Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

Small Arms and Light Weapons: A Case Study of Kenya

Abstract: This study will look at SALW and the case study will be Kenya, The proliferation of small arms and light weapons' is one of the biggest security challenges currently facing Kenya and the East African sub-region (Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya). The trafficking and wide availability of these weapons fuel instability, conflict and pose a threat, not only to security, but also to sustainable development. The widespread proliferation of small arms is contributing to alarming levels of arme...

The Relationship between Food Security and Poverty in Africa: A Case Study of Two Kenyan Communities

Abstract: Food security remains Africa's most fundamental challenge, at present a third of the African population faces widespread hunger and chronic malnutrition, therefore posing a threat of acute famine and food crisis. This study will show the critical issues brought about by food security the progress been made to change the insecurity. Its focus is mainly on the dynamics of the global food systems unde1mining the world's ability to provide everyone with safe, sufficient and nutritious ...

Assessing the Nature of Kenya’s Public Universities in Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

Abstract: The concept of education for Sustainable Development seeks to change education approach by incorporating values, principles and practices of Sustainable Development with a view of integrating all forms of learning and education. This thesis examines the nature of Kenya’s public university education in achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4; Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. The study had three objectives: to in...

NGOs in Poverty Reduction among Internal Displaced Peoples (Idps) in Bossaso City Puntland, Somalia

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to investigate the None-Government Organisations (NGOs) intervention in poverty reduction or alleviation on Internal Displaced People (IDPs) living in Bossaso IDPs settlements. In gathering the information, the research study employed both primary and secondary sources. The primary source was mainly the distributed questionnaires, and the secondary sources were the library work and internet explorer. The study was used a case study as research design. ...

Child Labour Practices and Emotional Aspects on Children in Jinja District

ABSTRACT  Child labor is often referred to as work that is done by children which restricts or damages their physical, emotional, intellectual, social or spiritual growth. The study was guided by the theory of emotional which is also known as the psych-evolutionary and it is one of the most influential classification approaches for general emotional responses. In addition, three objectives guided the study, which were: to examine the factors influencing child labor in Jinja district, to anal...

Cultural Factors and Primary School Dropout among Girls in Terekeka State, South Sudan

ABSTRACT  This research examined the influence of culture on the education of girl-child in primary schools with Specific on school dropout in the community of Terekeka in South Sudan. The objectives of the study were; to examine the cultural that influence girl-child primary school enrolment and drop-out in Terekeka State, to investigate the impacts of cultural practices on school dropout among girls in Terekeka State of South Sudan and to analyze measures taken by the government of South S...

An Investigation of Poverty Eradication and Women Participation in Community Development of Akalo Sub-County, Apac District Northern Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ACRONYMS viii CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the study 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 3 1.3 Objectives of the study 4 1.4 Research Questions 4 1.5 Scope of the study 4 1.6 Significance of the study 5 1.7 Theoretical framework 5 1.8 Operational definition of key terms 6 CHAPTER T~~O 8 LITERATURE REVIEW 8 2.0 Introduction 8 2.1 Conceptual framework 8 2.2 Conceptualization of key terms ....

Nigeria and Globalization the Consequences for Political, Social, Economic and Cultural Development

ABSTRACT  This thesis is about how globalization has affected Nigeria’s socio-economic, political and cultural structures. Put differently, how has Nigeria fared in a global world. This was analyzed using Neo-liberalism theory which represents both an ideological position and a policy perspective that endorses economic individualism based on market competition, encourage free trade and foreign investment, and oppose state intervention and state run welfare programs. The researcher suggests...

The Perception of the Community on Women Organizations in Borama District, Somaliland

ABSTRACT  In Somaliland, women organizations have been the major contributors to the social development work since the end of the civil war. They had voluntarily organized themselves to provide basic needs to the vulnerable groups in the community yet their work has been undermined by the community. Therefore this study investigated the community perception on women organizations that are carrying out social development work in Borama District. The objectives of the study were to establish a...

Commercial Agricultural Practices and Land Conflicts in Uganda A Case of Luwero District

ABSTRACT This study assessed the influence of commercial agriculture on land conflict in Luwero District, Uganda. The following objectives guided the study: i) to assess how commercial agriculture practices has led to land boundary conflicts in Luwero district, ii) to establish how commercial agriculture practices has led to land inheritance conflicts in Luwero district, and iii) to examine how commercial agriculture practices has led to multiple sales conflicts in Luwero district. This stud...

Community Participation and Conflict Resolution in Mogadishu Somalia

ABSTRACT  Conflict has been a part of the world from time immemorial. The need for not only conflict resolution but effective conflict resolution has been the preoccupation of the African continent and indeed the world at large. It has been argued that the world today is more in conflict than at peace even though the world has not experienced a major war. Matters conflict resolution has overtime been left to men. This is due to the fact that many decision making roles have been handled by me...

Gender Mainstreaming and Development in Bushenyi District

ABSTRACT  This study investigated the correlation between Gender Mainstreaming and Development in Bushenyi District. Specifically, the study determined the; (1) Profile of the respondents in terms of gender, age, marital status, level of education, employment status and years of service;(2) level of gender main streaming;(3) analyse to the level of development in Bushenyi district;(4) significant difference in the level of Gender Mainstreaming and Development;(5) Relationship between Gender ...

The Influence of Alcoholism on Agricultural Performance A Case Study of Artwotcek Sub County in Amolatar District

ABSTRACT The topic of the study was the impact of alcoholism on agricultural performance. The study  was conducted in Artwotcek Sub County in Amolatar District. The study was guided by three objectives: To assess causes of alcoholism on agricultural performance; To assess the effects of alcoholism on increasing agricultural performance; 3) To determine the possible solution to alcoholism on agricultural performance. The study used questionnaires to collect the required information. The rese...

The Contribution of Local Leaders in Conflict Resolution and Peace Building in Mogdishu Somalia

ABSTRACT  The study investigated the contribution of local leaders in conflict resolution and peace building in Mogadishu Somalia; it was intended to identify the contribution of Somali local leaders in conflict resolution and peace building in Mogadishu, Somalia. Specifically identify the strategies used by local leaders in peace building process in Mogadishu, Somalia, to investigate the challenges face local leaders in conflict resolution and peace building process in Mogadishu, Somalia. T...

Challenges of Coping with Hiv and Aids among Women in Tanzania; A Case of Tanzania Network of Women Living with Hiv and Aids (Tnw), Dar Es Salaam

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to establish the challenges of coping up with HIV and AIDS among women in Tanzania, with particular reference to TNW+. The objectives of the study were to establish the socio-economic, individual and political factors that affected women from coping up with [-liv and AIDS. The research design adopted in this study was a case study research design. The researcher applied both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The researcher applied this met...

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