Economics Research Papers/Topics

Cooperatives and Agricultural Development in Elgon Region: A Case Study of Bugisu Cooperatives Union (BCU)

ABSTRACT This report presents the role of BCU towards agricultural development in the Elgon region. The study was based on three specific objectives; to establish the contribution of cooperative unions towards Agricultural development in region. Determine the challenges faced by cooperative unions in Elgon region. Suggest measures to the challenges faced by cooperative unions in Elgon region. It was based on a descriptive case study design basing on the use of qualitative and quantitative ap...

The Relationship Between Agricultural Inputs/Extension Services and Household Crop Production in Uganda (1990-2017)

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to ascertain the nature of the relationship between agricultural inputs/extension services and house hold crop production in Uganda. In doing so, the study sought to unravel the short-run and long-run dynamics between the variables. The study reviewed both theoretical and empirical aspects of relationship between the variables. The study found out co integration between agricultural inputs/extension services and house hold crop production. The exis...

Food Production, Arable Land Size and Population Growth in Uganda from 1990 To 2010

ABSTRACT This study set out to investigate the relationship between food production, arable land and population growth. The objectives of this study were; to examine the relationship between Food Production, Arable Land Size and population growth in Uganda, determine the level of food production in Uganda from 1990 to 2010, and determine the level of arable land size in Uganda from 1990 to 2010, and the level of population growth in Uganda from 1990 to 2010. The study employed a cross-sectio...

Urban Agriculture and Household Welfare: An Analysis of Ghana’s Recent Experience

ABSTRACT In recent times, urban agriculture, which is the practice of growing crops and rearing animals in and around urban centers has gained much prominence especially in developing countries. This may be attributed to the rapid population increase in most urban centers resulting in high unemployment with its attendant negative effects particularly on household welfare. This study provides evidence on the impacts of urban agriculture on household welfare in Ghana. The study also examines t...

An Analysis of Foreign Exchange Reserve Trend, Adequacy and Their Relationship with Selected Macroeconomic Variables in Nigeria: 1980-2014

ABSTRACT Due to the increasing uncertainty as a result of globalisation, economies of developed and developing nations maintained adequate level of foreign exchange reserve to protect and achieve general stability in an economy. Nigeria has witnessed an intermittent rise and fall in the level of its foreign exchange reserve without proportional effects in some key macroeconomic variables. Instead, persistent problems like exchange rate volatility, and general macroeconomic instability contin...

Domestic Debt and Economic Growth of Nigeria (1980 – 2014)

Abstract The impact of different types of domestic debt on economic growth of Nigeria was studied using multiple regression technique. Outcome of the study indicates that in the short run, FGN Bond proved to have a positive significant relationship with economic growth, while Development stock maintained a significant negative relationship. In the long run; Treasury Bills and the lagged value of GDP (in the second year), taken as independent variables were found to be positively significant. ...

Exchange Rate Determination and The Nigerian Economy

ABSTRACT This research work is an empirical attempt to examine determinants of exchange rate in Nigeria with annual data from 1980 to 2016. The main type of data used in this study is secondary sourced from central bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin. For this purpose, annual figures of interest rate, inflation rate, balance of payments and gross domestic product were regressed on exchange rate in a framework of multiple regression models; ordinary least square technique at estimation were e...

Impact of Public Spending On Poverty in Nigeria

ABSTRACT This research was carried out in other to find out the impact of public spending on Poverty in Nigeria. Annual data on Government Capital Expenditure, Government Recurrent Expenditure, Gross Fixed Capital Formation and Poverty were collected from the National Bureau of Statistics, Nigeria and the Central Bank of Nigeria covering the period of 1981-2015. The results indicated that Government Recurrent Expenditure did not significantly impact poverty in Nigeria while Government Capit...

The Dynamics of Public Debt, Inflation and Exchange Rate in Ghana: A Vector Autoregressive Analysis

ABSTRACT The rising trend in Ghana’s public debt has sparked some controversies about the relationship and the direction of causality between the public debt and two of its determinants ― inflation and the exchange rate. While some argue that public debt affects the exchange rate and inflation, others are of the view that inflation and exchange rate rather affect the public debt. This study therefore investigates the relationship and the direction of causality between the public debt, in...

The Effects of Agoa and Eu-Acp Trade Preferences On Ghana’s Bilateral Exports: A Comparative Study

ABSTRACT Ghana has been a recipient of several trade preferences fashioned to increase its export earnings and diversify its exports. Among these trade preferences are the notable EUACP and AGOA adopted by the EU and US respectively. The study draws motivation from the relative sparcity of literature that seeks to investigate the effect of these preferences on individual developing countries and the inconclusiveness of existing studies. The main objective of the study is to find out if the E...

Estimating The Cost of Emissions at Toll Booths: Case Study of Tema and Frafraha Toll Booths in The Greater Accra Region of Ghana.

ABSTRACT Global demand for easy mobility is increasing and the environmental impact of transport has become an important concern in transportation network planning and decision-making. As a result suitable methods are required to assess fuel consumption and emissions reduction strategies that seek to improve energy efficiency and decarbonisation. This thesis looks at the contribution of toll plazas to transport CO2 emissions as it is at these specific locations that bottlenecks and congestio...

Capital Intensive Technology And Output Case Study Of Katon Manufacturers Limited,

ABSTRACT This study was aimed at examining the relationship between capital intensive technology and output in Katon Manufacturers Limited, Nalukolongo kampala. The objectives of the study were to; assess the relevance of capital intensive technology on output in KML, the challenges hindering the effective use of capital intensive towards output in KML and to the possible ways of improving effective use of capital intensive technology towards output in KML. The study was carried out using bot...

Small Business Enterprises And Creation Of Employment In Uganda A Case Study Of Owino Market In Kampala

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION DEDICATION ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF ACRONYMS ix ABSTRACT x CHAPTER ONES 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Background 1 1.1 Statement of the Problem 3 1 .2Objective of the study 3 1.3 Specific objectives 3 1 .4Research questions 3 1.5Hypothesis 4 1.6Scope of the study 4 1.6.1 Content Scope 4 1.6.2 Time scope 4 1.6.3 Geographical Scope 4 1.7Significance of the Study 4 CHAPTER TWO 6 LITERATURE REViEW 6 2.0 Introduction 6 2.1 Definition and nature of smal...


ABSTRACTThe study examines the causal relationship between financial development and economic growth in Nigeria for the period 1960 to 2008 using dynamic time series model. Granger causality is tested within multivariate co integration and vector error correction model (VECM) framework. Four different measures of financial development are used to capture the different channels through which finance can affect growth. The empirical findings provide evidence that there is a stable positive long...

Impact of Misery Index on Economic Growth in Nigeria (2018)

ABSTRACT The study investigated the impact of the misery index on economic growth of Nigeria for the time period 1980-2017. Apart from Yadollah and Rouhollah which studied the impact of economic growth and good governance on the misery index in Iran, other studies have concentrated on the relationship of the index with crime, lottery games, inequality and human capital outflows. This research work therefore departs from the views of other researcher and studied the impact of the misery index...

346 - 360 Of 1535 Results