Economics Research Papers/Topics

The Role Of Livestock Husbandry In Economic Development Of Somalia: Case Study - Puntland State Of Somalia

ABSTRACT The study on the "the role of live stock husbandry in economic development" was carried out in Puntland State of Somalia, with specific aims of; examining the role of Livestock; in improving people's standard of living; improving the economic development of Puntland State of Somalia and tracing the challenges and problems facing livestock husbandry in Puntland State of Somalia. A review of related literature was carried out on already existing information on the specific aims of thi...

Vanilla Production And Farmer's Welfare In Nagojje Sub County Mukono District

The stuc6; 11·as intended to determine the impact ofvanilla production on the welfare qffcmners in Nagojje Sub County, Mukono District. Tn the review ofrelated literature, all secondary sources viewed relevant to the study were re-visited. The study employed a descriptive design and questionnaires together with interview guides .formed the mina tools for data collection. Data collected was sorted, edited, coded and presented in percentages·equency distribution tables. The findings fi...

Population Growth And Economic Growth In Uganda A Case Study Of Luwero Town Council, Luwero District

The research was carried out in Luwero town council Luwero district and was focusing on population growth and economic growth in Uganda. The study was based on the objectives like; to determine the level of population growth in Uganda, to determine the level of economic growth in Uganda, to establish the effect of population growth on economic growth in Uganda. It involved a sample population of 50 respondents across different backgrounds that were cultural, religion, economic welfare, educat...

Taxation And Economic Growth In Uganda

ABSTRACT This research report set out to establish the relationship between Tax Rates and economic growth (measured by GDP) in Uganda (2000-2010). The objectives of the study were; to establish the trend of Tax Rates in Uganda(2000-2010), to establish the trend of GDP growth rate of Uganda(2000-20 10) ,to investigate the relationship between Tax Rates and GDP growth in Uganda (2000-20 10). The study employed time series analysis such Correlation analysis, regression analysis mechanisms. The ...

Civil War And Economic Development In Bakara Market In Mogadishu, Somalia,

ABSTRACT The study on the “civil war and economic development” was carried out in Bakara market Mogadishu, Somalia, with specific aims of; examining the role of civil war; in improving people’s standard of living; and in improvement economic development. A review of related literature was carried out on already existing information on the specific aims of this study as a way of comprehending the problem and enriching and supplementing the study findings. This was through quantitative an...

Inventory Management And Finan Cial Performance Of Retail Shops In Kimironko Trading Center Kigali Rwanda

Abstract In the earlier years, inventory management was treated as a cost Centre since purchasing department was spending money on materials, while store was holding huge inventory of materials, blocking money and space (Ramakrishna, 2005). However, with the process of liberation and opening up of global economy, there has been a drastic change in the business environment, resulting in manufacturing organizations exposed to intense competition in marketplace (Ramakri shna, 2005). In the UK, a...

The Effects Of Modern Technology On The Level Of Employment Opportunities In Financial Institutions: A Case Study Of Equity Bank (Eqty) Katwe Branchmakindye Divisionkampala District

The Study was meant to investigate the effects of modem technology on the level of employment in financial institutions. The study was guided by the following Objectives; to find out the effects of modern technology on the level of employment opportunities in financial institutions, to find out the challenges facing modem technology in financial institutions in relation to employment opportunities, and to find out possible solutions to the challenges faced by modern technology in financial in...

The Impact Of Warehouse Facilities On Service Delivery, A Case Study Of National Medical Stores.

ABSTRACT The overall objective of the study was to find out the impact of warehouse faci lities on service delivery in public organizations in Uganda with National medical stores as the focal point. The study was guided by three research objectives. to examine the impact or '"archousing fac il it ies on service delivery in national medical stores, to examine the factors hindering warehousing fac ilities from fac il itating effective service delivery and ways of improving warehousing faci li...

Tax Policy And Foreign Direct Investment In Rwanda Between 2008-2012: A Case Of Kigali City.

ABSTRACT This study determined the relationship between tax policy and foreign direct investment in Kigali City, Rwanda. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, three research objectives were formulated and these included: To determine effectiveness of tax policy in Rwanda; to determine the level of foreign direct investment in Kigali; and to establish whether there was a significant relationship between tax policy and foreign direct investment in Kigali city, Rwanda. The research ...

An Evaluation Of Thefactors Affecting Value Added Tax (Vat) Revenue Collections In Tanzania. A Case Study Of Tanzania Revenue Authority (Tra) Mwanza.

ABSTRACT he study focused on the evaluation of the factors affecting the Value Added Tax revenue llection v~ith the view of assessing the levels of taxpayers’ knowledge, the level of tax evasion ~d compliance since it was introduced. Moreover, the study investigated the effectiveness of the LX administration in addressing the problem with particular reference to how effective is the ~xpayers registration system. effectiveness of VAT return filing and tax education services. he study reveale...

Impact Of Privatizations On Service Delivery In Privatize) Companies In Uganda A Case Study Of Lira Municipality

ABSTRACT  The study was aimed at examining the perceived effects of privatization on service delivery in Lira Municipality. The objectives of the study were; to establish the effects of privatization on service delivery in Lira Municipality, to identify the challenges faced by privatization on service delivery and to assess the solution to the challenges facing decentralization on service delivery in Lira Municipality. The researcher used an explanatory type of research where the major aim w...

Agriculture And Economic Growth In Somalia (1.999-201.1)

The study focused on Agriculture and economic growth in Somalia (1991-2011) Its objectives were; to establish the trend of Agriculture in Somalia (1999-2011, to establish the trend of Economic growth of Somalia (1999-2011), to investigate the effect Agriculture on Economic growth in Somalia (1999-2011). The hypothesis of the study was there is no significant relationship between Agriculture and economic growth in Somalia time series analysis such as Correlation analysis, regression analysis m...

Micro-Credit Service Provisions And Urban Women’s Economic Well Being A Case Study Of Makindye Division Kampala District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between microcredit services and economic wellbeing of isoinen in Makindye l)ivision. the study was guided by three objectives: (1) finding out the level of microcredit sen ices. (2) finding out the level of economic wellbeing and (3) finding out the relationship between microcredit services and economic wellbeing of women in Makindye Division. The stud> involved quantitative approach specifically the descriptive cor...

Analysis Of Economic Performance In War, Post War And After War. A Case Study Of Southern Sudan

ABSTRACT The economtc decline and consequential impacts of war in a ravaged Southern Sudan demonstrated in two decades the extend of total economic meltdown. In particular, a great look into a diverse information classification as well as ideal concepts of underscoring inflation that persistently blocked the growth of the economy brought about a classic understanding of war versus the economy. The overall major developmental strategies 111 the years preceding the war and other resultant inte...

Inflation And Unemployment In Uganda (1990 — 2015)

ABSTRACT This research based on examining the relationship between inflation and unemployment rates in Uganda from 1990 -2013 which was guided by three objectives that were establishing the level of inflation rate in Uganda, determination of unemployment rate in Uganda and investigating the relationship between inflation unemployment rates in Uganda between 1990-2013. The study based on quantitative research approach employing the correlation and regression designs. The findings indicate...

391 - 405 Of 1535 Results