Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

The effect of micro finance institutions towards poverty alleviation. "A case study of kisenyi one luzira parish in nakawa division"

ABSTRACT: The study was designed to enable us know the effect of Micro Finance towards Poverty alleviation, credit policy of Micro Finance on the very poor. The study was to establish the impact of micro finance towards poverty alleviation and its performance on the very poor, the weaknesses of interest rate, loan size, short and frequent payment schedules, imposed by micro finance to its clients and difficulties encountered by micro finance institutions. The study was conducted in Kampala D...

Privatization And Performance Of Privatized Enterprises In Uganda

Abstract. The aim of this research project was the establishment of relationship between privatization and performance of privatized enterprises in Uganda. Objectives of the study were to establish the perception of employees on methods of privatization and how they contribute to the performance of privatized enterprises, to determine the level of performance of privatized enterprises, and to establish the relationship between Privatization and performance of privatized enterprises. The stud...

Commercial Bank Services And Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study Of Kenya Commercial Bank In Victoria Towers, Upper Hills - Kenya, Nairobi

ABSTRACT The study was about commercial bank services and customer satisfaction. A case study of Kenya Commercial Bank Nairobi-Kenya and was aimed at to examine the effects of commercial bank services on the customer satisfaction. The objectives of the study were; To satisfy customer needs, to establish the relationship between commercial bank services and customer satisfaction and to improve on commercial bank performance. The research designs employed were descriptive and analytical resear...

The effect of service delivery on performance of banking institutions. A case study of equity bank, market street branch, kampala, uganda.

ABSTRACT The research topic was chosen due to the fact that there has been an intense global competition in the service sectors and more so in the finance and banking sectors whereby some of the institutions in the industry do not believe that the various services they provide and the way they provide them and the way in which these serv1ces are finally delivered can affect their performance either positively or negatively. The research topic was therefore to establish the effect of service ...

Quality Services And Business Performance, A Case Study Of Eagle Box Investment Company Ltd Kampala- Uganda

Abstract An appropriate quality services system can determine the survival or failure of a business B. George p. dove (1993) principle of management, john Wiley Andersons (2004) contend that a comprehensive service makes it possible for entrepreneurs to achieve their set objectives that show the current condition of the business and need to cover all aspects of the organization as a whole. It helps to ensure quality service delivery and ensure that the enterprise complies with laws and regula...

Global Competition And Technological Innovations On Business Actmties And Structure: The Case Of Moi International Airport Mombasa, Kenya.

The study investigated the trend of Global Competition and Technological innovations in the world of Business for clear analysis of their influence on Business strategies, activities and structure ofMoi International Airport, in Mombasa Kenya. Global Competition and Technological innovations exemplified the forces that the management has to put in mind, while Business strategies, activities and structure exemplified Business functions that are affected by Global Competition and Technologi...

The Effects Of Dividend Policy On Security Prices (Share Prices) Case Study: Nairobi Stock Exchange

ABSTRACT Studies from other countries in both developing and developed countries economies have shown that there exists a relationship between the dividend policy that firms adopt and share prices. In Kenya, most of the firms listed in the stock exchange pay dividends semi annually . There is no legal requirements for the firms to adopt a specific dividend policy schedule ,however dividend distribution do face legal restriction for instance ,Dividends should not be paid out of capital unless...

Credit Policy Of Finance Institution And Performance Of Selected Small And Medium Enterprises (Smes): A Case Study Of Popular Bank, Ny Amirambo Branch, Rwanda

ABSTRACT The research intended tg establish the credit policy on loan recovery in microfinance institutions, case of Popular Bank. The objective of the of the study was to establish the existence of credit policies in Popular Bank Rwanda, to examine how loans were recovered in Popular Bank, Rwanda and to establish the relationship between credit policy and loan recovery in Popular Bank, Rwanda. The research methodology adopted both descriptive and analytical research design based on semistru...

Sourcing And Management Of Supplier A Case Study Of Shiny Anga District Council In Tanzania

This study is about sourcing and the management of suppliers in the organization. It examines various policies towards sourcing, evaluation and management and demonstrates how those policies can be integrated to bring efficiency in procurement issues in the organizations. The topic of the study was to find out whether the organization has the policy towards suppliers and its importance on the organization to ensure that it obtains value for money on undertaking procurement activities. T...

Internet Banking System And The Performance Of Organizations In Southern Sudan: A Case Of Ivory Bank

The study investigated the effects of Internet Banking system on the performance of the organization. The objectives that guided the study included; establishing the adoption and use of internet for banking transactions by customers of Ivory Bank, establishing the Factors influencing the acceptance of Internet banking by customers of Ivory Bank, and establish the relationship of internet banking on the performance of Ivory Bank. The study was both descriptive and analytical in nature whe...

Challenges Faced In Supply Chain Management A Case Study Of Uganda Clays Limited Company

The study was conducted to identify the roles of Total Quality Management in procurement, to identify the methods used in applying total quality management, challenges faced, and find out the solutions to the problems faced, and how other departments recommend procurements activities The study was undertaken in the procurement department and other closely related departments; Quality Control, Stores, Production and Finance. Participants were all members of the department since they were ...

Causes Of Failures Of Small Business A Case Study Of Smes In Kabalagala And Kansanga

This studv was carried out to find the causes of failures of small and medium businesses at Kabalagala and Kansanga. Findings of this study show that the causes of failures of small scale businesses was because of shortage of capital, premises, competition, limited (seasonal) market/ holidays and limited (seasonal) market/ holidays. It was found out that capital is the major problem to most entrepreneurs ofKabalagala and Kansanga. As a result, it is noted that more concerted effort is ne...

The Impact Of Microfinance Institutions On The Economic Empowerment Of Women A Case Study Of Wajir County, Kenya

This study was conducted in Wajir County to examine the impact of microfmance institutions on women empowerment. The objectives of the study were to examine the impact of microfmance on women's incomes, to fmd out other economic benefits of microfinance to women and to identify the challenges hindering microfinance as a tool ofwomen empowerment. A review of relevant literature was done and compared with the study fmdings.  The study was descriptive and cross-sectional in design and the ...

Loan Recovery Management And The Level Of Poverty Among Beneficiaries (A Case Study Of Centenary Development Bank Lira Branch).

We need a loan every time we face a situation where we can not meet the ends and we need some kind of financial injection that will cure the problem especially in emergencies, getting a loan can really help and once the emergency is over, repaying that loan never feels like a burden. The origin of credit dates back to the early 1950s in India and early 1960s in East Africa when cooperatives societies used to give loans to their members (Dewees 1993, Pulley 1989). The management and repay...

Commercial Banks Lending Policies And Financial Performance Of Small Scale Businesses. A Case Study Of Owino Market In Kampala City

The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between commercial banks lending policies and financial performance of selected small scale businesses in Kampala City. The study was guided by three objectives namely; to examine the lending policies used in Commercial Banks by Small Scale Businesses, to establish the factors influencing the financial performance of Small Scale Businesses and to examine the relationship between Commercial Banks lending policies and financial per...

1306 - 1320 Of 4708 Results