Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

The Sustainability Of Street Vending As A Livelihood Strategy Of Women Operating From Harare Central Business District.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to examine the participation of women in street vending and then evaluate its sustainability as a livelihood strategy by women in Harare Central Business District. Livelihood indicators were used in evaluating sustainability and these include, food security, income levels, level and quality of education, ability to acquire assets and the health standards. A sample of 30 women from 5 selected vending sites were selected as respondents. The researcher u...


Abstract The research set up to assess disaster response and relief in Zimbabwe from a gender perspective. Thus looking at whether response and relief in Zimbabwe is able to meet the needs of both men and women during disaster situations using a case of Tokwe Mukosi disaster. This research was done using primary and secondary sources. The research was largely qualitative in nature through the use of research techniques such as questionnaires, interviews as well as desktop research. Research f...


Abstract   This study seeks to find out the role of church based organizations in peace building using the case study of CCJP Masvingo Diocese from 2008 to 2013.The study takes a look on the nature of political violence that occurred in Masvingo in 2008 which was characterized by the use of hate speech, beatings, torture, murder, destruction of houses and property. Violence hotspots are also highlighted in the study which includes Zaka, Bikita, Chiredzi and Nerupiri. The study goes on to lo...

The Impact Of Environmental Change On Rural Livelihoods In Zimbabwe. The Case Of Hurungwe District Ward 13 (2006-2014)

ABSTRACT The research investigated the impact of environmental change on rural livelihoods in Zimbabwe using the case study of Hurungwe Ward 13 using the qualitative research method which was complimented by the quantitative method. Focus Group Discussions, questionnaires and direct observations were used to gather information on how environmental change impacts on the livelihoods of the people in the area under study. Semi-structured interviews were also used to get information from key info...

The Youth Revolving Funds in alleviating poverty in Zimbabwe: A case of Youth Agenda Trust in Zengeza Suburbs

ABSTRACT The study investigates the effectiveness of the youth revolving fund in alleviating poverty in Zimbabwe. This will be brought about through using a case study of the Youth Agenda Trust’s involvement in Zengeza Suburbs from the period 2007-2014. The researcher made use of the questionnaires and interviews to collect data. A purposeful sample was used in choosing the beneficiaries of the youth revolving fund. Interviews were also conducted with the beneficiaries of the youth revolvin...

An analysis of the contribution of the informal industries to urban social and economic development. Case of Glenview Area 8, furniture manufacturing industries

ABSTRACT This research seeks to analyze the contribution of the informal sector to the urban social and economic development particularly the furniture manufacturing industries in Glenview area 8.the furniture manufacturing complex was established by the government in 2005 after the devastating Operation Murambatsvina as a compensatory measure to the victims of the clean-up campaign. The government constructed the complex after they realized that many people were left with no sources of incom...


ABSTRACT The study strengthens the role played by Ndau taboos, folklore and sacredness in biodiversity conservation. The belief systems’ relevance and resilience around conserved landscapes / sites is symbolic and a reality when contrasted with other open landscapes across the same community where unregulated human activity is common. The latter depict landscapes under degradation with soil erosion leading to loss of arable land and biodiversity. This research paper therefore highlights con...

Assessment Of Small To Medium Enterprises’ (Smes) Role Towards Livelihoods Of Marginalized Harare Women: Case Of Harare City Center

Abstract This study sought to evaluate the extent to which the SMEs sector has contributed towards the livelihood options of marginalized women in Harare. This group was chosen firstly because women world over have the greatest burden of taking care of the family but are sidelined in the development process as they have limited access to opportunities compared to men preventing them from fending for their families. Focus was put on Harare because past research seems to be mostly biased toward...


ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to examine the effectiveness of rehabilitation of female prisoner in Zimbabwe in case of Chikurubi Female particular this include the rehabilitation mechanisms which were introduced at Chikurubi with the purpose of reforming inmates and to prepare them for the reintegration process. The rehabilitation mechanisms include vocational training which involves programmes such as hairdressing, cosmetology, chicken rearing, tailoring, secretariat, k...

How Marriages Influence Early Child Birth Registration And Affect Opportunities For Children: A Case Study Of Nkulumane District,Bulawayo

ABSTRACT This study is an investigation on how marriages can influence early child birth registration and hamper opportunities for children. The study looks at the 4 types of marriages in Zimbabwe and how they can work for and against early child birth registration.The four types of marriages are Civil marriage 5:11, Registered customary marriage 5:07, unregistered customary marriage and cohabitation. The study compares registered marriages versus the unregistered customary marriages on birth...

The plight of unaccompanied refugee minors in refugee camps: a human rights perspective; case study of Tongogara refugee camp Chipinge.

ABSTRACT   This study explores the plight of the unaccompanied refugee minors from a human rights perspective. A case study of Tongogara refugee camp is used for purposes of this study. The human rights approach used explores the refugee minor’s plight from the perspective of the unaccompanied children themselves, that is, how they view their difficult situation becomes very important. The study exposes the importance of involving the unaccompanied refugee minors in making decisions on i...

The Women Development Fund And Women Empowerment In Zimbabwe, A Case Of Chipinge District Ward 6 And 17..

ABSTRACT In many African countries, women are marginalised in terms of their access to capital means of production, employment opportunities as well as credit facilities. In Zimbabwe, like many African countries empowering women through enlarging their access to finance has been viewed as a means of reducing women’s abject poverty, empowering them through reducing their vulnerability and improving their welfare. This study sought to find out if the government initiative Women Development Fu...

Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases for Sustainable Development in Harare

ABSTRACT The research study sought to explore the connection between NCDs prevention and control and sustainable development in Harare. The purpose was achieved through exploring the NCD health care system, the existing environment for prevention and control of the NCDs and also documenting how the population is being engaged in NCDs prevention and control activities. The methodology that the researcher adopted was the qualitative research method. In depth interviews, observations and focus g...

Public – Private Partnership For Sustainable Cities: The Case Of Harare City.

ABSTRACT The Zimbabwean urban environments are facing several challenges to which Public Private Partnerships are a possible solution. The field of urban regeneration is comparable to this. This research examined the role of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in development, specifically in urban regeneration with specific focus on Harare City as a case study. The research also sought to examine challenges affecting PPPs, as well as critical success factors for the implementation of these ini...

An Assessment Of The Impact Of Fast Track Land And Agrarian Reforms On Food Security In Umguza District.

ABSTRACT This study evaluates the effect of the Fast Track Land and Agrarian Reforms in Umguza District, Ward 10 Resettlement area as a case study and Ward 7 as a control area. The hypothesis is that the Fast Track Land and Agrarian Reforms have impacted positively on food security at household level. The research methodology employed is explained as well as the policy context for Land and Agrarian Reforms both on paper and practice, is reviewed. The study is underpinned by the Learning U Cur...

616 - 630 Of 1134 Results