relationship between micro financed and poverty eradication in Uganda. The study is guided by research objectives of examining the causes of poverty in Uganda, examining the contributions of micro finance credit services provided to the poor and establishing the relationship between micro finance credits and poverty eradication .this is accomplished using secondary data sought from sources such as journals news papers reports publications fr...

The impact of financial planning and management on performance of non- governm?ntal organisations. Case study: global challenges uganda (g c u).

ABSTRACT  This study examined the impact of financial planning and management on the· performance of Global Challenges Uganda (G. C. U) a non-governmental organization . Financial Planning and Management is vi tal fo'r the efficient and effective management· if the organization in order to achieve its goals of delivering quality financial management. The data were collected from Administration Financial Team, Accounts staff, Heads of departments and Board members. The types of data collect...

Communication And Performance Of Employees. Case Study: Nane Cleaning Company. Kericho District. Kenya

the general objective of this dissertation is to examine the common barriers of communication. The area of study is Nane Company, and sample size used is 50 respondents. Data is collected by physically visiting the company, text books, 1estionnaires and interview guide. Data is analyzed through quantitative analysis. findings from the research show that there are various barriers that hinder )communication to be carried out. Semantics, filtering and status differences. Applications and ...

The Impact Of Redudancy In An Organisation Performance A Case Study Of Tanzania Port Authorities Tangaport

ABSTRACT  The main purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of redundancy m an organisation performance. The study aimed at achieving the following objectives • To detem1ine the level of employee redundancy. • To evaluate the causes of redundancy. • To determine the effect of redundancy on performance The procedures used during data collection included questionnaires, interview and port financial reviews on relevant and necessary materials. Data was analyzed by the use of co...

A Case Study Of Uganda Micro-finance Limited (Uml) Kampala Uganda

This study was carried out to investigate on the impact of budgeting on the performance of small scale businesses. It aimed at achieving the following objectives, to establish the impact of budgeting on organization performance to identify indicators of performance m organization and to establish the relationship between budgeting and performance of organization. The study was carried out to establish the reasons why many organizations have continued to perform poorly despite management ...

The Effect Of Credit Policy On The Performance Of Commercial Banks In Kenya A Case Study Of Barclays Bank, Garissa Branch-garissa District North-eastern Province Of Kenya

A country financial system includes its banking institutions and is the oil that greases the engine of its economic growth. Commercial banks provide the vital function of mobilizing savings from those who have it and allocate such saving to those who wish to borrow to invest in economy development. It is with this context that credit policy arises. The word policy can be a broad and frightening term while most banks will define them in similar manner. Therefore, credit policy is the gene...

An Assessment Of Performance Of Rwanda Tea Sector In -/Agriculture Industry A Case Study Of Ocir-the

This part is composed of the subject of this research which is "the assessment of the performance of Rwanda tea sector in agriculture industry" a case study of the tea head office (OCIR Tl-IE). The research is about the tea sector in Rwanda, its performance from past to recent years, the problems that impact the sector and its beneficiaries in general. It looks at the sector from farm' level point of view, the processing level as well as the marketing level which is the final level. The r...

Effects Of Interest Rate Ceilings On The Operations Of Microfinance In Kenya Case Study Of Kenya Women Finance Trust Limited

Micro finance includes the entire spectrum of financial services for broad sectors of the population, but particularly for the poor, but refers not only to small and micro loans, but also saving products to savings products insurance and money transfers. In short, microfinance means specialist financial services to disadvantaged people The study aimed at investigating how interest rate ceiling affect the availability of credit to the marginalized poor in Kenya. The microfinance institutio...

Micro Finance Institutions And Poverty Alleviation A Case Study: Thur Village Savings And Credit Cooperatives Society, Abim Sub County Abim District

ABSTRACT This report is about MFis and poverty alleviation in the rural communities of Thur village of Abim sub county, Abim district. The objectives fo the study were to establish the relationship between interest rates, immediate benefits, loan amounts, grace periods and poverty alleviation. The research was based on analytical design to establish the relationship between the study variables. It used secondary data obtained from journals, textbooks and bulletins among others. The informati...

1291 - 1305 Of 4708 Results