Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

The Effect Of Taxation On Small Scale Businesses A Case Study Of Small Scale Businesses In Namuwongo Market, Kampala

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in Namuwongo Market Kampala. The objective of the study was to assess the effect of taxation on small scale businesses. The research adopted the quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection among the study population consisting of a adolescents and adults between 18-45 above years old. The research instruments used have been questionnaires, interview, observation and report documentation containing records of tax authorities within Namuwongo ma...

Corporate Governance And Organisational Performance Of Commercial Banks In Uganda: A Case Of Stanbic Bank Uganda Limited

ABSTRACT The pmpose of the study was to investigate the influence that corporate governance has on organizational performance in Stanbic Bank. The study was guided by the following specific objectives; effect of transparency on organizational performance; contribution of accountability on organizational performance; and effect of board composition on organizational performance at SBUL. The study adopted a case study design and a sample size of 97 respondents comprising staff was selected usi...

The Impact Of Credit Risk Management On Performance Of Commercial Banks In Uganda: A Case Study Of Bank Of Africa

The research study was set to explore the impact of credit risk management on the performance of cornrnercial banks in Uganda: A case study of Bank of Africa Uganda. The study was set to establish the Loaning procedure used by banks, credit risk management, credit risk assessment in the bank and impact of credit risk management on the performance of commercial banks. Primary data has been collected using questionnaires, interview guide, key informant interviews, focus group discussions and se...

Strategic Influence Of Core Values On Multinational Corporation's Competitiveness. A Case Study Of Zain Uganda.

ABSTRACT The study was aimed at assessing the strategic influence of core values on Multinational Corporations' Competitiveness. Using Zain Uganda as a case study, the research identified the core values adopted by the case study organization, the parties that introduced the core values, those who practice the core values and the role the core values plays in relation to the organizations competitiveness. The findings reveal that core values do play a role in the competitiveness of the organi...

Mobile Commerce As A Tool For Enhancing Business Competitive Advantage: A Case Study Of Mumias Sugar Company Ltd

TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents Page Declaration ................................................................................ . Approval.................................................................................... 11 Dedication.................................................................................. 111 Acknowledgement........................................................................ iv Table of contents........................................................................

The Impact Of Corporate Social Responsibility On The Performance Of An Organization A Case Study Of East African Breweries Limited

The concept of corporate responsibility helps a firm look at the different needs of the society in which it operates in and designs a strategv of giving a helping hand. Part of the responsibility of the firm is to set aside some of its profits to facilitate this initiative. From the organization point ofview this concept plays a major roles in that it helps The organization create a positive image to the societv, it also put the firm at a competitive lead against other organization the same...

Challenges Of Post Election Crisis To Education Case Study: Rift Valley Provincial Schools

The announcement ofthe presidential election results' in 30th December 2007 led to an escalation of posts in various parts of Kenya. The post election violence experienced in Kenya since 30th December 2007 has resulted in a number of deaths and displacement of people from their homes in various parts of the country. Various sectors ofthe Kenyan society have been affected. This paper examines the effects of the post election crisis on education in Kenya with reference to the learners, teachers...

The Effects Of Budgetory Controls In An Organization's Performance. A Case Study Of Action Aid Uganda

This is a research report on the effects of budgetary controls in a "not for profit" organisation called AAU. It is a study on budgetary control as a financial tool in guiding the making of optimal financial decisions to attain high-level performance. It was carried out to investigate on budgetary practices (budgetary controls) in AAU, to evaluate the performance of the organisation and whether there was a relationship between these controls and the organisation performance of AAU. To achieve...

The Effect Of Interest Rates Spread On Lending Capacity Of Bank A Case Study Of Barcla Ys Bank Of Kenya

ABSTRACf A key indicator of financial performance and efficiency is the spread between the lending and deposit rate. If this spread is large, it works as an impediment to the expansion and development of financial intermediation. This is because it discourages potential savers due to low returns on deposits and thus limits fmancing for potential borrowers. This has the economy wide effect of reducing feasible investment opportunities and thus limiting future growth potential. It has been obs...

Microfinance Institutions And Development Of Small Scale Businesses In Uganda Case Study Of Street Vendors In Central Division Kampala District

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is aimed at finding out how microfinance institutions lead to the economic development of street vendors in Kampala district. The study analyzed the level of street vendors' business participation in micro finance activities and it critically shows the role of micro finance institutions in economic development of businesses. The researcher used a cross sectional design in finding out the level of street vendors participation in micro finance activities and ...

Assessment Of Shortages Of Funds On Effective Budget Implementation Of An Organizationthe Case Study Of: Tanzania Food And Drugs Authority (Tfda) Headquarters, Dares Salaam.

ABSTRACT This research was carried out to assess the shortages of funds on effective budget implementation of an organization. The research was carried out in Tanzania food and drug authority Dar es Salaam headquarters The objectives of the study include the following: to establish the relationship between shortages of funds and effective budget implementation of an organization, to find out what types of funds are available for budgeting of an organization and to examine the effects of short...

An Assestment Of Micro Finance Loans On The Performance Of Small Scale Business In Lira Municipality: Case Of Finca-Lira

ABSTRACT  The study was carried out as required for award of a degree of a bachelor of business administration of Kampala International University. The main objectives of the study were to make an· assessment of micro finance loans on the performance of small seized business enterprises, to examine how payment loan schedule affect perfom1ances of small scale business in Lira Municipality. To find out the effect of loan recovery on the small scale business in Lira Municipality, To asses the ...

Accountability and financial performance of public sector in uganda. A case study of kyenjojo district local government headquarters.

ABSTRACT This study entitled Accountability and Financial Perfonnance of public sector. The study was carried out at Kyenjojo District Local Government Headquarters. The study was guided by three research objectives; (i) To examine the different ways in which Accountability is provided at Kyenjojo District Headquarters (ii) To assess the effects of accountability on financial perfonnance at Kyenjojo District Headquarters (iii) To detem1ine the relationship between accountability and financia...

Income Tax Assessment And Performance Of Small Scale Businesses In Busia Municipality

BSTRACT The study was conducted under the topic "Income Tax Assessment on small Business Enterprises", in Busia Municipality. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of Income tax assessment on performance of small scale businesses. The research instruments used for data collection are Interview guide, questionnaires, Observation, sampling and data Analysis. The data analysis technique used was the chi-square whose formula is XZObs = '' (fo- fe)Z L fe The researcher made the follo...

The Impact Of Taxation On Development Of Adumi Sub-County In Arua District- Uganda

Abstract Taxation is a legally compulsory transfer of money from the public to the government, mainly as a source of government revenue. According to Bhatia(1987), a tax is a non guid proquo payment in the sense that the benefits received by the tax payer from the government does not necessarily correspond to the amount of tax paid. It can be equal, greater or less than the tax paid. The world over, governments; local to central place a central emphasis on taxation and taxes. Bhatia (1987); M...

1336 - 1350 Of 4708 Results